How to set an SQL parameters in Apps Scripts and BigQuery - sql

I am trying to avoid a sql injection. This topic has been dealt with in Java (How to prevent query injection on Google Big Query) and Php.
How is this accomplished in App Scripts? I did not find how to add a parameter to a SQL statement. Here is what I had hoped to do:
var sql = 'SELECT [row],etext,ftext FROM [hcd.hdctext] WHERE (REGEXP_MATCH(etext, esearch = ?) AND REGEXP_MATCH(ftext, fsearch = ?));';
var queryResults;
var resource = {
query: sql,
timeoutMs: 1000,
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(resource,projectNumber);
And then have esearch and fsearch filled in with the values (which could be set elsewhere).
That does not work, according to the doc.
Any suggestions on how to get a parameter in an SQL query? (I could not find a setString function...)

Unfortunately, BigQuery doesn't support this type of parameter substitution. It is on our list of features to consider, and I'll bump the priority since it seems like this is a common request.
The only suggestion that I can make in the mean time is that if you are building query strings by hand, you will need to make sure you escape them carefully (which is a non-trivial operation).


Slick plain sql query with pagination

I have something like this, using Akka, Alpakka + Slick
sql"""select #${onlyTheseColumns.mkString(",")} from #${dbSource.table}"""
.as[Map[String, String]]
.withStatementParameters(rsType = ResultSetType.ForwardOnly, rsConcurrency = ResultSetConcurrency.ReadOnly, fetchSize = batchSize)
).map( doSomething )...
I want to update this plain sql query with skipping the first N-th element.
But that is very DB specific.
Is is possible to get the pagination bit generated by Slick? [like for type-safe queries one just do a drop, filter, take?]
ps: I don't have the Schema, so I cannot go the type-safe way, just want all tables as Map, filter, drop etc on them.
ps2: at akka level, the flow.drop works, but it's not optimal/slow, coz it still consumes the rows.
Since you are using the plain SQL, you have to provide a workable SQL in code snippet. Plain SQL may not type-safe, but agile.
BTW, the most optimal way is to skip N-th element by Database, such as limit in mysql.
depending on your database engine, you could use something like
val page = 1
val pageSize = 10
val query = sql"""
select #${onlyTheseColumns.mkString(",")}
from #${dbSource.table}
limit #${pageSize + 1}
offset #${pageSize * (page - 1)}
the pageSize+1 part tells you whether the next page exists
I want to update this plain sql query with skipping the first N-th element. But that is very DB specific.
As you're concerned about changing the SQL for different databases, I suggest you abstract away that part of the SQL and decide what to do based on the Slick profile being used.
If you are working with multiple database product, you've probably already abstracted away from any specific profile, perhaps using JdbcProfile. In that case you could place your "skip N elements" helper in a class and use the active slickProfile to decide on the SQL to use. (As an alternative you could of course check via some other means, such as an environment value you set).
In practice that could be something like this:
case class Paginate(profile: slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile) {
// Return the correct LIMIT/OFFSET SQL for the current Slick profile
def page(size: Int, firstRow: Int): String =
if (profile.isInstanceOf[slick.jdbc.H2Profile]) {
s"LIMIT $size OFFSET $firstRow"
} else if (profile.isInstanceOf[slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile]) {
s"LIMIT $firstRow, $size"
} else {
// And so on... or a default
// Danger: I've no idea if the above SQL is correct - it's just placeholder
Which you could use as:
// Import your profile
import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._
val paginate = Paginate(slickProfile)
val action: DBIO[Seq[Int]] =
sql""" SELECT cols FROM table #${, 10)}""".as[Int]
In this way, you get to isolate (and control) RDBMS-specific SQL in one place.
To make the helper more usable, and as slickProfile is implicit, you could instead write:
def page(size: Int, firstRow: Int)(implicit profile: slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile) =
// Logic for deciding on SQL goes here
I feel obliged to comment that using a splice (#$) in plain SQL opens you to SQL injection attacks if any of the values are provided by a user.

Wildcard, '%', within ColdFusion cfscript query LIKE statement?

Is it possible to use a wildcard in a SQL LIKE statement within a ColdFusion cfscript query?
An example that doesn't work:
local.q = new Query();
local.q.addParam(name='lastname', value='%' & arguments.lastname, cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
local.qString = 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE lastname LIKE :lastname';
local.result = local.q.execute().getResult();
I also tried these, which didn't work:
local.qString = 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE lastname LIKE %:lastname';
local.qString = "SELECT name FROM users WHERE lastname LIKE '%:lastname'";
I am using MS SQL Server 2008.
The query works fine within SQL Server Mgmt Studio... I think it has something to do with how to format the query within cfscript tags?
Yes, it is possible. You're setting it in the param, which is correct. I'm not sure why it's not working with you.
I did the following and it worked.
var qryArgsCol = {};
qryArgsCol.datasource = variables.datasource;
qryArgsCol.SQL = "
FROM Users
WHERE LastName LIKE :searchStringParam
var qryGetID = new query(argumentCollection=qryArgsCol);
qryGetID.addParam(name="searchStringParam", value="%" & searchString, cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
qryGetIDResult = qryGetID.execute().getResult();
There's a response here from Adam Cameron, which was apparently deleted by an overzealous mod.
Rather than repeat what he says, I've just copied and pasted (with emphasis added to the key parts):
Just to clarify that the syntax you tried in your first example does work. That is the correct approach here. To clarify / explain:
The <cfquery> version of the example you have would be along the lines of:
<cfqueryparam value="%foo">
So in the function version, the param would be ? or :paramName and the value of the param would continue to be "%foo".
The % is part of the param value, not the SQL string.
So given that "doesn't work" for you, it would help if you posted the error, or whatever it is that causes you to think it's not working (what your expectation is, and what the actual results are). Then we can deal with the actual cause of your problem, which is not what you think it is, I think.
Does the query work fine as a <cfquery>?
Depending on the dbms used, that single and double quotes may be interpreted when the sql statement is run. What dbms are you using? Your statement now doesn't select for the value in the variable, but for any user whose lastname is "lastname". It should be something like:
lastname like '%#lastname#'
Just remember that you ultimately need to see what CF gives the DB server. In this instance, you can try this mockup to get close and find the same error in SSMS by messing with the quotes/value in the param declaration:
declare #param1 varchar(max) = '%Eisenlohr';
SELECT name FROM users WHERE lastname LIKE #param1
I just ran into the same problem as the original poster where it "wasn't working" and I didn't get any results from the query of queries.
The problem for me is that the wildcard search is case-sensitive.
local.q = new Query();
local.q.addParam(name='lastname', value='%' & LCase(arguments.lastname), cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
local.qString = 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE LOWER(lastname) LIKE :lastname';
local.result = local.q.execute().getResult();
So what I did was made sure the incoming argument was lower case and made sure the comparing field in the SQL was lower case as well and it worked.
Use like this.
local.q = new Query();
local.q.addParam(name="lastname", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar",value='%ARGUMENTS.lastname' );
local.qString = 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE lastname LIKE :lastname';
local.result = local.q.execute().getResult();
I would suggest using the CFQuery tag instead of attempting to run queries within CFScript. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing. I say this because the CFQuery tag has some built-in functionality that not only makes building queries easier for you but may also protect you from unforeseen attacks (the SQL injection type). For example, when using CFQuery it will automatically escape single-quotes for you so that inserting things like 'well isn't that a mess' will not blow up on you. You also have the benefit of being able to use the CFQueryParam tag to further battle against SQL injection attacks. While you may be able to use the CFQueryParam functionality within CFScript it is not as straight forward (at least not for me).
See this blog post from Ben Nadel talking about some of this.
So in CFQuery tags your query would look something like this:
<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="#variables.dsn#">
FROM users
WHERE lastname LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="%:#arguments.lastname#" maxlength="256" />

Endeca UrlENEQuery java API search

I'm currently trying to create an Endeca query using the Java API for a URLENEQuery. The current query is:
collection()/record[CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" and SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
I need it to be:
collection()/record[(CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" or CONTACT_ID = "zzzzz") and
SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
Currently this is being done with an ERecSearchList with CONTACT_ID and the string I'm trying to match in an ERecSearch object, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the UrlENEQuery to generate the or in the correct fashion as I have above. Does anyone know how I can do this?
One of us is confused on multiple levels:
Let me try to explain why I am confused:
If Contact_ID and Sales_Office are different dimensions, where Contact_ID is a multi-or dimension, then you don't need to use EQL (the xpath like language) to do anything. Just select the appropriate dimension values and your navigation state will reflect the query you are trying to build with XPATH. IE CONTACT_IDs "ORed together" with SALES_OFFICE "ANDed".
If you do have to use EQL, then the only way to modify it (provided that you have to modify it from the returned results) is via string manipulation.
ERecSearchList gives you ability to use "Search Within" functionality which functions completely different from the EQL filtering, though you can achieve similar results by using tricks like searching only specified field (which would be separate from the generic search interface") I am still not sure what's the connection between ERecSearchList and the EQL expression above?
Having expressed my confusion, I think what you need to do is to use String manipulation to dynamically build the EQL expression and add it to the Query.
A code example of what you are doing would be extremely helpful as well.

post parameter not injectable

I want to understand why its not possible to inject sql statements in the form POST parameters. I tried it with sqlmap and manually without success.
There is a defined function:
function mysql_get_result($sQuery, $hSocket) //$sQuery: mysql query,
$sResource = mysql_query($sQuery, $hSocket);
list($sValue) = mysql_fetch_row($sResource);
return $sValue;
and there is the actual query for the POST parameter:
(mysql_get_result("SELECT place FROM towns
WHERE place = '".$sR_place."' AND num = '".$iR_num."'", $hMySQLSocket)
== $sR_place and $sR_place != '')
No input sanitiazion at all. So why isnt it working ? Does sql injection only work when its mysql_query function without more steps to do?
Your code should vulnerable to SQL injection, since you're not sanitizing with mysql_real_escape_string, or parameterizing the query.
You should try revising your POST parameters, because the issue is most likely that your attack isn't properly formatted. Try a variety of attacks.

SQL Injection: is this secure?

I have this site with the following parameters:
I use the values of each of the parameters as a value in a SQL query.
I am trying to test my application and ultimately hack my own application for learning purposes.
I'm trying to inject this statement:' or 1=1 --
But It fails, and MySQL says this:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource,
boolean given in /home/dir/public_html/pagination.php on line 132
Is my application completely free from SQL injection, or is it still possible?
EDIT: Is it possible for me to find a valid sql injection statement to input into one of the parameters of the URL?
The application secured from sql injection never produces invalid queries.
So obviously you still have some issues.
Well-written application for any input produces valid and expected output.
That's completely vulnerable, and the fact that you can cause a syntax error proves it.
There is no function to escape column names or order by directions. Those functions do not exist because it is bad style to expose the DB logic directly in the URL, because it makes the URLs dependent on changes to your database logic.
I'd suggest something like an array mapping the "order" parameter values to column names:
$order_cols = array(
'time' => 'comment_time',
'popular' => 'comment_score',
... and so on ...
if (!isset($order_cols[$_GET['order'])) {
$_GET['order'] = 'time';
$order = $order_cols[$_GET['order']];
Restrict "sc" manually:
if ($_GET['sc'] == 'asc' || $_GET['sc'] == 'desc') {
$order .= ' ' . $_GET['sc'];
} else {
$order .= ' desc';
Then you're guaranteed safe to append that to the query, and the URL is not tied to the DB implementation.
I'm not 100% certain, but I'd say it still seems vulnerable to me -- the fact that it's accepting the single-quote (') as a delimiter and then generating an error off the subsequent injected code says to me that it's passing things it shouldn't on to MySQL.
Any data that could possibly be taken from somewhere other than your application itself should go through mysql_real_escape_string() first. This way the whole ' or 1=1 part gets passed as a value to MySQL... unless you're passing "sc" straight through for the sort order, such as
$sql = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE page='{$_REQUEST['page']}' ORDER BY data {$_REQUEST['sc']}";
... which you also shouldn't be doing. Try something along these lines:
$page = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['page']);
if ($_REQUEST['sc'] == "desc")
$sortorder = "DESC";
$sortorder = "ASC";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE page='{$page}' ORDER BY data {$sortorder}";
I still couldn't say it's TOTALLY injection-proof, but it's definitely more robust.
I am assuming that your generated query does something like
select <some number of fields>
from <some table>
where sc=desc
order by comment_time
Now, if I were to attack the order by statement instead of the WHERE, I might be able to get some results... Imagine I added the following
comment_time; select top 5 * from sysobjects
the query being returned to your front end would be the top 5 rows from sysobjects, rather than the query you try to generated (depending a lot on the front end)...
It really depends on how PHP validates those arguments. If MySQL is giving you a warning, it means that a hacker already passes through your first line of defence, which is your PHP script.
Use if(!preg_match('/^regex_pattern$/', $your_input)) to filter all your inputs before passing them to MySQL.