2 dimensional array of managed object c++ - oop

I am attempting to create a grid of hexagons on a windows form.
To do this i have created a 'hexagon' class with the header file as follows:
ref class Hexagon
Hexagon(int X, int Y, int I, int J);
array<Point>^ vertices;
Point Centre;
int i, j;
int GetX();
int GetY();
void SetCentre(int X, int Y);
void CalculateVertices();
array<Point>^ GetVertices();
void drawHexagon();
i then want to have a 2 dimensional array storing these hexagons. my attempt at doing this is as follows:
array<Hexagon^,2>^ Grid
but i get the 'a variable with static storage duration cannot have a handle or tracking reference type'
how do i create a 2d array to add hexagons to?

A ref class declares a class which is managed by the garbage collector. One strong restriction that the C++/CLI compiler applies to such declarations is that such class cannot contain non-managed objects. That very often turns out poorly when the object is moved when the heap is compacted, invalidating unmanaged pointers to such non-managed objects.
The likely trouble-maker is the Point type, there are no other candidates. A sample declaration for a managed Point type that doesn't have this problem is:
public value struct Point {
int x, y;
Or use the baked-in System::Drawing::Point type instead.


What is 'Access specifier' in Object Oriented Programming

What is 'Access specifier' in Object oriented programming ?
I have searched for it's definition several times but not get the satisfactory answer.
Can anyone please explain it to me with realistic example ?....
Thanks in advance
What are they?
This wikipedia article pretty much sums it up. But Let's elaborate on a few main points. It starts out saying:
Access modifiers (or access specifiers) are keywords in object-oriented languages that set the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members. Access modifiers are a specific part of programming language syntax used to facilitate the encapsulation of components.1
So an Access Specifier aka Access Modifier takes certain class, method, or variable and decides what other classes are allowed to use them. The most common Access Specifiers are Public, Protected, and Private. What these mean can vary depending on what language you are in, but I'm going to use C++ as an example since that's what the article uses.
Accessor Method | Who Can Call It
Private | Only the class who created it
Protected | The class who created it and derived classes that "inherit" from this class
Public | Everyone can call it
Why is this important?
A big part of OOP programming is Encapsulation. Access Specifiers allow Encapsulation. Encapsulation lets you choose and pick what classes get access to which parts of the program and a tool to help you modularize your program and separate out the functionality. Encapsulation can make debugging a lot easier. If a variable is returning an unexpected value and you know the variable is private, then you know that only the class that created it is affecting the values, so the issue is internal. Also, it stops other programmers from accidentally changing a variable that can unintentionally disrupt the whole class.
Simple Example
Looking at the example code from the article we see Struct B i added the public in there for clarity:
struct B { // default access modifier inside struct is public
void set_n(int v) { n = v; }
void f() { cout << "B::f" << endl; }
int m, n; // B::m, B::n are protected
int x;
This is what would happen if you created an inherited struct C that would try and use members from struct B
//struct C is going to inherit from struct B
struct C :: B {
void set_m(int v) {m = v} // m is protected, but since C inherits from B
// it is allowed to access m.
void set_x(int v) (x = v) // Error X is a private member of B and
// therefore C can't change it.
This is what would happen if my main program where to try and access these members.
int main(){
//Create Struct
B structB;
C structC;
structB.set_n(0); // Good Since set_n is public
structB.f(); // Good Since f() is public
structB.m = 0; // Error because m is a protected member of Struct B
// and the main program does not "inherit" from struct B"
structB.x = 0; // Error because x is a private member of Struct B
structC.set_n() // Inheritied public function from C, Still Good
structC.set_m() // Still Good
structC.m = 0 // Error Main class can't access m because it's protected.
structC.x = 0; // Error still private.
return 0;
I could add another example using inheritance. Let me know if you need additional explanation.

Swift converts C's uint64_t different than it uses its own UInt64 type

I am in the process of porting an application from (Objective-)C to Swift but have to use a third-party framework written in C. There are a couple of incompatibilities like typedefs that are interpreted as Int but have to be passed to the framework's functions as UInts or the like. So to avoid constant casting operations throughout the entire Swift application I decided to transfer the C header files to Swift, having all types as I I need them to be in one place.
I was able to transfer nearly everything and have overcome a lot of hurdles, but this one:
The C header defines a struct which contains a uint64_t variable among others. This struct is used to transfer data to a callback function as a pointer. The callback function takes a void pointer as argument and I have to cast it with the UnsafeMutablePointer operation to the type of the struct (or another struct of the header if appropriate). All the casting and memory-accessing works fine as long as I use the original struct from the C header that was automatically transformed by Swift on import.
Replicating the struct manually in Swift does not "byte-fit" however.
Let me show you a reduced example of this situation:
Inside the CApiHeader.h file there is something like
typedef struct{
uint32_t var01;
uint64_t var02;
uint8_t arr[2];
}MyStruct, *MyStructPtr;
From my understanding this here should be the Swift equivalent
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
var02: UInt64
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
Or what should also work is this tuple notation
typealias MyStruct = (
var01: UInt32,
var02: UInt64,
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
This works normally, but not as soon as there is an UInt64 type.
Okay, so what happens?
Casting the pointer to one of my own Swift MyStruct implementations the hole data is shifted by 2 bytes, starting at the UInt64 field. So in this example the both arr fields are not at the correct position, but inside the UInt64 bits, that should be 64 in number. So it seams that the UInt64 field has only 48 bits.
This accords to my observation that if I replace the UIn64 variable with this alternative
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
reserved: UInt16
var02: UInt32
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
or this one
struct MyStruct{
var01: UInt32
var02: (UInt32, UInt32)
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
(or the equivalent tuple notation) it aligns the arr fields correctly.
But as you can easily guess var02 contains not directly usable data, because it is split over multiple address ranges. It is even worse with the first alternative, because it seams that Swift fills up the gap between the reserved field and the var02 field with 16 bits - the missing / shifted 2 bytes I mentioned above - but these are not easily accessible.
So I haven't figured out any equivalent transformation of the C struct in Swift.
What happens here exactly and how does Swift transforms the struct from the C header actually?
Do you guys have a hint or an explanation or even a solution for me, please?
The C framework has an API function with this signature:
int16_t setHandlers(MessageHandlerProc messageHandler);
MessageHandlerProc is procedure type:
typedef void (*messageHandlerProc)(unsigned int id, unsigned int messageType, void *messageArgument);
So setHandlers is a C procedure inside the framework that gets a pointer to a callback function. This callback function has to provide an argument of a void Pointer, that gets casted to e.g.
typedef struct {
uint16_t revision;
uint16_t client;
uint16_t cmd;
int16_t parameter;
int32_t value;
uint64_t time;
uint8_t stats[8];
uint16_t compoundValueOld;
int16_t axis[6];
uint16_t address;
uint32_t compoundValueNew;
} DeviceState, *DeviceStatePtr;
Swift is smart enough to import the messageHandlerProc with the convention(c) syntax, so the procedure type is directly available. On the other hand it is not possible use the standard func syntax and bitcast my messageHandler callback function to this type. So I used the closure syntax to define the callback function:
let myMessageHandler : MessageHandlerProc = { (deviceID : UInt32, msgType : UInt32, var msgArgPtr : UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void in
I converted the above mentioned structure into the different structures of my original post.
And No! Defining stats as Swift Array does not work. An Array in Swift in not equivalent to an Array in C, because Swift's Array is a extended type. Writing to and reading from it with a pointer causes an exception
Only Tuples are natively implemented in Swift and you can run back and forth with pointers over it.
Okay... this works all fine and my callback function gets called whenever data is available.
So inside myMessageHandler I want to use the stored Data inside msgArgPtr which is a void pointer and thus has to be cast into DeviceState.
let state = (UnsafeMutablePointer<MyDeviceState>(msgArgPtr)).memory
Accessing state it like:
Whenever I use the automatically generated Swift pendant of DeviceState it all works nicely. The time variable has the Unix Time Stamp and the following stats (accessible with tuple syntax!!!) are all where they belong.
Using my manually implemented struct however results in a completely senseless time stamp value and the stats fields are shifted to the left (towards the time field - that's probably why the time stamp value is useless, because it contains bits from the stats "array"). So in the last two fields of stats I get values from compoundValueOld and the first axis field - with all the overflowing of course.
As long as I am willing to sacrifice the time value and change the UInt64 variable by either a tuple of two UInt32 types or by changing it to a UInt32 type and adding a auxiliary variable of the type UInt16 right before time, I receive a stats "array" with correct alignment.
Have a nice day! :-)
This is an update to my earlier answer after reading your updated question and experimenting some more. I believe the problem is an alignment discrepancy between the imported C structure and the one you manually implemented in Swift. The problem can be solved by using a C helper function to get an instance of the C struct from void pointer as was suggested yesterday, which can then be converted to the manually implemented Swift struct.
I've been able to reproduce the problem after creating an abbreviated mock-up of your DeviceState structure that looks like
typedef struct
uint16_t revision;
uint16_t client;
uint16_t cmd;
int16_t parameter;
int32_t value;
uint64_t time;
uint8_t stats[8];
uint16_t compoundValueOld;
} APIStruct;
The corresponding hand-crafted Swift native structure is:
struct MyStruct
init( _apis : APIStruct)
revision = _apis.revision
client = _apis.client
cmd = _apis.cmd
parameter = _apis.parameter
value = _apis.value
time = _apis.time
stats = _apis.stats
compoundValueOld = _apis.compoundValueOld
var revision : UInt16
var client : UInt16
var cmd : UInt16
var parameter : Int16
var value : Int32
var time : UInt64
var stats : (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8);
var compoundValueOld : UInt16
The C framework you are working with could have been compiled using a different struct packing, resulting in a non-matching alignment. I used
#pragma pack(2)
in my C code to break the bit-matching between the Swift's native and imported C struct.
If I do something like
func swiftCallBackVoid( p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> )
let _locMS:MyStruct = (UnsafeMutablePointer<MyStruct>(p)).memory
the data in _locMS is different from what was placed there by C code. This problem only occurs if I change struct packing using a pragma in my C code; the above unsafe conversion works fine if the default alignment is used. One can solve this problem as follows:
let _locMS:MyStruct = MyStruct(_apis: (UnsafeMutablePointer<APIStruct>(p)).memory)
BTW, the way Swift imports the C struct, the array members become tuples; this can be seen from the fact that tuple notation has to be used to access them in Swift.
I have a sample Xcode project illustrating all this that I've placed on github:
Obviously, the approach of using a helper C function to get APIStruct from a void pointer and then converting the APIStruct to MyStruct may or may not be an option, depending on how the structures are used, how large they are, and on the performance requirements of the application. As you can tell, this approach involves some copying of the structure. Other approaches, I think, include writing a C-layer between Swift code and the 3rd party C framework, studying the memory layout of the C structure and accessing it in creative ways (may break easily), using the imported C struct more extensively in your Swift code, etc...
Here is a way to share data between C and Swift code without unnecessary copying and with changes made in Swift visible to C code. With the following approach, however, it's imperative to be aware of object lifetime and other memory management issues. One can create a class as follows:
// This typealias isn't really necessary, just a convenience
typealias APIStructPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<APIStruct>
struct MyStructUnsafe
init( _p : APIStructPtr )
pAPIStruct = _p
var time: UInt64 {
get {
return pAPIStruct.memory.time
set( newVal ) {
pAPIStruct.memory.time = newVal
var pAPIStruct: APIStructPtr
Then we can use this structure as follows:
func swiftCallBackVoid( p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> )
var _myUnsafe : MyStructUnsafe = MyStructUnsafe(_p: APIStructPtr(p))
_myUnsafe.time = 9876543210 // this change is visible in C code!
Your two definitions are not equivalent. An array is not the same as a tuple. Your C struct gives 24 bytes (see this question as to why). The size in Swift differs depend on how you implement it:
struct MyStruct1 {
var var01: UInt32
var var02: UInt64
var arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
typealias MyStruct2 = (
var01: UInt32,
var02: UInt64,
arr: (UInt8, UInt8)
struct MyStruct3 {
var var01: UInt32
var var02: UInt64
var arr: [UInt8] = [0,0]
print(sizeof(MyStruct1)) // 18
print(sizeof(MyStruct2)) // 18
print(sizeof(MyStruct3)) // 24, match C's

Having trouble accessing variable

I want to find the address of one of the structure's data members, but I'm having trouble accessing its variables. Is there of a solution that donesn't require me to change the struct in any way?
h file
class C
int x;
char b;
cpp file.
char *p2 = new char[128];
Test_C *r2 = new(p2) Test_C[3];
//inside for loop
printf("Address: 0x%x, Value of b: %x \n",&r2[i]->b, r[i].r=0x50);
I'm getting the error at &r2[i]->b;
Also some code review would be nice :) I'm planing on outputting values of the C struct with padding
It seems you have posted a C++ class and not a C struct.
From here:
private members of a class are accessible only from within other
members of the same class or from their friends.
So, to answer your question, you cannot access those private members from outside the class without modifying the class itself (to include public accessors, for instance).

C++/CLI: how to overload an operator to accept reference types?

I am trying to create a CLI value class c_Location with overloaded operators, but I think I have an issue with boxing. I have implemented the operator overloading as seen in many manuals, so I'm sure this must be right.
This is my code:
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location& operator+= (const c_Location& i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
c_Location operator+ (const c_Location& i_locValue)
c_Location locValue(x, y, z);
return locValue += i_locValue;
int main()
array<c_Location,1>^ alocData = gcnew array<c_Location,1>(2);
c_Location locValue, locValue1, locValue2;
locValue = locValue1 + locValue2;
locValue = alocData[0] + alocData[1]; // Error C2679 Binary '+': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'c_Location'
After searching for a longer time, I found that the error comes from the operand being a reference type, as it is an array element of a value type, and the function accepting only value types as it takes an unmanaged reference. I now have 2 possibiblities:
adding a unboxing cast to c_Location and so changing the faulty line in main() to
locValue = alocData[0] + (c_Location)alocData[1];
modifying the operator+ overloading so that it takes the parameter by value instead of by reference:
c_Location operator+ (const c_Location i_locValue)
both options work, but as far as I can see, they both have disadvantages:
opt 1 means that I have to explicitly cast wherever needed.
opt 2 means that the function will create a copy of the parameter on its call and therefore waste performance (not much though).
My questions: Is my failure analysis correct at all or does the failure have another reason?
Is there a better third alternative?
If not: which option, 1 or 2, is the better one? I currently prefer #2.
The rules are rather different from native C++:
the CLI demands that operator overloads are static members of the class
you can use the const keyword in C++/CLI but you get no mileage from it, the CLI does not support enforcing const-ness and there are next to no other .NET languages that support it either.
passing values of a value type ought to be done by value, that's the point of having value types in .NET in the first place. Using a & reference is very troublesome, that's a native pointer at runtime which the garbage collector cannot adjust. You'll get a compile error if you try to use your operator overload on a c_Location that's embedded in a managed class. If you want to avoid value copy semantics then you should declare a ref class instead. The hat^ in your code.
any interop type you create in C++/CLI should be declared public so it is usable from other assemblies and .NET languages. It isn't entirely clear if that's your intention, it is normally the reason you write C++/CLI code.
You could make your value class look like this instead:
public value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
static c_Location operator+= (c_Location me, c_Location rhs)
me.x += rhs.x;
me.y += rhs.y;
me.z += rhs.z;
return me;
static c_Location operator+ (c_Location me, c_Location rhs)
return c_Location(me.x + rhs.x, me.y + rhs.y, me.z + rhs.z);
Untested, ought to be close. You'll now see that your code in main() compiles without trouble.
TL;DR version:
For managed code, use % for a pass by reference parameter, not &
You diagnosis is not completely correct. Boxing has nothing to do with your problem. But reference types do, in a way.
You were really close when you said that "I found that the error comes from the operand being a reference type". Well, the operand is a value type not a reference type. But the error occurs when the operand is stored inside a reference type, because then it's inside the garbage-collected heap (where all instances of reference types are placed). This goes for arrays as well as your own objects which contain a member of value type.
The danger is that when the garbage collector runs, it can move items around on the gc heap. And this breaks native pointers (*) and references (&), because they store the address and expect it to stay the same forever. To handle this problem, C++/CLI provides tracking pointers (^) and tracking references (%) which work together with the garbage collector to do two things:
make sure the enclosing object isn't freed while you're using it
find the new address if the garbage collector moves the enclosing object
For use from C++/CLI, you can make operator+ a non-member, just like normal C++.
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location% operator+= (const c_Location% i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
c_Location operator+ (c_Location left, const c_Location% right)
return left += right;
The drawback is that C# won't use non-members, for compatibility with C#, write it like a non-member operator (with two explicit operands) but make it a public static member.
value class c_Location
double x, y, z;
c_Location (double i_x, double i_y, double i_z) : x(i_x), y(i_y), z(i_z) {}
c_Location% operator+= (const c_Location% i_locValue)
x += i_locValue.x;
y += i_locValue.y;
z += i_locValue.z;
return *this;
static c_Location operator+ (c_Location left, const c_Location% right)
return left += right;
There's no reason to worry about this for operator+= since C# doesn't recognize that anyway, it will use operator+ and assign the result back to the original object.
For primitive types like double or int, you may find that you need to use % also, but only if you need a reference to an instance of that primitive type is stored inside a managed object:
double d;
array<double>^ a = gcnew darray<double>(5);
double& native_ref = d; // ok, d is stored on stack and cannot move
double& native_ref2 = a[0]; // error, a[0] is in the managed heap, you MUST coordinate with the garbage collector
double% tracking_ref = d; // ok, tracking references with with variables that don't move, too
double% tracking_ref2 = a[0]; // ok, now you and the garbage collector are working together

Should C++/CLI data members be handles or values?

I'm new to C++/CLI and I'm wondering what is "best practice" regarding managed type data members. Declaring as handle:
public ref class A {
A() : myList(gcnew List<int>()) {}
List<int>^ myList;
or as a value:
public ref class B {
List<int> myList;
Can't seem to find definitive advice on this.
When writing managed C++ code, I'm in favor of following the conventions used by the other managed languages. Therefore, I'd go with handles for class-level data members, and only use values (stack semantics) where you'd use a using statement in C#.
If your class member is a value, then replacing the object entirely means that the object would need a copy constructor defined, and not many .NET classes do. Also, if you want to pass the object to another method, you'll need to use the % operator to convert from List<int> to List<int>^. (Not a big deal to type %, but easy to forget, and the compiler error just says it can't convert List<int> to List<int>^.)
//Example of the `%` operator
void CSharpMethodThatDoesSomethingWithAList(List<int>^ list) { }
List<int> valueList;
List<int>^ handleList = gcnew List<int>();
It all depends on the lifetime. When you have a private member which lives exactly as long as the owning class, the second form is preferable.
Personally, I would use the second form. I say this because I use frameworks that are written by other teams of people, and they use this form.
I believe this is because it is cleaner, uses less space, and is easier for the non-author to read. I try to keep in mind that the most concise code, while still being readable by someone with minimal knowledge of the project is best.
Also, I have not encountered any problems with the latter example in terms of readability across header files, methods, classes, or data files ...etc
Though I'm FAR from an expert in the matter, that is what I prefer. Makes more sense to me.
class AlgoCompSelector : public TSelector {
public :
AlgoCompSelector( TTree *tree = 0 );
virtual ~AlgoCompSelector(){ /* */ };
virtual void Init(TTree *tree);
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree);
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry);
virtual void Terminate();
virtual Int_t Version() const { return 1; }
void setAlgo( Int_t idx, const Char_t *name, TTree* part2, TTree* part3 );
void setPTthres( Float_t val );
void setEthres( Float_t val );
std::string mAlgoName[2]; // use this for the axis labels and/or legend labels.
TTree *mPart1;
TTree *mPart2[2], *mPart3[2]; // pointers to TTrees of the various parts
TBranch *mPhotonBranch[2]; // Used branches
TClonesArray *mPhotonArray[2]; // To point to the array in the tree
for example