+/- operators for dates in SpEL - operators

According to the documentation, + and - operators can be used on dates in SpEL. However, I couldn't find neither the meaning/signature of these ops nor an example. Does anyone know how this works?

That appears to be a bug in the documentation. I opened a JIRA issue.


Best pratice on using `tf.compat.v1.metrics.auc`?

I try to migrate my code from tf1.* to tf2, while in tf2 doc it says that tf.compat.v1.metrics.auc is deprecated because "The value of AUC returned by this may race with the update". This statement is vague to me. Does it mean that it can't be used in multithreading context? If not, in what situation can I use this function?
tf.compat.v1.metrics.auc has been moved under tf.keras.
As mentioned in the error message itself you can start using tf.keras.metrics.AUC in Tf2.
There are some changes in hyper parameters in the updated version, details with the example can be found in the above mentioned document.

Tensorflow Documentation

I am increasingly irritated and frustrated by the Tensorflow documentation. I searched on google for documentation regarding
I'm getting directed to a generic page like here. I want to see the details of tf.reshape and not the entirety of the documentation.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Do not Google about Tensorflow documentation, use the TensorFlow Python reference documentation and ctrl + f
The probably fastest way is to use the Tf documentation is:
Just type tf.reshape and you are done.
which can be also used offline and automatically updates the docs.
edit: even typing only res shows you the documentation.
Update for posterity:
With the new TensorFlow, the website is now indexed with Google, and it should also soon be indexed by other search engines.
I would suggest you use the GitHub repo as your documentation instead. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes
For example tf.reshape is in a single Markdown file https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard0/tf.reshape.md
To search for the document you want, you could use the GitHub search under that functions_and_classes folder.
An example is
tf.reshape() path:tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes language:Markdown
which search for tf.reshape() under the documentation folder.
I use the non-official Dash/Zeal docset for TensorFlow:
It is a very convenient way of browsing the TensorFlow documentation offline and it solves the problem you are describing.
Is this what you are looking for? Using the search functionality of the browser helped me find it.
I suppose that you have installed tensorflow in your computer and that you know the name of function that you may want to use.
So if you use some Python IDE, I think you can directly jump to the declaration or definition of this function and see the usage and explanation. That is the same documentation as online (although for some functions it is not very clear).
You can use the url for tensorflow documentation and add what you want to search..
The base url is:
You can add what_ever_you_want_to_search after the /
Since Tensorflow r1.1 a search on google for items like 'tf.shape' now lists the appropriate page at the top of the search results.
This didn't work back in r0.10 and r0.11, maybe because there were many markdown formatting issues in the Tensorflow docs themselves.
Since you tf is developing best way is to go through the tf API. And it's good if you can follow these slides in http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs20si/

apache ode bpel expression count doesn't work

Please I need your help, I think that I have read all the threads related to apache ode, I'm either blind or stupid cause I've looked everywhere but it seems like no one has ever had a problem with count
I have an input sequence (int array) and I use a loop to do a simple addition of its content, but the count on the sequence is always returning 1. This is driving me crazy please someone help me with this
I use eclipse luna, bpel designer plugin, tomcat 8, apache ode beta 2 (because of the inline from spec initialization variables)
I don't know what details I can add here, so if I have to add more info just tell me and I'll do it
Thanks in advance
Thanks Walker. I tried a simple test, I just wanted to assign the count on sequence. Here is my assign :
<bpel:from expressionLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0">
<bpel:to part="payload" variable="output">
<bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[tns:result]]></bpel:query>

How Does WinHttpCrackurl Work

The MSDN documentation on WinHttpCrackurl makes a point of saying it runs "synchronously". But, could someone provide some authoritative documentation that says WinHttpCrackurl does or does not attempt a network connection? I've searched fruitlessly and would like to avoid disassembling the function. Thanks.
WinHttpCrackUrl() DOES NOT use the network in any way. There is no documentation that states that, but all it does is parses the input string into its individual components, nothing more, so there is no need for the network.

Is there any more documentation on WordBasic's FilePrintSetup?

I found the WordBasic.FilePrintSetup function when I was searching for a way to change Word's printer without changing Windows' default printer.
Unfortunately I could not find any real documentation on FilePrintSetup, even the parameters I found with Google aren't officially documented. (Printer and DoNotSetAsSysDefault)
So do you know of any documentation? Or do you know additional parameters which are supported by FilePrintSetup? (I'm especially interested in setting the tray/paper bin)
EDIT: I found out that the paper bin can be selected with FilePageSetup, an equally undocumented function. So if you have information about this function, I'd appreciate them, too :)
The online help documents the equivalent VBA for WordBasic functions/methods. These are read-only though.
Edit: ActiveDocument.PrintOut allows you to select a tray for first and following pages.
Note that the printername parameter of the fileprintsetup method is case-sensitive. XP and Win7 don't store server\printernames the same way so you may find a problem when upgrading OS
The previous reply is wrong. ActivePrinter DOES change the system default printer. Microsoft's documentation clearly states this.