RabbitMQ error on startup - erlexec: HOME must be set - rabbitmq

For some reason I cannot start RabbitMQ anymore after it crashed.
I am getting the following error:
erlexec: HOME must be set
I've tried to export my home to /home/ubuntu but still getting the same error.
Any ideas?

I'm assuming that you are trying to start rabbitmq with something like service start rabbitmq-server. If so, the service command strips out environment variables. So you will need to either define it in your start up script or in a config file for your startup script (see https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/44378).
Additionally, I believe the rabbitmq home directory is actually /var/lib/rabbitmq/.

I have found suitable solution for myself. You can run epmd service before RabbitMQ server. This is fixing issue with HOME variable and others.

erlexec needs the environment variable HOME to be set in order to place a cookie (that contains a string). If HOME was for some reason unset in the environment that you are running rabbitmq (or rabbitmqctl) in, then you will get this error.
Try to check if HOME is defined by typing:
$ env
to get the list of defined environments. If it was not defined try to define it with
$ export HOME=/var/lib/rabbitmq
If you are using python3 and tox, note that tox by default does not pass current environment variable to the test environment. You will have to add the following to tox.ini
setdev =
Just wanted to mention it because it gave me a headache the entire day today and I finally understood what was the issue and I though I should share this hint.


DNS unable to resolve canonical hostname

I'm unable to solve the below error since hours in Solr Admin. Please help me.
Unable to resolve canonical hostname for local host,​ possible DNS misconfiguration. Set the 'solr.dns.prevent.reverse.lookup' sysprop to true on startup to prevent future lookups if DNS can not be fixed.
The standard JVM accepts -D<param name>=<value> to set global configuration values available to the running application.
Depending on how you're starting Solr, you can edit solr.in.cmd in Windows or solr.in.sh in Linux or OS X.
Search for SOLR_OPTS and see how it uses -D... parameters to set new values. -Dsolr.dns.prevent.reverse.lookup=true is what you'd add as a setting like this.
Fixing DNS would be to make sure that localhost resolves locally at least.
The most direct way to fix this issue is to start Solr with the system property solr.dns.prevent.reverse.lookup=true in the command line.
For instance under Windows in a PowerShell console :
bin\solr.cmd start "-Dsolr.dns.prevent.reverse.lookup=true"

How to set Tomcat.runtime.environment.version as PROD on the web server?

I want to set Tomcat environment variable as PROD. I tried by putting
set JAVA_OPTS="-Dtomcat.runtime.environment.version=PROD"
in catalina.bat
and tried to retrieve it with
env = System.getProperty("tomcat.runtime.environment.version");
but every time env is null! Where exactly does the variable have to be declared in catalina.bat and what's the perfect syntax to set the environment variable? Other possible ways to declare variables are also welcome!
Since you are on Windows and in production, I'm going to assume that you are using a Microsoft Windows Service for Tomcat. If that's the case, the .bat files are completely ignored when launching and stopping Tomcat. There is a service binary that reads the configuration from the Windows Registry and no disk-based scripts are used at all.
If you run the program called tomcatXw.exe (where X is your Tomcat major version number), that will run the configuration GUI. From there, you can configure everything stored in the Registry.
Go to the "System Properties" tab and add your system property -Dtomcat.runtime.environment.version=PROD to the list of properties already found in there. Restart your service and you should be able to see the new system property available to your application (actually the whole JVM, of course).

RabbitMQ SSL Clustering on Windows Breaks rabbitmqctl

I'm trying to follow the steps in the RabbitMQ docs here to get clustering with SSL working on Windows. I'm noticing though that the "rabbitmqctl status" command starts failing after the environment variables defined in those steps are set. I'm getting the following error when executing "rabbitmqctl status":
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#server1': nodedown
I've already configured RabbitMQ to use TLS 1.2 and have verified that it's working. I've ensured that my Erlang 18 cookie is the same in the user directory C:\users\me and C:\Windows on the machine, but the error persists, and is stopping other servers from clustering with it. The docs say that the Windows SSL Cluster setup is "Coming soon"... Here are the steps I've taken so far on server1. I think that Erlang wants forward slashes in the paths - this matches the rabbit.config SSL settings.
Combined the contents of my server\cert.pem and server\key.pem into rabbit.pem via the command "type server\cert.pem server\key.pem > server\rabbit.pem"
Created environment variable ERL_SSL_PATH and set to: "C:/Program
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS and set to: -pa "%ERL_SSL_PATH%" -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile C:/OpenSSL-Win64/server/rabbit.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS and set to same value as RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS
Copied the erlang cookie at C:\Windows.erlang.cookie to my local user profile directory.
Restarted rabbit using rabbitmq-service start
At this point, on server1, "rabbitmqctl status" no longer works. Attempts to try to join server2 to server1 result in a "node down" error.
Edit 1: I can't get the initial step in the docs working to ask Erlang to report its SSL directory on Windows in order to set ERL_SSL_PATH correctly. Erlang is installed at C:\Program Files\erl7.0 on my server.
Edit 2: Using werl.exe (at C:\Program Files\erl7.0\bin\werl.exe), I was able to issue a command "Foo=io:format(code:lib_dir(ssl, ebin))." and it reported the path as: c:/Program Files/erl7.0/lib/ssl-7.0/ebin. However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the this issue since that's already what I was using.
For environment changes to take effect on Windows, the service must be
re-installed. It is not sufficient to restart the service. This can be
done using the installer or on the command line with administrator
This will do:
rabbitmq-service.bat stop
rabbitmq-service.bat remove
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start
Also, if while the node you're working on is down, the other cluster nodes were running, their state might be assumed to have gone out of sync. In that case, the node might fail to start up and you might need to:
rabbitmqctl force_boot
Check the logs to confirm. (at %RABBIT_BASE%\log\rabbit#server.log)
Late answer but, hopefully this could help a searcher...

How to write a wrapper - avoiding a subshell - script for apache2 rewrite maps or shell scripts in general?

I am running a rewrite map with an external rewrite program (prg) in apache2 that may produce an error and die.
When the rewrite map is not running any more the system obviously doesn't function properly.
So I wanted to start a simple wrapper shell script that itself executes map program (which is written in php) and restarts it if it dies:
until /usr/bin/php /somepath/mymap.php; do
echo "map died but i will restart it right away!"
If I try that in the shell by hand, it works fine, however it does not work when started by the webserver.
...and then communicates with the rewriting engine via its stdin and
stdout file-handles. For each map-function lookup it will receive the
key to lookup as a newline-terminated string on stdin. It then has to
give back the looked-up value as a newline-terminated string on stdout
or the four-character string ``NULL'' if it fails...
The reason seems pretty clear to me. The first script takes stdin but doesn't redirect it to the sub script.
I guess I somehow need to define a descriptor using exec and redirect stdin/stdout of the scripts properly. But how do I do that?
It's a common problem that some script works executed "by hand" and do not work when executed indirectly (via cron or from apache).
Usually the root cause is one of:
your script needs some extra environment varaible (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.)
your script requires terminal
First thing to do is to grab some debug info, so add to your script:
env > /tmp/$0.env # get environment
and get stderr:
... /usr/bin/php /somepath/mymap.php 2>/tmp/$0.stderr ...
This may lead you to the solution.
If your script requires terminal and you cannot fix it you can run your script via gnu screen.
Good luck.
Michał Šrajer has given one very common cause of trouble (environment). You should certainly be sure that the environment is sufficiently well set up, because Apache sets its own environment rigorously and does not pass on any inherited junk values; it only passes what it is configured to pass (SetEnv and PassEnv directives, IIRC).
Another problem is that you think your mapping process will fail; that's worrying. Further, it is symptomatic of yet another problem, which I think is the main one.
The first time the map process is run, it will read the request from the web server, but if the mapping fails, you rerun it - but the web server is still waiting for the output from the original request, and the map process is waiting for the input, so there's an impasse.
Note that a child process automatically inherits the standard input and standard output of its parent unless you do something to change it.
If you think things might fail, you'll need to capture the standard input so that when you rerun the program, you can resupply the input (though why it would work on the second time when it failed on the first is a separate mystery).
if tee /tmp/xx.$$ | /usr/bin/php /somepath/mymap.php
then : OK
until /usr/bin/php /somepath/mymap.php < /tmp/xx.$$
do echo "map died but I will restart it right away!"
rm -f /tmp/xx.$$
Unresolved issues include:
You should add traps to ensure that the temporary file is removed;
You should probably not use /tmp as the directory;
The messages probably do not get sent to the web server and from thence to the client browser until the overall script terminates, so the echoed messages simply mess up the start of the response;
There is no limit on the number of failures;
There is no logging of the failures;
There is no attempt to fix the problem that caused the failure;
And there are probably others I've not thought of yet.
until is not a valid keyword, you probably have it aliased and aliases do not work on scripts. my mistake, it seems it is.
regardless, this is what you want to do:
while true; do
/usr/bin/php /somepath/mymap.php
if this also fails then yes, either your program expects a terminal or you have something missing in your env.

Fail to start Apache Directory Server - Error 04450

While I was trying to start ApacheDS 1.5.7 on windows platform, An Error 04450 occurs and the apacheds-rolling.log contains:
[21:07:27] ERROR [org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.entry.DefaultServerAttribute] - ERR_04450 The value {0} is incorrect, it hasnt been added
[21:07:27] ERROR [org.apache.directory.server.Service] - Cannot start the server : reuseAddress can't be set while the acceptor is bound.
How can i fix this problem? Anybody could help me? many thanks!
The warning log message is a bit misleading, actually this is not a serious issue, the server should be running despite of this warning, this has been fixed a while back in the latest trunk code (which will be released as 2.0 instead of 1.5.8).
According to this post, the dc=example,dc=org context entry is not created by default anymore but no one has updated the documentation to reflect this. I installed 1.5.7 and it looks to me like the partition was created fine, but I'm getting the same error as described above. I suggest installing an older version.
The 2nd error message suggests that the port is already in use. Is there a chance that you already had another ApacheDS process running, or that another program is using the ports?
This isn't a domain controller perchance, is it? If so, the default LDAP ports 389 & 636 are already in use for Active Directory, so you'll need to choose another. However, I believe the defaults for ApacheDS are 10389 (LDAP) and 10636 (LDAPS), in which case they would typically be open on a Windows box.
You can check for processes on the ports with the netstat -abn command, and look through the list for the process listening on port 10389 or whichever custom port you chose.