How does Songkick import your iTunes data? - itunes

Today I found which offers the possibility to scan your iTunes library, how do they do it? I tried to google around but I couldn't find an API from Apple for it, do you have any idea?

Songkick loads a java applet in web browser that has read-only access to file system. It refers to iTunes library file, for example on mac at /Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml to read all the tracks and their metadata.
Since iTunes doesn't work as a web service, it would not have an API.


MKMapView Not rendring on Cocoa Application

I am trying to use MKMapView but the it won't render the tiles on view.
I am getting this in the debugger.
"Your Application has attempted to access the Map Kit API. You cannot
access this API without an entitlement. You may receive an entitlement
from the Mac Developer Program for use by you only with your Mac App
Store Apps. For more information about Apple's Mac Developer Program,
please visit"
I have searched for the solution but can't find the proper solution for this. I have enabled the maps services to in the member centre, but still unable to resolve my issue.
Is there anyone who have any idea about this?
P.S: I am using developer Id application certificate, and it doesn't use any provision profile for code signing.
In Xcode, go to your Application's target and select the Capabilities tab. There you can flip 'Maps' from Off to On. This will add the entitlement.

Is there a callback in Dropbox API when file upload (sync) starts?

I am creating a web service that mashes up Dropbox, Soundcloud and Wordpress.
I need a callback when user places a file in his Dropbox folder so that I can update the browser user interface. Since it is possible to ask for a download link locally before a file is completely synced, I naturally expect it to be possible to get a callback when file sync has started on a file-by-file basis.
However according to what I experienced /delta only shows files that have finished syncing.
Is there a way to know when file sync starts? If it is not possible via Core API, could it be possible with a small client applet (java or something)?
The Dropbox API doesn't currently expose any notion of a pending upload or file sync status. It can only return information about files that have finished uploading.
Likewise, even with a client app running on the same OS, there currently isn't an interface for communicating with the official Dropbox desktop client to get this information.

How Internet Download Manager grabs URL of online videos

I'm developing a software which streams videos from vimeo. But, I don't know how to fetch it's direct URL.
Suppose the URL of vimeo video is:
But, IDM captures the direct URL of it as,
So, how is this possible ?
I think there is one similar software that you might be interested to look into. Internet Video Manager.
It uses a python back-end program (included in the same folder, named as dl.exe) to extract direct link to youtube, vimeo videos.
Pro accounts have access to their own video files using the new (in beta) API3. If you would like access you can request it at

access user arbitrary folders with chrome localstorage API

I'm developing an app on Google chrome which could be able to read and write files to arbitrary folders on the user’s hard drive, such as their My Pictures or My Documents folder.
I want my app to has its one folder, like "Users/Username/App", so users could be able to access some of the data, created and edited by the app. How can I do this?
I read the book "Using the HTML5 Filesystem API", so I know it's actually not possible with HTML5 Filesystem API alone. Same thing was possible by opera 11, 12. (see: Chorome mediaGalleries API do same things but just for media file but I want to use html, xml and office files
It doesn't sound like you've looked at the list of Chrome App APIs. Have you? Among them is the fileSystem API, which is evolving quickly to include directory access.

Can I access the BlackBerry Javascript API from a webpage?

Would it be possible to, after gaining the user's permission, access the javascript API on BlackBerry devices from a mobile webapp? Sort of in the same way you can request permission from a user to access their Facebook information?
I know it's possible to create a native app in HTML5+JavaScript using WebWorks and gain access to it there, but for the solution we're building asking the user to download an app would be over-kill.
No, the stock BlackBerry browser won't allow you to access any WebWorks extensions. Javascript extensions need to be explicitly loaded by a native (Java) application into the BrowserField.
This is probably a security feature.