Does UIActionSheet reload the main view when it's called? - ios7

I have a UITextView in my view and I have a drag and drop ability for users. If I move the UITextView using the drag and drop and then I activate the UIActionSheet it will automatically move the UITextView back to where it was located originally in the StoryBoard. I've traced through this and it moves this object before the willPresentActionSheet and didPresentActionSheet delegate methods are called. Any thoughts?

Ok I figured out the issue. I had Auto Layout enabled and so for some reason when you pull up an UIActionSheet it treats it almost like a rotate screen and activates an auto layout. I disabled that and it worked fine.


iOS9 - UITableViewCellContentView is covering up Controls inside Cell

I have made a custom UITableViewCell called "SwitchCell" that has a switch.
In iOS9 Only, using Xcode 7 beta, the Content view in the cell is on top of the switch. (See screenshot of View Hierarchy. You can clearly see that the content view of the cell is on top of the other views. ):
So all the touches to the UISwitch are intercepted, and the IBAction does not fire.
In iOS8, this is not a problem. See screenshot for iOS 8.4 simulator. You can see that there is no content view on top of the controls:
Has anyone had this problem?
I tried remaking the NIB from scratch, but the same result occurs.
My NIB is a freeform size view with No status bar. It has two outlets: one for UILabel, one for UISwitch.
EDIT: please make sure to check the answer below that asks to verify that the cell's root view is not just a UIView but a UITableViewCell. This issue may also be a side effect of this.
After more investigation and searching, i found my solution here:
Button in UITableViewCell not responding under ios 7
What fixed it for me was:
cell.contentView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
This prevents the cell content view from taking over the touch events, even though it's on top of the other views.
This issue was not only happening on iOS9, but on iOS7 as well. In iOS8, the Content view was behind the controls.
Problem can be in .xib file for your cell. When you create cell in separate .xib, be sure to drag UITableViewCell on canvas, not UIView.
I had an issue where my buttons in my custom tableviewcell swift files were working just fine, but then I upgraded to Xcode 12 and then all of a sudden I couldn't access them anymore (meaning my taps were not being recognized). The cell content view seemed to be interfering in the hierarchy and this like saved me:
cell.contentView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
I put the line in cellForRowAt.
Thank you to #FranticRock
I had this problem when I was reusing a cell as a .xib. I didn't realise but when I first created the xib the default view that it created was in fact a UIView and not a UITableViewCell. It seems that at some stage UIKit adds the content view on top of my other elements and therefore interrupts certain events (e.g. touch events).
I resolved this by opening my xib file and dragging a UITableViewCell onto the canvas and copying my UI elements from the old view to the new cell.
Afterwards, additional settings also became available in the attributes inspector that matched those for a UITableViewCell.

ios7 custom VC Transition: Overlap a Modal Form Sheet View

i want to use the new UIVC Custom Transition API in my iPad App Project. And i despair of it -.-. what i want to do, sounds very simple at first. My "FirstViewController" (simply the names) is a normal FullScreenVC. From that VC i open a "SecondViewController"modally with the default Presentation style Form Sheet. Everything allright. The SecondViewController is a normal UiTableViewController. So from inside the SecondViewController I want to open a "ThirdViewController" modally as well with a custom transition. This ThridViewController have to overlap the SecondVC with the Form Sheet Presentation and the content of the second view controller have to be dimmed as well. But i get many problems inside the animateTransition-method in the the Transition Delegate. My best idea by now is, making a UIView Snapshot of the from View. Create a new UIView with black background and alpha 0.5 and put it as a subview inside UIView Snapshot. Then transfer the frame and the center of the fromView to the toView and add the UIViewSnappshot as a subview to the toView and send it to the back. finally adding the toView to the containerView.
But when i do this, I get two s*** problems. The First is, that the Transition don't recognize that i am using a Retina display, because i put the center of the fromView to the the toView. But the toView dont overlap the fromView, better its nit at the same postion. Its almost at the left down of the screen and not in the middle of the screen. The second problem is, that the toView content seems to be transculent. In Storyboard and in code i write "be opaque and white bgcolor". But at runtime the see the controls of the view but the bgcolor is the bgcolor of the dimmed View behind it. Why?
At the moment i think i'm a dump guy :( What in hell im doing wrong?

Interact with other views while a popover is active

I have a toolBar and I have setup two UIBarButtonItem on it. Both UIBarButtonItem are containing UIButtons as their customViews.
I activate a popover for their Touch Up Inside event as below,
[popover1 presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:buttonItem1 permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
I have another UIButton named clearFilters inside the main view. (Also this is the view which is containing the above toolBar.) I have declared a method for clearFilters button's Touch Up Inside event.
My problem is,
I can not interact with the clearFilters button while a popover is active. So, I'm looking for a solution to interact with this clearFilters button, while a popover is active.
I tried by adding passthroughViews property for a popover as below and it do not work as I expect.
popover1.passthroughViews = [NSArray arrayWithObject:clearFiltersButton];
What could be the reason. As the documentation has mentioned I can not see any issue.
I expect if the above things are correct, then the Touch Up Inside event of the the clearFilters button's should be fire up.
So, please show me if there is any issue or a necessary way to work on this thing.
I'm working on XCode4 and iOS 4.3.
The UIPopoverController documentation reveals why the other bar buttons can be tapped while the popover is visible:
“When presenting the popover, this method adds the toolbar that owns the button to the popover’s list of passthrough views.”
Try querying and logging the popover’s passthrough views. Does it already have things in it? Perhaps something like this would work?
myPopover.passthroughViews = [myPopover.passthroughViews arrayByAddingObject:clearFilters];
I haven’t tested this code, but it’s worth a try.

UISearchDisplayController not displaying keyboard when text area touched

I have a UITableView in a controller that is nested under a UITabBar.
The interaction is all wired up in Interface Builder so far, nothing done programmatically in terms of view switching.
I've added a UISearchDisplayController as the header of my UITableView. It displays fine, and when I tap on the text entry area, the cancel button appears and the black overlay flies in.
However, the keyboard never appears and when tapping the cancel button, the overlay flies out and the cancel button disappears, but the text entry area keeps focus and the caret stays flashing there, so I cannot tap there again to re-display the search results.
So essentially I have two problems:
Keyboard not appearing when starting to edit text on UISearchBar from UISearchDisplayController
UISearchBar not loosing focus when cancel button is tapped.
What am I doing wrong?
The .xib file that had my tab bar in it contained a UIWindow.
This lead to all sorts of craziness and in the end I gave up on trying to do this with interface builder, and resorted to constructing the UITabBar in code, thereby not creating a second UIWindow.
This resolved the problems and the UISearchDisplayController behaved correctly.
check this method in UISearchBarDelegate:
- (void)searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *) searchBar;
Try to see if this is getting called and do keyboard-related removal in here. If not, try making another UISearchDisplayController. (I actually never use the default viewController's one). Also, make sure the delegate is correctly set.

UISplitViewController - BarButton Item not shown at start

I'm having trouble showing a UISplitViewController programatically.
I have two views, a UIView with buttons which when are pressed load my own custom RootViewController and DetailViewControllers into SplitViewController and then hides the menuSubview for showing UISplitViewController.
Well, it works well in portrait orientation, but when the view is shown the barButtonItem associated with the popOverViewController is not shown. After if I change orientation to landscape, then back to portrait again, the button appears.
Why does this happen? Is there any way to fix it?
I have a little idea. When splitviewController.view is added to the window, the root and detail view controllers are not set yet so could that be the cause?
Well at last I solved the error.
Instead adding two subviews and show/hide them, I add my splitViewController.view as principal to the window and presented the menuViewController as modal, so this issue was solved.