access user arbitrary folders with chrome localstorage API - api

I'm developing an app on Google chrome which could be able to read and write files to arbitrary folders on the user’s hard drive, such as their My Pictures or My Documents folder.
I want my app to has its one folder, like "Users/Username/App", so users could be able to access some of the data, created and edited by the app. How can I do this?
I read the book "Using the HTML5 Filesystem API", so I know it's actually not possible with HTML5 Filesystem API alone. Same thing was possible by opera 11, 12. (see: Chorome mediaGalleries API do same things but just for media file but I want to use html, xml and office files

It doesn't sound like you've looked at the list of Chrome App APIs. Have you? Among them is the fileSystem API, which is evolving quickly to include directory access.


How to access (read/write) advanced file EXIF/metadata in the Dropbox JavaScript API?

How to access (read/write) advanced file metadata in the Dropbox JavaScript API?
I'm talking about things like e.g.: MacOS file tags. Or the camera model inside the EXIF data.
Please note that dbx.filesGetMetadata(arg) does not provide very detailed metadata... Almost only dropbox specific metadata actually.
Any ideas?
Kudos to Greg.
The Dropbox API unfortunately doesn't natively return Mac OS file metadata/xattrs, or the full EXIF information for a file. The Dropbox API currently only natively returns a few pieces of basic media information in FilesFileMetadata.media_info, e.g., if you set FilesGetMetadataArg.include_media_info to true when calling filesGetMetadata or filesListFolder/filesListFolderContinue.
To get any other metadata embedded in the file content, you'll need to download the file content and parse it out client-side.

Is there a way to create a Dropbox link that opens a file or a folder in the native app?

Basically, what I would like to do is to create a link from a web application that will open a Dropbox file from appropriate Dropbox native app. Google Drive for example allows you to re-format the unique URL for a file such as which you can retrieve from their API, into googledrive:// and lets you open the file in Google Drive native app.
I have tried dropbox:// URLs with no success, and have not found any existing conversation on this despite running cross multiple conversations on the same subject for Google Drive or Evernote. Please let me know if it is possible to somehow generate this via API or based on the folder structure etc.

Porting files from RESTFul to Google Drive Android API(GDAA).

I'd like to solicit an expert advice on the following problem:
I have thousands of files (jpeg images) created under different authorizations in Google Drive. I can see all of them using the RESTful API (DRIVE scope) and can easily collect the file IDs of the subset I need. This collection has to be ported (make visible) to the new app version under the GDAA. And I know that GDAA's 'resource ID' is the RESTful's 'file ID'. I can sure bring all of the files to the Android device (using RESTful API) and re-insert them into the GDAA, but it is wasteful.
So, the question finally emerges:
Having collection of 'resource IDs', is there an easy way to port these files into the GDAA that has FILES scope and its own new authorization identity? Using the Android app only?
If I understand what you are asking, you want to transfer an authorization from one app to another? That is not possible. A user authorized you to access the file with a particular app. They need to reauthorize you to access the file with any new app.

How Internet Download Manager grabs URL of online videos

I'm developing a software which streams videos from vimeo. But, I don't know how to fetch it's direct URL.
Suppose the URL of vimeo video is:
But, IDM captures the direct URL of it as,
So, how is this possible ?
I think there is one similar software that you might be interested to look into. Internet Video Manager.
It uses a python back-end program (included in the same folder, named as dl.exe) to extract direct link to youtube, vimeo videos.
Pro accounts have access to their own video files using the new (in beta) API3. If you would like access you can request it at

How does Songkick import your iTunes data?

Today I found which offers the possibility to scan your iTunes library, how do they do it? I tried to google around but I couldn't find an API from Apple for it, do you have any idea?
Songkick loads a java applet in web browser that has read-only access to file system. It refers to iTunes library file, for example on mac at /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml to read all the tracks and their metadata.
Since iTunes doesn't work as a web service, it would not have an API.