How to get user online status throught browser (URL needed) - api

I used the below link.**$UserID**/onlinestatus
for example:
I have been receiving an error message from last time. The error message is given below.
I heard the roblox API have been changed, but I can not find the right solutions, so I will be grateful for any answer.

It appears that you're trying to access the user's online status. As of right now, you can access this information by querying<user_id>, which returns a JSON object. Looking up IsOnline in the dictionary should return what you're trying to get
Here's an example I coded in Python:
import requests
res = requests.get(url='')
res = res.json()
>>> True/False


Soundcloud API /stream endpoint giving 401 error

I'm trying to write a react native app which will stream some tracks from Soundcloud. As a test, I've been playing with the API using python, and I'm able to make requests to resolve the url, pull the playlists/tracks, and everything else I need.
With that said, when making a request to the stream_url of any given track, I get a 401 error.
The current url in question is:
I've tried it without the ?client_id..., I have tried replacing the ? with &, I've tried getting another client_id, I've tried it with allow_redirects as both true and false, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The streamable property of every track is True, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue.
After doing a bit of research, I've found a semi-successful workaround. The /stream endpoint of the API is still not working, but if you change your destination endpoint to, it'll give you an RSS feed that's (mostly) the same as what you'd get by using the tracks or playlists API endpoint.
The link contained therein can be streamed.
Okay, I think I have found a generalized solution that will work for most people. I wish it were easier, but it's the simplest thing I've found yet.
Use API to pull tracks from user. You can use linked_partitioning and the next_href property to gather everything because there's a maximum limit of 200 tracks per call.
Using the data pulled down in the JSON, you can use the permalink_url key to get the same thing you would type into the browser.
Make a request to the permalink_url and access the HTML. You'll need to do some parsing, but the url you'll want will be something to the effect of:
You could probably use a regex to parse this out simply.
Make a request to this url adding ?client_id=... and it'll give you YET ANOTHER url in its return json.
Using the url returned from the previous step, you can link directly to that in the browser, and it'll take you to your track content. I checked on VLC by inputting the link and it streams correctly.
Hopefully this helps some of you out with your developing.
Since I have the same problem, the answer from #Default motivated me to look for a solution. But I did not understand the workaround with the permalink_url in the steps 2 and 3. The easier solution could be:
Fetch for example user track likes using api-v2 endpoint like this:<user_id>/track_likes?client_id=<client_id>
In the response we can finde the needed URL like mentioned from #Default in his answer:
collection: [
track: {
media: {
url: ""
Make request to this URL with client_id as a query param and you get another URL with that you can stream/download the track
Note that the api-v2 is still not public and the request from your client probably will be blocked by CORS.
As mentioned by #user208685 the solution can be a bit simpler by using the SoundCloud API v2:
Obtain the track ID (e.g. using the public API at
Get JSON from
From JSON parse MP3 progressive stream URL
From stream URL get MP3 file URL
Play media from MP3 file URL
Note: This link is only valid for a limited amount of time and can be regenerated by repeating steps 3. to 5.
Example in node (with node-fetch):
const clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
(async () => {
let response = await fetch(`${clientId}`);
const track = await response.json();
const trackId =;
response = await fetch(`${trackId}?client_id=${clientId}`);
const trackV2 = await response.json();
const streamUrl =
transcoding => transcoding.format.protocol === 'progressive'
response = await fetch(`${streamUrl}?client_id=${clientId}`);
const stream = await response.json();
const mp3Url = stream.url;
For a similar solution in Python, check this GitHub issue:

How to retrieve omniture using omniture developer api

We have programmed in android to track omniture using page name using the code
Analytics.trackState(pageName, params);
The params contains lot if data like, s.prop, Prop, s.eVar
Now: We want get all the params which got recorded in omniture by hitting this link
I am trying to use the nomniture module to call Report, but it is very difficult to understand the parameters to choose a particular page
My Node.js Code
var Client = require('omniture').Client, c = new Client(username,
sharedSecret, 'sanJose'), reportData = {
"rsid_list" : [ reportSuiteId ]
How to use s.pageName in a request to retrieve the recorded variables for a particular custom page name
I tried to use Report.QueueTrended, Report.QueueOvertime, Report.QueueRanked followed by Report.Get but I am not getting anything
I always ended up getting errorCode 5003, The report may contain imcomplete data. Please try again later

How to get the response content in selenium?

When I open the URL with driver.get(url), how can I get the response content of the page? Please refer to the image for more information.
In a separate post I saw this answer. As per it there is a ticket opened for Selenium.
I'm using Python and Django, but it's actually simple to get the response. I'm using a StaticLiveServerTestCase as my base test for the test. The .get() method on self.client actually returns the response itself. For example:
response = self.client.get(url)
However, it looks like what you're really trying to get is the cookie based on what you're pointing to in the picture. I use Django and the Django test suite to authenticate a user session to be used in the test.
def create_pre_authenticated_session(self, username, url="/"):
user = User.objects.create(username=username)
session = SessionStore()
session[SESSION_KEY] =
session[HASH_SESSION_KEY] = user.get_session_auth_hash()
# to set a cookie we need to first visit the domain.
# 404 pages load the quickest!
self.browser.get(self.live_server_url + '/404_no_such_url/')
self.browser.get(self.live_server_url + url)
return user
This has some other stuff in it that I borrowed from Percival's Test-Driven Development with Python, but I hope that it can provide some guidance on what you're trying to accomplish.

Outpan API C# POST Request

What does the Outpan server expect when posting data?
GET was giving me a json info that I was able to convert to an object.
Now when I'm giving information back just like the name:
it will always not understand my information (error 400). Already tried sending the json back with additional info, "Foodname" and "name = Foodname"

I am trying to use Yodlee/executeUserSearchRequest as a RESTful request and need an answer on how to call

I am working with the Yodlee services in c# and using the RESTful api. So far I have successfully connected and logged in with my CobrandSession and UserSessionToken in the development environment. I used the sample apps provided in c# and with some advice from shreyans i got an app working. What I got working was
1) Get YodleeAuthentication
2) Get UserAuthentication
3) Get ItemSummaries
I am now trying to get the full transaction details for each of the Items (i.e. collections of accounts that are an Item)
reading the Docs here it states that I need to call executeUserSearchRequest and then paginate through the results using the getUserTransactions. So I am stuck at this point. I dont really want a search which has parameters I just want ALL transactions for this account that I can see.
However, I am using the variables as defined in that page :-
var request = new RestRequest("/jsonsdk/TransactionSearchService/executeUserSearchRequest", Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("cobSessionToken", param.CobSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("userSessionToken", param.UserSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.containerType", param.ContainerType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.higherFetchLimit", param.HigherFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.lowerFetchLimit", param.LowerFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.endNumber", param.EndNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.startNumber", param.StartNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.currencyCode", param.CurrencyCode);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.fromDate", param.FromDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.toDate", param.ToDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.transactionSplitType.splitType", param.SplitType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.ignoreUserInput", param.IgnoreUserInput);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAcctId", param.ItemAcctId);
var response = RestClientUtil.GetBase().Execute(request);
var content = response.Content;
return new YodleeServiceResultDto(content);
As per the response from shreyans in this posting Getting Error "Any one of [**] of transactionSearchFilter cannot be NULL OR Invalid Values I am not putting in the ClientId and the ClientName
The documentation doesn't specify the format of the dates but the example seems to tell me that its american date format. And specifies a parameter saying IgnoreUserinput, but doesnt have a parameter for user input so this is confusing
When I make a call using this format I get an error response
var getSearchResult = yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequest.Go(yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequestDto);
{"errorOccured":"true","exceptionType":"Exception Occured","refrenceCode":"_60ecb1d7-a4c4-4914-b3cd-49182518ca5d"}"
But I get no error message in this and I have no idea what I have done wrong or where to look up this error, can somebody who has used Yodlee REST Api point me in the right direction as I need to get this researched quickly....
thanks your your help, advice, corrections and pointers....
Here is the list of parameters which you can try
1) For a specific ItemAccountId all transactions
2) For a Specific account (itemAccountId) with start and end dates