Speeding up aggregations for a large table in Oracle - sql

I am trying to see how to improve performance for aggregation queries in an Oracle database. The system is used to run financial series simulations.
Here is the simplified set-up:
The first table table1 has the following columns
date | id | value
It is read-only, has about 100 million rows and is indexed on id, date
The second table table2 is generated by the application according to user input, is relatively small (300K rows) and has this layout:
id | start_date | end_date | factor
After the second table is generated, I need to compute totals as follows:
select date, sum(value * nvl(factor,1)) as total
from table1
left join table2 on table1.id = table2.id
and table1.date between table2.start_date and table2.end_date group by date
My issue is that this is slow, taking up to 20-30 minutes if the second table is particularly large. Is there a generic way to speed this up, perhaps trading off storage space and execution time, ideally, to achieve something running in under a minute?
I am not a database expert and have been reading Oracle performance tuning docs but was not able to find anything appropriate for this. The most promising idea I found were OLAP cubes but I understand this would help only if my second table was fixed and I simply needed to apply different filters on the data.

First, to provide any real insight, you'd need to determine the execution plan that Oracle is producing for the slow query.
You say the second table is ~300K rows - yes that's small compared to 100M but since you have a range condition in the join between the two tables, it's hard to say how many rows from table1 are likely to be accessed in any given execution of the query. If a large proportion of the table is accessed, but the query optimizer doesn't recognize that, the index may actually be hurting instead of helping.
You might benefit from re-organizing table1 as an index-organized table, since you already have an index that covers most of the columns. But all I can say from the information so far is that it might help, but it might not.

Apart from indexes, Also try below. My two cents!
Try running this Query with PARALLEL option employing multiple processors. /*+ PARALLEL(table1,4) */ .
NVL has been done for million of rows, and this will be an impact
to some extent, any way data can be organised?
When you know the date in Advance, probably you divide this Query
into two chunks, by fetching the ids in TABLE2 using the start
date and end date. And issue a JOIN it to TABLE1 using a
view or temp table. By this we use the index (with id as
leading edge) optimally


poorly performing query on order lines table

I have this query on the order lines table. Its a fairly large table. I am trying to get quantity shipped by item in the last 365 days. The query works, but is very slow to return results. Should I use a function based index for this? I read a bit about them, but havent work with them much at all.
How can I make this query faster?
,SUM(nvl(OOL.shipped_QUANTITY,0)) shipped_QUANTITY_Last_365
from oe_order_lines_all OOL
where ool.actual_shipment_date>=trunc(sysdate)-365
and cancelled_flag='N'
and fulfilled_flag='Y'
group by ool.inventory_item_id;
Explain plan:
Stats are up to date, we regather once a week.
Query taking 30+ minutes to finish.
After adding this index:
The explain plan shows the query is using index now:
The query runs faster but not 'fast.' Completing in about 6 minutes.
I created a covering index as suggested by Matthew and Gordon:
The query now completes in less than 1 second.
Explain Plan:
I still wonder why or if a function-based index would have also been a viable solution, but I dont have time to play with it right now.
As a rule, using an index that access a "significant" percentage of the rows in your table is slower than a full table scan. Depending on your system, "significant" could be as low as 5% or 10%.
So, think about your data for a minute...
How many rows in OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL are cancelled? (Hopefully not many...)
How many rows are fulfilled? (Hopefully almost all of them...)
How many rows where shipped in the last year? (Unless you have more than 10 years of history in your table, more than 10% of them...)
Put that all together and your query is probably going to have to read at least 10% of the rows in your table. This is very near the threshold where an index is going to be worse than a full table scan (or, at least not much better than one).
Now, if you need to run this query a lot, you have a few options.
Materialized view, possibly for the prior 11 months together with a live query against OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL for the current month-to-date.
A covering index (see below).
You can improve the performance of an index, even one accessing a significant percentage of the table rows, by making it include all the information required by the query -- allowing Oracle to avoid accessing the table at all.
( actual_shipment_date,
shipped_quantity ) ONLINE;
With an index like that, Oracle can satisfy the query by just reading the index (which is faster because it's much smaller than the table).
For this query:
SUM(OOL.shipped_QUANTITY) as shipped_QUANTITY_Last_365
from oe_order_lines_all OOL
where ool.actual_shipment_date >= trunc(sysdate) - 365 and
cancelled_flag = 'N' and
fulfilled_flag = 'Y'
group by ool.inventory_item_id;
I would recommend starting with an index on oe_order_lines_all(cancelled_flag, fulfilled_flag, actual_shipment_date). That should do a good job in identifying the rows.
You can add the additional columns inventory_item_id and quantity_shipped to the index as well.
Let recapitulate the facts:
a) You access about 300K rows from your table (see cardinality in the 3rd line of the execution plan)
b) you use the FULL TABLE SCAN the get the data
c) the query is very slow
The first thing is to check why is the FULL TABLE SCAN so very slow - if the table is extremly large (check the BYTES in user_segments) you need to optimize the access to your data.
But remember no index will help you the get 300K rows from say 30M total rows.
Index access to 300K rows can take 1/4 of an hour or even more if th eindex is not much used and a large part of it s on the disk.
What you need is partitioning - in your case a range partitioning on actual_shipment_date - for your data size on a monthly or yearly basis.
This will eliminate the need of scaning the old data (partition pruning) and make the query much more effective.
Other possibility - if the number of rows is small, but the table size is very large - you need to reorganize the table to get better full scan time.

how to speed up a clustered index scan while selecting all fields on range of rows or all the rows

I have a table
Books(BookId, Name, ...... , PublishedYear)
I do have about 30 fields in my Books table, where BookId is the primary key (Identity column). I have about 2 million records for this table.
I know select * is evil performance killer..
I have a situation to select range of rows or all the rows having all the columns in it.
Select * from Books;
this query takes more than 2 seconds to scan through the data page and get all the records. On checking the execution it still uses the Clustered index scan.
Obviously 2 seconds my not be that bad, however when this table has to be joined with other tables which is executed in batch is taking time over 15 minutes (There are no duplicate records though on the final result at completion as the count is matching). The join criteria is pretty simple and yields no duplication.
Excluding this table alone has the batch execution completed in sub seconds.
Is there a way to optimize this having said that I will have to select all the columns :(
Thanks in advance.
I've just run a batch against my developer instance, one SELECT specifying all Columns and one using *. There is no evidence (nor should there) that there is any difference aside from the raw parsing of my input. If I remember correctly, that old saying really means: Do not SELECT columns you are not using, they use up resources without benefit.
When you try to improve performance in your code, always check your assumptions, they might only apply to some older version (of sql server etc) or other method.

How to utilize table partition in oracle database in effective manner?

I have created a partitioned table as
CREATE TABLE orders_range(order_id NUMBER
,client_id NUMBER
,order_date DATE)
(PARTITION orders2011 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1/1/2012','dd/mm/yyyy'))
,PARTITION orders2012 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date('1/1/2013','dd/mm/yyyy'))
when I am selecting the records using
SELECT * FROM ORDERS_RANGE partition(orders2011);
in explain plan the cpu cost is 75
but when i go for normal query using where clause the cpu cost is only 6 then what is the advantage of table partitioning when it comes to performance?
Can anyone explain me in detail?
Thanks in advance.
First, you generally can't directly compare the cost of two different plans running against two different objects. It is entirely possible that one plan with a cost of 10,000 will run much more quickly than a different plan with a cost of 10. You can compare the cost of two different plans for a single SQL statement within a single 10053 trace (so long as you remember that these are estimates and if the optimizer estimates incorrectly, many cost values are incorrect and the optimizer is likely to pick a less efficient plan). It may make sense to compare the cost between two different queries if you are trying to work out the algorithm the optimizer is using for a particular step but that's pretty unusual.
Second, in your example, you're not inserting any data. Generally, if you're going to partition a table, you're doing so because you have multiple GB of data in that table. If you compare something like
FROM unpartitioned_table_with_1_billion_rows
FROM partitioned_table_with_1_billion_rows
WHERE partition_key = date '2014-04-01' -- Restricts the data to only 10 million rows
the partitioned approach will, obviously, be more efficient not least of all because you're only reading the 10 million rows in the April 1 partition rather than the 1 billion rows in the table.
If the table has no data, it's possible that the query against the partitioned table would be a tiny bit less efficient since you've got to do more things in the course of parsing the query. But reading 0 rows from a 0 row table is going to take essentially no time either way so the difference in parse time is likely to be irrelevant.
In general, you wouldn't ever use the ORDERS_RANGE partition(orders2011) syntax to access data. In addition to hard-coding the partition name, which means that you'd often be resorting to dynamic SQL to assemble the query, you'd be doing a lot more hard parsing and that you'd be putting more pressure on the shared pool and that you'd risk making a mistake if someone changed the partitioning on the table. It makes far more sense to supply a predicate on the partition key and to let Oracle work out how to appropriately prune the partitions. In other words
FROM orders_range
WHERE order_date < date '2012-01-01'
would be a much more sensible query.

Ad hoc queries against high cardinality columns

How to improve the performance of ad hoc queries against tables having hundreds of high cardinality columns and millions of records?
In my case, I have a table with one indexed DATE column SDATE, one VARCHAR2 column NE and 750 numeric columns most of them high cardinality columns with values in the range of 0 to 100. The table is updated with almost 20000 new records every hour. The queries against this table look like:
So far, I have always advised users not to enter big interval dates so as to put a limit on the number of records resulted from the date index access path; however, from time to time it becomes necessary to specify bigger intervals.
If V1, V2, ..., V750 were all low cardinality columns, I would have been able to utilize bitmap indexes. Unfortunately they are not.
What's the advice on this? How should I tackle this problem?
I assume you're stuck with the design, so a few thoughts that I'd probably look at -
1) use partitions - if you have partitioning option
2) use some triggers to denormalise (or normalise in this case) a query table which is more optimised for the query usage
3) make some snapshots
4) look at having a current table or set of tables which has the days records (or some suitable subset), and roll them over to a big table to store hsitory.
It depends on usage patterns and all the other constraints the system has - this may get you started, if you have more details a better solution is probably out there.
I think the big problem would be the inserts. You have an index on sdate wich slow the inserts and speed up the selects. But, returning to your problems:
If users specify an interval wich is large (let's say >5%) it is beter to have the table partitioned by sdate in a daily or weekly or monthly manner.
Oracle partitioning docs
(If you partition the table, don't forget to partition also the index. And if you want to do it live, use exchange partition ).
Also, as workaround, if you have a powerfull machine, you may use parallel queries.
Oracle Parallel docs

Oracle: How can I find tablespace fragmentation?

I've a JOIN beween two tables. It's really really slow and I can't find why.
The query takes hours in a PRODUCTION environment on a very big Client.
Can you ask me what you need to understand why it doesn't work well?
I can add indexes, partition the table, etc. It's Oracle 10g.
I expect a few thousand record. Because of the following condition:
f.eif_campo1 != c.fornitura AND and f.field29 = 'New'
Infact it should be always verified for all 18 million records
SELECT c.id_messaggio
flows c,
tab f
f.field198 = c.id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
and f.field1 != c.ExampleF
and f.field29 = 'New'
and c.processtype in ('Example1')
and c.flag_ann = 'N';
Selectivity for the following record expressed as number of distinct values:
COUNT (DISTINCT extra_id) =>17*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (extra_id || field20)) =>17*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT field198) =>36*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field19 || field20)) =>45*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field1)) =>18*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field20)) =>47
This is the execution plan [See large image][1]
![enter image description here][2]
Extra details:
I have relaxed one contition to see how many records are taken. 300 thousand.
![enter image description here][7]
--03:57 mins with parallel execution /*+ parallel(c 8) parallel(f 24) */
--395.358 rows
SELECT count(1)
flows c,
flet f
f.field19 = c.id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
and f.field20 = 'ExampleF'
and c.process_type in ('ExampleP')
and c.flag_ann = 'N';
Your explain plan shows the following.
The database uses an index to retrieve rows from ENI_FLUSSI_HUB where
flh_tipo_processo_cod in ('VT','VOLTURA_ENI','CC')
It then winnows the rows
where flh_flag_ann = 'N'
This produces a result set which is used to access
rows from ETL_ELAB_INTERF_FLAT on the basis of f.idde_identif_dati_ext_id =
Finally those rows are filtered on the basis of the
remaining parts of the WHERE clause.
Now, the starting point is a good one if flh_tipo_processo_cod is a selective
column: that is, if it contains hundreds of different values, or if the values in
your list are relatively rare. It might even be a good path of the flag column
identifies relatively few columns with a value of 'N'. So you need to understand
both the distribution of your data - how many distinct values you have - and its
skew - which values appear very often or hardly at all. The overall
performance suggests that the distribution and/or skew of the
flh_tipo_processo_cod and flh_flag_ann columns is not good.
So what can you do? One approach is to follow Ben's suggestion, and use full
table scans. If you have an Enterprise Edition licence and plenty of CPU capacity
you could try parallel query to improve things. That might still be too slow, or it might be too disruptive for other users.
An alternative approach would be to use better indexes. A composite index on
flh_fornitura,flh_id_messaggio) would avoid the need to read that table. Whether
this would be a new index or a replacement for ENI_FLK_IDX3 depends on the other
activity against the table. You might be able to benefit from index compression.
All the columns in the query projection are referenced in the WHERE clause. So
you could also use a composite index on the other table to avoid table reads. Agsin you need to understand the distribution and skew of the data. But you should probably lead with the least selective columns. Something like etl_elab_interf_flat(etl_elab_interf_flat,eif_campo200,dde_identif_dati_ext_id,eif_campo1,eif_campo198). Probably this is a new index. It's unlikely you would want to replace ETL_EIF_FK_IDX4 with this (especially if that really is an index on a foreign key constraint)..
Of course these are just guesses on my part. Tuning is a science and to do it properly requires lots of data. Use the Wait Interface to investigate where the database is spending its time. Use the 10053 event to understand why the Optimizer makes the choices it does. But above all, don't implement partitioning unless you really know the ramifications.
The simple answer seems to be your explain plan. You're accessing both tables by index rowid. Whilst to select a single row you cannot - to my knowledge - get faster, in your case you're selecting a lot more than a single row.
This means that for every single row you, you're going into both tables one row at a time, which when you're looking a significant proportion of a table or index is not what you want to do.
My suggestion would be to force a full scan of one or both of your tables. Try to use the smaller as a driver first:
SELECT /*+ full(c) */ c.flh_id_messaggio
, f.eif_campo1
, c.f
FROM flows c,
JOIN flet f
ON f.field19 = c.flh_id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
AND f.field1 <> c.f
But you may have to change /*+ full(c) */ to /*+ full(c) full(f) */.
Your indexes seem to be separate column indexes as well. For this, and if possible, I would have indexes on:
flows of id_messaggio, extra_id, f
and on flet of field19, extra_id, field1.
This will only really matter if you do not use as full scan. Or, if you have everything you're returning and selecting is in one index.