return of a local variable by ref works - variables

Take a look at this C++ code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class B{
int& f() {
int local_n = 447;
return local_n ;
} // local_n gets out of scope here
int main()
B b;
int n = b.f(); // and now n = 447
I don't understand why n = 447 at the end of main, because I tried to return a reference to a local_n, when it should be NULL;

Returning a reference to a local variable invokes undefined behavior - meaning you might get lucky and it might work... sometimes... or it might format your hard drive or summon nasal demons. In this case, the compiler generated code that managed to copy the old value off the stack before it got overwritten with something else. Oh, and references do not have a corresponding NULL value...
Edit - here's an example where returning a reference is a bad thing. In your example above, since you copy the value out of the reference immediately before calling anything else, it's quite possible (but far from guaranteed) that it might work most of the time. However, if you bind another reference to the returned reference, things won't look so good:
extern void call_some_other_functions();
extern void lucky();
extern void oops();
int& foo()
{ int bar = 0;
return bar;
{ int& x = foo();
x = 5;
if (x == 5)


Static Parameter Function Specialization in D

I've read somewhere that D supports specialization of functions to calls where arguments are compile-time constants. Typical use of this is in matrix power functions (if exponent is 2 x*x is often faster than the general case).
I want this in my member function
bool opIndexAssign(bool b, size_t i) #trusted pure nothrow in {
assert(i < len); // TODO: Add static assert(i < len) when i is constant
} body {
b ? bts(ptr, i) : btr(ptr, i);
return b;
of a statically sized BitSet struct I'm writing. This in order to, when possible, get compile-time bounds checking on the index variable i. I thought
bool opIndexAssign(bool b, const size_t i) #trusted pure nothrow in {
static assert(i < len);
} body {
b ? bts(ptr, i) : btr(ptr, i);
return b;
would suffice but then DMD complains as follows
dmd -debug -gc -gs -unittest -D -Dd/home/per/.emacs.d/auto-builds/dmd/Debug-Boundscheck-Unittest/home/per/Work/justd/ -w -main ~/Work/justd/bitset.d /home/per/Work/justd/assert_ex.d -of/home/per/.emacs.d/auto-builds/dmd/Debug-Boundscheck-Unittest/home/per/Work/justd/bitset
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(58): Error: bitset.BitSet!2.BitSet.opIndexAssign called with argument types (bool, int) matches both:
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(49): opIndexAssign(bool b, ulong i)
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(65): opIndexAssign(bool b, const(ulong) i)
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(66): Error: variable i cannot be read at compile time
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(66): while evaluating: static assert(i < 2LU)
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(58): Error: bitset.BitSet!2.BitSet.opIndexAssign called with argument types (bool, int) matches both:
/home/per/Work/justd/bitset.d(49): opIndexAssign(bool b, ulong i)
Do I have to make parameter i a template parameter, say using type U, and then use static if someTypeTrait!U. I tried this but isMutable!Index always evaluates to true.
import std.traits: isIntegral;
bool opIndexAssign(Index)(bool b, Index i) #trusted pure nothrow if (isIntegral!Index) in {
import std.traits: isMutable;
// See also:
static if (isMutable!Index) {
assert(i < len);
} else {
import std.conv: to;
static assert(i < len,
"Index " ~ to!string(i) ~ " must be smaller than BitSet length " ~ to!string(len));
} body {
b ? bts(ptr, i) : btr(ptr, i);
return b;
What you're trying to do doesn't really work. You can do a template value parameter:
void foo(int i)() { /* use i at compile time */ }
but then you can't pass a runtime value to it, and it has different call syntax: foo!2 vs foo(2).
The closest you can get is is CTFE:
int foo(int i) { return i; }
enum something = foo(2); // works, evaluated at compile time
int s = foo(2); // also works, but runs at runtime.
Inside the function, there is a magic if(__ctfe) { running at compile time } else { at runtime}, but again, this isn't if there's a literal, it is if the function is run in a CT context, e.g., assigning the result to an enum constant.
But, otherwise, an int literal is still a mutable int as far as the function is concerned. So what you're specifically trying to do won't work in D as it is right now. (There's been some talk about wanting a way to tell if it is a literal, but as far as I know, there's no plan to actually do it.)

Why can't you assign and call a block at the same time?

The following code compiles:
And this compiles:
void (^x)();
(x = ^{})();
But this doesn't:
(void (^x)() = ^{})();
The error I get is Expected ')'. Is this a bug with llvm or something? It's totally holding me back from pretending Objective-C is JavaScript.
This wouldn't make sense in a C-like language. To see why, let's build the statement from the ground up.
First, we'll use your working declaration for x:
void (^x)();
Now let's initialize it in the same statement:
void (^x)() = ^{};
So far so good - x has been initialized with the correct block. So let's invoke x now. But where will the () go? Naturally, we need to place the () immediately after a block-valued expression. However, in C, declarations are statements, not expressions so
(void (^x)() = ^{})();
doesn't make sense. The only place the () can go is after the ^{}:
void (^x)() = ^{}();
But ^{}() has type void, not type void (^)().
To sum up: you can't declare a block variable and invoke it at the same time. you'll have to either declare and initialize the variable, and then call it
void (^x)() = ^{};
or declare it and then assign and call it
void (^x)();
(x = ^{})();
or just separate all three:
void (^x)();
x = ^{};
As a concluding thought, let's say it was desirable to declare and invoke blocks at the same time. If we decided to allow code like (void (^x)() = ^{})();, then for the sake of consistency, we would have to also allow code such as ++(void x = 4); or (void x = 1) + (void y = 2);. I hope you'll agree that these just look strange in C.
As an analogy, consider:
This compiles:
if (42) { }
And this compiles:
int x;
if (x = 42) { }
But this doesn't:
if (int x = 42) { }

error C3698: 'CreerLevel::Mur ^' : impossible d'utiliser ce type comme argument de 'nouveau'

i have create one class and i need to use it with vector.
ref class Mur
int debutX, debutY;
int finX, finY;
Mur (){}
Mur(int debutX, int debutY) {
this->debutX = debutX;
this->debutY = debutY;
finX = 0;
finY = 0;
int getX() { return debutX; }
int getY() { return debutY; }
bool estFinit() {
return (finX==0);
void finir(int x, int y){
finX = x;
finY = y;
When i try to use it
std::vector<Mur^> vMurs;
vMurs.push_back(gcnew Mur(i,j));
Error come in file "xmemory" at line 52 but i don't know this file xD
The compiler is objecting because you're trying to store a managed object in an unmanaged class. That cannot work, the garbage collector needs to be able to find object references so it can properly collect garbage. And since it cannot find unmanaged objects, it cannot find the managed reference either.
I'd strongly advice to not use STL/CLR, it combines all the disadvantages of STL with those of the CLR. If you really, really want to use vector<> then gcroot<> can solve the problem. However, using System::Collections::Generic::List<> is by far the best solution.
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
List<Mur^>^ vMurs = gcnew List<Mur^>;
vMurs->Add(gcnew Mur(i, j));
I agree with Alexandre C. If you want to use a vector, you could use the STL/CLR ( vector.
Try using
std::vector<gcroot<Mur ^> > vMurs;
vMurs.push_back(gcnew Mur(i,j));

AccessViolation, when calling C++-DLL from C++/CLI

I've written a C++/CLI wrapper for a C++-DLL to use this DLL in a C# programm.
However, when I call a function, which takes a char* I get a AccessViolation
int Wrapper::Net_methodX(int a, String^ key, long v)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(key);
pin_ptr<char> cKey = static_cast<char*>(ptr.ToPointer());
int val = methodX(a,cKey, v); // AccessViolation here
return val;
The signature of the C++-function is
int methodX(int a, char *Key, long v);
Just to "pin" like the following didn't work either:
int Wrapper::Net_methodX(int a, String^ key, long v)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(key);
char* cKey = static_cast<char*>(ptr.ToPointer());
pin_ptr<char> pinned = cKey;
int val = methodX(a,cKey, v);
return val;
I tried also PtrToStringChars the following way (Thanks Matt, found also some doc here):
int Wrapper::Net_methodX(int a, String^ key, long v)
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> wkey = PtrToStringChars(key);
size_t convertedChars = 0;
size_t sizeInBytes = ((key->Length + 1) * 2);
errno_t err = 0;
char * ckey = (char * ) malloc(sizeInBytes);
err = wcstombs_s(&convertedChars, ckey, sizeInBytes, wkey, sizeInBytes);
int val = methodX(A_Symbol_Table,ckey, Value);
return val;
AccessViolation still occurs, maybe it's an error in methodX() (which is a Third-party-DLL).
I have read some related questions here, but did not find a solution yet.
Any hints?
Thank you.
I know this is an old question, but for anyone who stumble upon this question looking for an answer, here are some simpler solutions.
Simply use sprintf to do the conversion like this: sprintf(cStr, "%s", clrString);. See my answer to this question for a complete example.
Read KB311259 as suggested by Matt Smith. If you are using VS 2008 or higher, use marshal_as<> (Method #4 in the KB). It's much simpler than the other methods in that document.
I tried out your example and I do not get an Access Violation. Here's my code:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
ref class Wrapper
static int Net_methodX(int a, String^ key, long v);
int methodX(int a, char * pKey, long v)
IntPtr ptr = static_cast<IntPtr>(pKey);
String ^ pString = Marshal::PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);
return a;
int Wrapper::Net_methodX(int a, String^ pKey, long v)
IntPtr ptr = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(pKey);
pin_ptr<char> cKey = static_cast<char*>(ptr.ToPointer());
int val = methodX(a,cKey, v); // AccessViolation here
return val;
void main()
Wrapper wrapper;
String ^ p = gcnew String("Hello");
wrapper.Net_methodX(0, p, 0);
Also, I have a few comments:
Read here:
You are using a pin_ptr to native memory. The StringToHGlobalAnsi method returns native memory, so I don't think using a pin_ptr makes sense here. A pin_ptr would make sense if you were using a method that gives you back a pointer to managed memory (like PtrToStringChars). Unless you are modifying the string, you probably want to go with the PtrToStringChars approach anyways--to avoid unnecessary allocation and copying.
Would you post an example version of methodX that causes the problem? If I can reproduce the issue, I might be able to be more helpful.
I think there is a problem with the following code
pin_ptr<char> cKey = static_cast<char*>(ptr.ToPointer());
You might want to read this
Let me know if it helped you.

Declaring and using a C function in Objective C

This must be very simple, but I can't figure out how to do this: I have a C-function to monitor current memory usage:
natural_t report_memory(void) {
struct task_basic_info info;
mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(info);
kern_return_t kerr = task_info(mach_task_self(),
if( kerr == KERN_SUCCESS ) {
return info.resident_size;
} else {
NSLog(#"Error with task_info(): %s", mach_error_string(kerr));
return 0;
Now, I would like to use it. How do I declare it in the .h?
I tried the (for me) obvious within the objective c methods:
natural_t report_memory(void);
Calling this somewhere in the code:
NSLog(#"Memory used: %u", rvC.report_memory());
The Compiler complains error: called object is not a function. Thus, I assume, the declaration is somehow wrong. I tried several options, but the best I could get was a runtime error...
How to fix this?
should be replaced with
since it is a C function.
If you want to use this function in other modules, you should also put in your header (.h) file this line
extern natural_t report_memory(void);