Detect hash tag and srip the # for clean url - hashtag

consider the string
$tring = "e.g. i want to #sleep."
Am able to check for hash tags using
echo preg_replace('/(#\w+)/','\1',$tring']);
What i want to do is send the tag without the hash in front i.e. #sleep instead of #sleep

You can modify your regex slightly to make this work properly.
echo preg_replace('/(#)(\w+)/i', '\1\2', $tring);
This creates two groupings, instead of the one that you had. Only the second group, the word, is used in the URL link. Both are used in the display test.
Examples of how this will work
e.g. i want to #sleep. => e.g. i want to #sleep.
this is a #cow => this is a #cow
the #duck is #sleeping => the #duck is #sleeping
#regex are #awesome #fun => #regex are #awesome #fun
As you can see, this handles multiple tags in the string as well.


Escaping special characters & Encoding unsafe and reserved characters Lucene query syntax Azure Search

I have words "C&&K", "So`am`I" , "Ant||Man", "A*B==AB", "Ant+Man" in index of azure search.
According to Doc for Escaping special characters + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ / I need to prefixing them with backslash (\) And for unsafe and reserved characters need to encode them in URL.
for "C&&K" my search url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=C%5C%26%5C%26K~&queryType=full
for "So`am`I" my search url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=So%5C%60am%5C%60I~&queryType=full
for "Ant||Man" my search url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=A%5C*B%3D%3DAB~&queryType=full
for "A*B==AB" my search url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=A%5C*B%3D%3DAB~&queryType=full
for "Ant+Man" my search url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=Ant%5C%2BMan~&queryType=full
For all off them I do not get search result. I get "value": []
for "C&&K" I have also tried
url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=C%5C%26%26K~&queryType=full
url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=C%26%5C%26K~&queryType=full
for "So`am`I" I have also tried
url => /indexes/{index-name}/docs?api-version=2017-11-11&search=So%60am%60I~&queryType=full
It does not work. What am I doing wrong here?
With standard analysis, all of these would be indexed as multiple terms. Fuzzy queries, however, are not analyzed, so it will attempt to find it as a single term. That is, when you index "Ant||Man", after analysis, you end up with the terms "ant" and "man" in the index. When you search for Ant||Man, it will analyze it in much the same way as at index time, but when searching for Ant||Man~, the query won't be analyzed, and since no terms like that exist in the index, you won't get any matches. Similarly, for "A*B==AB" you get the terms "b" and "ab" ("a" is a stop word with default analysis).
So, try the queries without the ~.
In addition to femtoRgon's response, you may want to consider using a custom analyzer that does not index these as multiple terms if you would always like them to be searchable as they are. There is documentation on custom analyzers here, and you can use the Analyze API to test to make sure a given analyzer works as you expect.

How to get the org_id from a webhook?

When a Webhook is triggered, is there a way to get the org_id from which it was fired? (Aside from climbing up the triggered item)
The only solution I found so far is:
PodioItem::get($item_id); to get the space_id
PodioSpace::get($space_id); to get the full
PodioOrganization::get_for_url($attributes = array()); I get the org_id.
See the "Bundling responses using fields parameter" section at the very bottom of on how you can use the fields query parameter to include more data. There's even an example that goes almost all the way for you (it walks up to the space level, but you can just tack the org onto it):
For podio-php you can do:
$item = PodioItem::get($item_id, array('fields' => "app.view(full).fields(space.view(full))"));
Use PodioItem::filter instead of PodioItem::get, I'm pretty sure that you'll have the expected results, so try this:
$item = PodioItem::filter($item_id, array('filters' => "app.view(full).fields(space.view(full))"));
Hope it helps!

JMeter regex extractor forEach controller

I'm creating some tests with JMeter, the situation is very simple, I have a search page with a list of results, and I have to retrieve from this results some values to use in the next request.
Those results are around 350, I don't need them all.
I used the RegexExtractor to retrieve those results and it works (I setted it to retrieve just 10 results), but now I don't know how to access the results inside a LoopCounter.
The extractor put the results into a variable named Result.
The problem is that I don't know hot to build dinamically the name of a variable.
Do I have to use some function like _p()??
I can access the variable just putting the static name Result_0_g1
Inside the LoopCounter I putted also a Counter to store the loop count into the variable index
Thank you
SOLVED I have to write:
You have to reference the variable with the function:
...Just for collection.
See also this post for another implementation (case without using ForEach Controller):
Regex Extractor (variableName = links)
WhileController(${__javaScript(${C} < ${links_matchNr})})
HTTPSampler use ${__V(links_${C})} to access the current result
Counter (start=1, increment=1, maximum=${links_matchNr}, referenceName=C)
Use the ForEach Controller - it's specifically designed for this purpose and does exactly what you want.
You may use ForEach Controller:
Regular Expression Extractor (match -1, any template)
Foreach controller
Counter(Maximum -> ${Result_matchNr} , Rf Name -> index)
LinkSamplerUsingParsedData(use -> ${__V(Result_${index}_g1)}
Now, if you want to iterate to all groups, you need another foreach to do that. As you know which group represent what value, you can use this way.

assigning random url to a resource in rails 3

I need to generate a random url to my Topic model(for example) as such:
So how can I do this in rails?
Note: the random string must contain digits, small and capital letters.
Something like this perhaps
match "/:random_id" => "topics#show", :constraints => {:random_id => /([a-zA-Z]|\d){3,6}/}
will match a random string of 3-6 random letters/numbers to the show method of your Topics controller. Make sure to declare other resources above this matcher, as something like "http://localhost:3000/pies" will route to Topics#show instead of Pies#index.
To generate a random url for your Topic you can go something like this:
before_create :generate_random_id
def generate_random_id
#generates a random hex string of length 6
random_id = SecureRandom.hex(3)
Patricks answer should work - but it only covers routing incoming requests.
If you're still using the standard routes (eg topic_path) to create your links, it will still use the normal routes.
If you run rake routes, you should see the name of the route you created with with the random_id. (You may need to name it using :as => 'random_route')
If you call that instead of the standard topic_path you should get the route you are after

Replace space with dash before save using Rails 3

I am trying to save a name to the database and a single word (firstname) works fine but when the user enter both firstname and lastname I want Rails to save it to the database as firstname-lastname instead of firstname lastname (space between).
I know I perhaps should use a before create filter but I am not sure how this need to look like. I want the validation to work to, i.e. no two people should be able to use the same name.
I am using Rails 3.
You can use ActiveSupport's inflector method parameterize on the string.
name = 'john smith' # => john smith
name.parameterize # => john-smith
Further, parameterize takes an option to use for the word-break, so you can replace the dash with an underscore like this:
name.parameterize("_") # => john_smith
An advantage of using parameterize is that it normalizes the characters to the latin, so...
name = "jöhanne såltveç"
name.parameterize # => johanne-saltvec
EDIT: As of Rails the separator needs to be passed as an option. Therefore: name.parameterize(separator: '_')
Why don't you just have first_name and last_name columns in the db, and create your own validation rule to make sure the combination is unique ( You should also create a unique index over those two columns in your db.
Another option would be to us regexp and replace all existing spaces with. You'd put something along the lines of:
self.firstname.gsub(/\s+/, '-')
in your model.
Note: I'm not sure if ruby accepts \s as "any whitespace character" And I think the * should make sure that if someone enters a name with two neighbour spaces(or more) it won't convert each space into a separate dash, but only into one.
Other answer is correct,
But, if you want to preserve case while parameterizing
name = "Donald Duck"
name.parameterize(preserve_case: true) # => Donald-Duck