Using NHibernate interceptor together with Ninject to retrieve the logged in user - nhibernate

I was reading this article and found it quite interesting (thanks #Aaronaught). Was what came closest to solve my problem.
The only detail is that in my case I would use the NHibernate interceptor, but an exception is thrown An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Core.dll
Session factory:
public class SessionFactoryBuilder : IProvider
private ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private readonly Configuration _configuration;
public SessionFactoryBuilder(AuditInterceptor auditInterceptor)
_configuration = Fluently.Configure(new Configuration().Configure())
.Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(AutoMap.AssemblyOf<IEntidade>(new AutomappingConfiguration())))
_sessionFactory = _configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
private static void SetupDatabase(Configuration config)
var schema = new SchemaExport(config);
//schema.Execute(true, true, false);
public object Create(IContext context)
return _sessionFactory;
public Type Type
get { return typeof(ISessionFactory); }
I have a module that sets up my repositories and ORM (NHibernate)
public class RepositoriosModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// NHibernate
//Model Repositories
Bind<IRepositorio<Usuario>, IUsuariosRepositorio>().To<UsuariosRepositorio>().InRequestScope();
private ISession CreateSession(IContext context)
return context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession();
Interceptor to update auditable properties (CriadoEm (create at), CriadoPor (create by), AtualizadoEm and AtualizadoPor)
public class AuditInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
private readonly IUsuario _usuarioLogado;
public AuditInterceptor(IUsuario usuarioLogado)
_usuarioLogado = usuarioLogado;
public override bool OnFlushDirty(object entity, object id, object[] currentState, object[] previousState, string[] propertyNames, NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
var auditableObject = entity as IAuditavel;
if (auditableObject != null)
currentState[Array.IndexOf(propertyNames, "AtualizadoEm")] = DateTime.Now;
return true;
return false;
public override bool OnSave(object entity, object id, object[] state, string[] propertyNames, NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
var auditableObject = entity as IAuditavel;
if (auditableObject != null)
var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
state[Array.IndexOf(propertyNames, "CriadoEm")] = currentDate;
return true;
return false;
A provider to retrieve the logged in user:
public class UsuarioProvider : Provider
private Usuario _usuario;
protected override Usuario CreateInstance(IContext context)
var usuariosRepositorio = context.Kernel.Get<IUsuariosRepositorio>(); // Stackoverflow on this line!!
if (_usuario == null && WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
_usuario = usuariosRepositorio.Get(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId);
return _usuario;
And the class NinjectWebCommon (web application) define:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
kernel.Bind<IUsuario>().ToProvider<UsuarioProvider>().InRequestScope(); //.When((req) => WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
kernel.Load(new RepositoriosModule(), new MvcSiteMapProviderModule());
[Add] Repository class
public class UsuariosRepositorio : Repositorio<Usuario>, IUsuariosRepositorio
public UsuariosRepositorio(NHUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
: base(unitOfWork)
{ }
public class Repositorio<T> : IRepositorio<T>
where T : class, IEntidade
private readonly NHUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public IUnitOfWork UnitOfWork { get { return _unitOfWork; } }
private readonly ISession _session;
public Repositorio(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = (NHUnitOfWork)unitOfWork;
_session = _unitOfWork.Context.SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession();
public void Remover(T obj)
public void Armazenar(T obj)
public IQueryable<T> All()
return _session.Query<T>();
public object Get(Type entity, int id)
return _session.Get(entity, id);
public T Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return Query(expression).SingleOrDefault();
public T Get(int id)
return _session.Get<T>(id);
public IQueryable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return All().Where(expression);
The problem occurs in the class UsuarioProvider while trying to retrieve the user repository.
Stackoverflow error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Core.dll

I see two problems :
The main problem I see is that SessionFactoryBuilder needs an AuditInterceptor which needs an IUsuario, which needs a UsuarioProvider, which needs a SessionFactoryBuilder, thus introducing a cycle, and a stack-overflow.
The second problem I see is that your AuditInterceptor is linked to a request when your SessionFactoryBuilder is singleton like. I must confess I can't see how it work with several logged users.
You should instantiate and attach the AuditInterceptor as part of the CreateSession, instead of trying to create it once and for all as part of the Session builder. Once this is done, your interceptor should not rely on a Session that needs an AuditInterceptor as part of its creation (you may need a separate Session creation mechanism for that. A stateless Session might do the trick)


.NET core custom and default binding combined

I'm creating a custom model binder for a view model, implementing IModelBinder
I have a lot of properties in my view model, the majority of which do not need any custom binding. Rather than explicitly set all of the property values on my model individually from the ModelBindingContext, I would to be able to get the framework to bind the model for me, then I would carry out any custom binding:
public class ApplicationViewModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bindingContext));
// get .net core to bind values on model
// Cary out any customization of the models properties
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(bindingContext.Model);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Basically I want to carry out the default model binding, then apply custom binding, similar to the approach taken in this SO post but for .NET Core, not framework.
I assumed applying the default binding would be straight forward, but haven't been able to find out how to do so. I believe the solution would involve ComplexTypeModelBinder and ComplexTypeModelBinderProvider classes, but can't seem to find out how to go about it.
I know I could just make any changes when the POST request hits my controller method, but this seem the wrong place and wrong time to do so.
For custom ComplexTypeModelBinder, you could inherit from ComplexTypeModelBinder.
public class BinderModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string BinderValue { get; set; }
Controller Action
public void Post([FromForm]BinderModel value)
public class CustomBinder : ComplexTypeModelBinder
private readonly IDictionary<ModelMetadata, IModelBinder> _propertyBinders;
public CustomBinder(IDictionary<ModelMetadata, IModelBinder> propertyBinders)
: base(propertyBinders)
_propertyBinders = propertyBinders;
protected override Task BindProperty(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext.FieldName == "BinderValue")
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success("BinderValueTest");
return Task.CompletedTask;
return base.BindProperty(bindingContext);
protected override void SetProperty(ModelBindingContext bindingContext, string modelName, ModelMetadata propertyMetadata, ModelBindingResult result)
base.SetProperty(bindingContext, modelName, propertyMetadata, result);
public class CustomBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
if (context.Metadata.IsComplexType && !context.Metadata.IsCollectionType)
var propertyBinders = new Dictionary<ModelMetadata, IModelBinder>();
for (var i = 0; i < context.Metadata.Properties.Count; i++)
var property = context.Metadata.Properties[i];
propertyBinders.Add(property, context.CreateBinder(property));
//var loggerFactory = context.Services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
//return new ComplexTypeModelBinder(propertyBinders, loggerFactory);
return new CustomBinder(propertyBinders);
return null;
Inject provider
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMvc(options => {
options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new CustomBinderProvider());
ComplexTypeModelBinder has unfortunately been deprecated in .Net 5.0, and it's counterpart, ComplexObjectModelBinder, is sealed, so you can't extend from it.
But, you can work around that. ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider is public, and you can use that to create a ComplexObjectModelBinder. Thus, if you make your own custom IModelBinderProvider, you can have the constructor accept a ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider argument, and make use of that to make a ComplexObjectModelBinder. Then, you can pass that to your custom IModelBinder, where it'll happily do its custom work before falling back to the ComplexObjectModelBinder you supplied.
Here's an example. First, your IModelBinder. This example shows that you can use DI if you want to. (In this example, say we needed a DbContext.)
public class MyCustomModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly IModelBinder _defaultBinder;
private readonly DbContext _dbContext;
public MyCustomModelBinder(IModelBinder defaultBinder, DbContext dbContext)
_defaultBinder = defaultBinder;
_dbContext = dbContext;
public override Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
// -do custom work here-
return _defaultBinder.BindModelAsync(bindingContext);
However, in order to use DI on your custom model binder, you'll need a helper class. The problem is, when IModelBinderProvider is called, it won't have access to all the services in a typical request, like your DbContext for example. But this class will help:
internal class DIModelBinder : IModelBinder
private readonly IModelBinder _rootBinder;
private readonly ObjectFactory _factory;
public DIModelBinder(Type binderType, IModelBinder rootBinder)
if (!typeof(IModelBinder).IsAssignableFrom(binderType))
throw new ArgumentException($"Your binderType must derive from IModelBinder.");
_factory = ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory(binderType, new[] { typeof(IModelBinder) });
_rootBinder = rootBinder;
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var requestServices = bindingContext.HttpContext.RequestServices;
var binder = (IModelBinder)_factory(requestServices, new[] { _rootBinder });
return binder.BindModelAsync(bindingContext);
Now you're ready to write the custom IModelBinderProvider:
public class MyCustomModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
private readonly IModelBinderProvider _rootProvider;
public MyCustomModelBinderProvider(IModelBinderProvider rootProvider)
_rootProvider = rootProvider;
public IModelBinder? GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(MyModel))
var rootBinder = _rootProvider.GetBinder(context)
?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Root {_rootProvider.GetType()} did not provide an IModelBinder for MyModel.");
return new DIModelBinder(typeof(MyCustomModelBinder), rootBinder);
return null;
Finally, in your startup file where you configure services, you can grab the ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider instance, use that to create a new instance of your MyCustomModelBinderProvider, and insert that into the ModelBinderProviders.
services.AddMvc(options =>
var fallbackProvider = options.ModelBinderProviders
.First(p => p is ComplexObjectModelBinderProvider);
var myProvider = new MyCustomModelBinderProvider(fallbackProvider);
options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, myProvider);

Nhibernate Isession with ninject

I am building an mvc4 n layer application using the following frameworks
3.mvc4/Console(For testing)
The layers are(All are class library projects)
1.Presentation(Calling BLL layer)
2.BLL(Calling my DAO layer)
4.Nhibernate(Implementation of DAO)
BLL Layer Coding
public interface IUserService
IList<User> GetAllActiveUsers();
User GetUserDetailsByUsername(string usernameOrEmail);
public class UserService :IUserService
private readonly IUserRepository userRepository;
public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public IList<User> GetAllActiveUsers()
var activeUserList = from user in userRepository.All()
where user.ACTIVE_STATUS == true
select user;
return activeUserList.ToList<User>();
public User GetUserDetailsByUsername(string usernameOrEmail)
var registerUser = from user in userRepository.All()
where user.USER_NAME == usernameOrEmail
select user;
return (User)registerUser;
DAO layer Code
public interface IRepository<TKey, TEntity> where TEntity : class
IQueryable<TEntity> All();
TEntity FindBy(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> expression);
IQueryable<TEntity> FilterBy(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> expression);
TEntity FindBy(TKey id);
bool Add(TEntity entity);
bool Add(IEnumerable<TEntity> items);
bool Update(TEntity entity);
bool Delete(TEntity entity);
bool Delete(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities);
public interface IUowDAO:IDisposable
void Commit();
void Rollback();
public interface IUserRepository:IRepository<long,User>
DAO.Nhibernate Layer
public class IURMSNhibernateRepository<TKey, T> : IRepository<TKey, T> where T : class
private readonly ISession _session;
public IURMSNhibernateRepository(ISession session)
_session = session;
public bool Add(T entity)
return true;
public bool Add(IEnumerable<T> items)
foreach (T item in items)
return true;
public bool Update(T entity)
return true;
public bool Delete(T entity)
return true;
public bool Delete(IEnumerable<T> entities)
foreach (T entity in entities)
return true;
public System.Linq.IQueryable<T> All()
return _session.Query<T>();
public T FindBy(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return FilterBy(expression).SingleOrDefault();
public System.Linq.IQueryable<T> FilterBy(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
return All().Where(expression).AsQueryable();
public T FindBy(TKey id)
return _session.Get<T>(id);
public class IURMSUnitOfWork:IUowDAO
private readonly ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private readonly ITransaction _transaction;
public ISession Session { get; private set; }
public IURMSUnitOfWork(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
Session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
Session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Auto;
_transaction = Session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
public void Commit()
if (!_transaction.IsActive)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Oops! We don't have an active transaction");
public void Rollback()
if (_transaction.IsActive)
public void Dispose()
if (Session.IsOpen)
public class UserRepository:IURMSNhibernateRepository<long,User>,IUserRepository
public UserRepository(ISession session)
: base(session)
CORE Layer
public class BuisnessLogicModule:NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public class DataAccessLogicModule:NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Console layerCoding
public interface IConsole
IList<User> GetAllUsers();
public class ConsoleUser:IConsole
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public ConsoleUser(IUserService UserService)
this._userService = UserService;
public IList<IURMSPOC.DOMAIN.User> GetAllUsers()
var user = _userService.GetAllActiveUsers();
return user;
public class TopModule:NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new TopModule());
var modules = new List<INinjectModule>
new IURMSPOC.CORE.Dependency.BuisnessLogicModule(),
new IURMSPOC.CORE.Dependency.DataAccessLogicModule(),
var topClass = kernel.Get<IConsole>();
var message = topClass.GetAllUsers();
System.Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");
But when i am running the application the error shows Error activating ISession
No matching bindings are available, and the type is not self-bindable.
I am new to ninject and nhibernate .Please give me the solution .I understand the problem but can not find any solution.
That's not an issue of Nhibernate, I guess the error comes from the ctor of
public UserRepository(ISession session)
: base(session)
Where you require an ISession.
You construct the session in IURMSUnitOfWork so there is no way for the UserRepository to determine the session or for the injection to figure out where ISession is coming from...
Instead I'd suggest to refactor your code and inject your unit of work instance to where it is needed, or refactor the repository to care about unit of work.
Easiest would be to extend IUowDAO with something like GetSession()
and change
public UserRepository(IUowDAO dao)
: base(dao.GetSession())
or something like that...
Your implementation is a little bit strange. Your data access object has the signature of a transaction etc... maybe read this article for a basic unit of work implementation with nhibernate.
What your are missing is basically the session factory.

using RavenDB with ServiceStack

I read this post by Phillip Haydon about how to use NHibernate/RavenDB with ServiceStack.
I don't see the point about getting the IDocumentStore and open new session every time i need something from the db like this:
public class FooService : ServiceBase<Foo>
public IDocumentStore RavenStore{ get; set; }
protected override object Run(ProductFind request)
using (var session = RavenStore.OpenSession())
// Do Something...
return new FooResponse{/*Object init*/};
Why cant i just use one session per request and when the request is ended, commit the changes or roll them back according to the response status?
If my approach is fine, than how can i implement it?
here is my attempt:
I created this class:
public class RavenSession : IRavenSession
#region Data Members
private readonly IDocumentStore _store;
private IDocumentSession _innerSession;
#region Properties
public IDocumentSession InnerSession
get { return _innerSession ?? (_innerSession = _store.OpenSession()); }
#region Ctor
public RavenSession(IDocumentStore store)
_store = store;
#region Public Methods
public void Commit()
if (_innerSession != null)
public void Rollback()
if (_innerSession != null)
#region IDocumentSession Delegation
public ISyncAdvancedSessionOperation Advanced
get { return InnerSession.Advanced; }
public void Delete<T>(T entity)
public ILoaderWithInclude<object> Include(string path)
return InnerSession.Include(path);
public ILoaderWithInclude<T> Include<T, TInclude>(Expression<Func<T, object>> path)
return InnerSession.Include<T, TInclude>(path);
public ILoaderWithInclude<T> Include<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> path)
return InnerSession.Include(path);
public T Load<T>(string id)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(id);
public T[] Load<T>(params string[] ids)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(ids);
public T Load<T>(ValueType id)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(id);
public T[] Load<T>(IEnumerable<string> ids)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(ids);
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T, TIndexCreator>() where TIndexCreator : AbstractIndexCreationTask, new()
return InnerSession.Query<T, TIndexCreator>();
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>()
return InnerSession.Query<T>();
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>(string indexName)
return InnerSession.Query<T>(indexName);
public void Store(dynamic entity, string id)
InnerSession.Store(entity, id);
public void Store(object entity, Guid etag, string id)
InnerSession.Store(entity, etag, id);
public void Store(object entity, Guid etag)
InnerSession.Store(entity, etag);
public void Store(dynamic entity)
And now my service looks like this:
public class FooService : ServiceBase<Foo>
public IRavenSession RavenSession { get; set; }
protected override object Run(ProductFind request)
// Do Something with RavenSession...
return new FooResponse {/*Object init*/};
but i still need to find a way to know when the request is ended for commit/rollback the changes.
the best way i found is by using ResponseFilters:
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost()
: base("", typeof (Foo).Assembly, typeof (FooService).Assembly)
public override void Configure(Container container)
// Some Configuration...
this.ResponseFilters.Add((httpReq, httpResp, respnseDto) =>
var currentSession = (RavenSession) this.Container.Resolve<IRavenSession>();
if (!httpResp.IsErrorResponse())
// Some Configuration...
I am sure that there is a better way to do this but how?
I just included this on the Configure method for the AppHost
var store = new DocumentStore()
Url = "",
DefaultDatabase = "Test"
container.Register(c => c.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession()).ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request);
You can put it aside on module and initialize it.
Then in your services just add a constructor that accepts IDocumentSession
public HelloService : Service {
private readonly IDocumentSession session;
public HelloService(IDocumentSession session) {
this.session = session;
And you're good to go.
Filtering the response in ServiceStack
The ways to introspect the Response in ServiceStack is with either:
The Response Filter or Response Filter Attributes or other custom hooks
Overriding AppHost.ServiceExceptionHandler or custom OnAfterExecute() hook
Some other notes that might be helpful:
ServiceStack's built-in IOC (Funq) now supports RequestScope
You can add IDisposable to a base class which gets called immediately after the service has finished executing, e.g. if you were to use an RDBMS:
public class FooServiceBase : IService, IDisposable
public IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; }
private IDbConnection db;
public IDbConnection Db
get { return db ?? (db = DbFactory.OpenDbConnection()); }
public object Any(ProductFind request)
return new FooResponse {
Result = Db.Id<Product>(request.Id)
public void Dispose()
if (db != null) db.Dispose();
I tried the answer given by Felipe Leusin but it has not worked for me. The main thing that I want to achieve is having a single DocumentSession.SaveChanges call per request. After looking at the RacoonBlog DocumentSession lifecycle management and at ServiceStack request lifecycle events I put together a configuration that works for me:
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
RequestFilters.Add((httpReq, httpRes, requestDto) =>
IDocumentSession documentSession = Container.Resolve<IDocumentStore>().OpenSession();
ResponseFilters.Add((httpReq, httpRes, requestDto) =>
using (var documentSession = Container.Resolve<IDocumentSession>())
if (documentSession == null)
if (httpRes.StatusCode >= 400 && httpRes.StatusCode < 600)
var documentStore = new DocumentStore
ConnectionStringName = "RavenDBServer",
DefaultDatabase = "MyDatabase",
I am using funq with RequestScope for my RavenSession, and now i update it to:
public class RavenSession : IRavenSession, IDisposable
#region Data Members
private readonly IDocumentStore _store;
private readonly IRequestContext _context;
private IDocumentSession _innerSession;
#region Properties
public IDocumentSession InnerSession
get { return _innerSession ?? (_innerSession = _store.OpenSession()); }
#region Ctor
public RavenSession(IDocumentStore store, IRequestContext context)
_store = store;
_context = context;
#region IDocumentSession Delegation
public ISyncAdvancedSessionOperation Advanced
get { return InnerSession.Advanced; }
public void Delete<T>(T entity)
public ILoaderWithInclude<object> Include(string path)
return InnerSession.Include(path);
public ILoaderWithInclude<T> Include<T, TInclude>(Expression<Func<T, object>> path)
return InnerSession.Include<T, TInclude>(path);
public ILoaderWithInclude<T> Include<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> path)
return InnerSession.Include(path);
public T Load<T>(string id)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(id);
public T[] Load<T>(params string[] ids)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(ids);
public T Load<T>(ValueType id)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(id);
public T[] Load<T>(IEnumerable<string> ids)
return InnerSession.Load<T>(ids);
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T, TIndexCreator>() where TIndexCreator : AbstractIndexCreationTask, new()
return InnerSession.Query<T, TIndexCreator>();
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>()
return InnerSession.Query<T>();
public IRavenQueryable<T> Query<T>(string indexName)
return InnerSession.Query<T>(indexName);
public void Store(dynamic entity, string id)
InnerSession.Store(entity, id);
public void Store(object entity, Guid etag, string id)
InnerSession.Store(entity, etag, id);
public void Store(object entity, Guid etag)
InnerSession.Store(entity, etag);
public void Store(dynamic entity)
#region Implementation of IDisposable
public void Dispose()
if (_innerSession != null)
var httpResponse = _context.Get<IHttpResponse>();
if (!httpResponse.IsErrorResponse())
but this would not work because:
1) although i am using RequestScope, no one is register the IRequestContext of the request so funq cant resolve my RavenSession.
2) funq does not run the Dispose method after the request is done, which is odd.

Http-Post edit action calling ISession.SaveOrUpdate(obj) creates new entity

I'm creating an Asp.Net MVC 3 application with NHibernate as my ORM. In my my edit action method I call the Save method in my DatabaseAccessObject class, but instead of updating the object it creates a new one. I can't figure out why.
Here's the code for the method that returns my configured SessionFactory, and my global.asax.cs file where I'm storing the SessionFactory:
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<WebApplicationPbiBoard.Models.ScrumModels_Mappings.PbiMap>())
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => new SchemaUpdate(cfg).Execute(false, true))
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory { get; private set; }
protected void Application_Start()
//my additions
SessionFactory = NHibernateConfigurator.CreateSessionFactory();
protected void Application_OnEnd()
protected void Application_BeginRequest()
ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession();
protected void Application_EndRequest()
Here's the relevant snippet from my DataAccessObject, which simply wraps NHibernate CRUD operations:
public class DatabaseAccessObject<T> where T : class
private readonly ISession session = MvcApplication.SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession();
private ISession Session { get { return session; } }
public T Save(T obj)
ITransaction transaction = null;
transaction = Session.BeginTransaction();
return obj;
catch (Exception ex)
if (transaction != null && transaction.IsActive)
And finally, here's the code for my Http-Post edit method:
private readonly DatabaseAccessObject<Sprint> db = new DatabaseAccessObject<Sprint>();
private DatabaseAccessObject<Sprint> Db { get { return db; } }
public ActionResult Edit(Sprint editedSprint)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(editedSprint);
Any help would be appreciated.
The object you're saving probably hasn't got the Id set on it.
SaveOrUpdate does one of two things:
- Update() if the Id is set.
- Save() if the Id is not set.
refer to the docs:

NHibernate session management in NServiceBus with Autofac

Andreas Ohlund has an excellent article here on how to use Structuremap to wire the NHibernate session so that it enlists in the NSB transaction automatically.
Does anyone know if it is possible to achieve the same with Autofac?
I have been given the awnser by a colleague
public class NHibernateMessageModule : IMessageModule
/// <summary>
/// Injected SessionManager.
/// </summary>
public ISessionManager SessionManager { get; set; }
public void HandleBeginMessage()
//this session need for NServiceBus and for us
ThreadStaticSessionContext.Bind(SessionManager.OpenSession()); //CurrentSessionContext or ThreadStaticSessionContext
public void HandleEndMessage()
public void HandleError()
public interface ISessionManager
ISession Session { get; }
ISession OpenSession();
bool IsSessionOpened { get; }
void CloseSession();
public class NHibernateSessionManager : ISessionManager
private ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private ISession _session;
public ISession Session
get { return _session; }
private set { _session = value; }
public SchemaExport SchemaExport { get; set; }
public NHibernateSessionManager(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
public bool IsSessionOpened
get { return Session != null && Session.IsOpen; }
public ISession OpenSession()
if(Session == null)
Session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession();
if (SchemaExport != null)
SchemaExport.Execute(true, true, false, Session.Connection, null);
return Session;
public void CloseSession()
if (Session != null && Session.IsOpen)
Session = null;
You do exactly the same as in the articke you mention but select one of the Autofac lifescopes. If you have other classes involved in message handling where you want your session to be injected, you use InstancePerLifetimeScope like this
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Publisher, IWantCustomInitialization
public void Init()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(s => SessionFactory.CreateSessionFactory()).As<ISessionFactory>().SingleInstance();
builder.Register(x => x.Resolve<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession()).As<ISession>().InstancePerLifetimeScope();
var container = builder.Build();
You can also register any other dependencies you need within your NSB context and you will be sure it is instantiated and dosposed properly due to the use of child container.