What happens at the compiler level when casting one Objective C object to another - objective-c

I know that in C casting one variable to another type tells the compiler to act as if that variable is of that type and size in memory.
int* a = (char*)b;
Take the value of b (which is a 1 byte memory address) and store that in the 4 byte variable a. (Correct me if i'm wrong)
How does this work which casting an Objective-C object?
I also understand that each object is just a C struct holding a pointer to its class, instance variable list, etc.
If I have a class which is a subclass of UIView called MyView and I am passed a pointer to a UIView, maybe a method argument, and I do this:
-(id)setupThisViewForMe:(UIView*)aView {
MyView* newView = (MyView*)aView;
newView = [[MyView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f,0.0f,100.0f,100.0f)];
[newView takeOverTheWorldWithMyMethodInSubclass];
return newView;
What exactly is the compiler doing at compile time?

What exactly is the compiler doing at compile time [when you cast Objective C objects]?
Almost nothing: the compiler performs checks related to ARC, making sure that you are not coercing a weak pointer into a strong variable or vice versa, but other than that, the compiler trusts you to do the right thing. Of course if you "lie" to your compiler, it will "pay back" with unsupported message exceptions at runtime.


Why does an object variable have to be a pointer?

If I declare an NSMutableString
NSMutableString *str_value;
Why do I have to declare this as a pointer (using *)? If I don't, I get a compilation error.
Could someone explain this clearly?
Recall that Objective C is a superset of C. When you declare a variable without * in C, it is an indication that the memory for that variable is allocated either in the automatic storage if it is a local variable, as part of its outer structure if it is a member of a structure, or in the static memory if it is a static or a global. Using the typename or a structure tag without * in a parameter list of a function indicates passing by value.
The designers of the Objective C language could have taken the Java-like route, making every class instance is a pointer without the pointer syntax, but then the readers of programs in Objective C would need to know if a name represents a typedef based on a struct or an id type to answer even the most basic questions about objects of that type, such as if it is implicitly passed by pointer or by value, if it is allocated as part of the owning structure or as a heap object pointed to by a pointer inside the structure, and so on.
To avoid this kind of confusion, designers of Objective C decided to preserve the explicit pointer syntax for id objects.
A pointer means you are pointing / referencing to that class. Yes it will cause a compilation error, the reason for a pointer is mainly for memory. One data type (int or BOOL or float etc...) is only a few bytes, therefore it is not necessary to have a pointer. But NSMutableString and other Objective-C classes have a lot of properties and methods, with a lot of code. Therefore, since in your apps will have a lot of objects, which will use a lot of memory and thus slow down your app/decrease performance. Of course you should release the object once you make a pointer.

What is the meaning of id?

I am (trying to) learn Objective-C and I keep coming across a phrase like:
-(id) init;
And I understand id is an Objective C language keyword, but what does it mean to say "the compiler specifically treats id in terms of the pointer type conversion rules"?
Does id automatically designate the object to its right as a pointer?
id is a pointer to any type, but unlike void * it always points to an Objective-C object. For example, you can add anything of type id to an NSArray, but those objects must respond to retain and release.
The compiler is totally happy for you to implicitly cast any object to id, and for you to cast id to any object. This is unlike any other implicit casting in Objective-C, and is the basis for most container types in Cocoa.
id is a pointer to any Objective-C object (objc_object). It is not just a void pointer and you should not treat it as so. It references an object that should have a valid isa pointer. The values that can be stored in id are also not just limited to NSObject and its descendants, which starts to make sense of the existence of the NSObject protocol as well as the NSProxy class which does not even inherit from NSObject. The compiler will allow you to assign an object referenced by type id to any object type, assign any object type to id, as well as send it any message (that the compiler has seen) without warning.
id is a generic type. This means that the compiler will expect any object type there, and will not enforce restrictions. It can be useful if you're expecting to use more than one class of objects there; you can then use introspection to find out which class it is. id automatically assumes a pointer, as all objects in Objective-C are passed as pointers/references.
Some Additional Resources:
id vs NSObject vs id*
Objective-C Programming (Wikibooks)
Dynamic Typing
id is a data type of object identifiers in Objective-C, which can
be use for an object of any type no matter what class does it have.
id is the final super type of all objects.
In java or c# we use like this
Object data = someValue;
String name =(Object)data;
but in objective c
id data= someValue;
NSString *name= data;
Yes and no. It's true that having id x designates x as a pointer, but saying that the pointer type conversion rules apply is wrong, because "id" has special type conversion rules. For example, with a void * pointer you can't do this:
void *x;
char *y = x; // error, this needs an explicit cast
On the contrary, it's possible with id:
id x;
NSString *y = x;
See more usage of type id in objective c examples.
In addition in the "modern" Objective C it's preferred to use instancetype instead of "id" on "init" methods. There's even an automatic conversion tool in Xcode for changing that.
Read about instancetype: Would it be beneficial to begin using instancetype instead of id?

Is casting ever required for the object on an NSNotification?

When I receive an NSNotification do I ever need to cast notification.object? Suppose I know notification.object will be an instance of MyClass and I do the following:
MyClass *myClass = notification.object;
Is any casting necessary here? How is the above assignment different from:
MyClass *myClass = (MyClass *)notification.object;
No, it is entirely unneccessary and does not change anything about the behavior of your program. Casting only happens at compile time, and in the case of pointers, is just used to assure the compiler that you know what type the object is.
The compiler may complain about an assignment if you are, for example, setting a variable of type Subclass to the result of a method that returns type Superclass, where you know that the actual object you are going to get back is of type Subclass. In that case, you would cast to the subclass. E.g.,
MyViewController * vc = (MyViewController *)[someWindow rootViewController];
The type of notification.object is id, a generic object pointer, and the compiler is perfectly happy to assign such a pointer to any other type of pointer.
No. Objective-C doesn't require a cast from type id to another object type.

Why are object variables declared with a star

This may seem like trivial question.
But why is that we have to use the asterisk symbol when declaring object variables
Like, we do
Car * mazda = [[Car alloc] init];
What's the importance of the asterisk, I mean the compiler already knows it's an object, I'm sure the compiler can be trained not to complain about it. But then again by omitting it, I get an error message "statically allocating instance of objective-c class NSObject" What purpose would that serve?
The asterix is a qualifier to the Car variable that you declaring. It means that you are declaring a pointer to a Car rather than declaring a Car itself. The return value of the init function (and the alloc function for that matter) is a pointer to a Car, not a Car itself, therefore this is correct.
With * you declare a pointer. That’s like in C, which is a subset of ObjC. Without the * the variable would be statically allocated which is not possible for ObjC objects (because the size of the object couldn’t be determined at compile time).
Statically allocated variables are used for primitive C types like int or double
int number = 42;
Objective-C requires that all objects are dynamically allocated (i.e. on the heap). The error you're getting indicates that you're trying to create a Car object on the stack. By declaring mazda to be a pointer to Car (Car*) rather than a Car, you satisfy that requirement.
This is effectively a dupe of Why [object doSomething] and not [*object doSomething]?, which has a ton of background information.
The asterix in variable declaration also means the value of the variable will not have a static allocated value. Its a pointer just like the others have said.

How are objects passed and returned in Objective-C?

In Java, I can easily pass data using (ObjectA)objB. How can I do the similar things in Objective C? Also, why the Objective C can't return an Object, but only can return the id only? I do -(MyObj)returnMyObject{ }, but the Xcode warning me that I can't use the MyObj, but I can return the id..... -(id) returnMyObject {}.
The underlying model of Java and Apple's Objective C objects is really the same both have all objects on the heap and are accessed via pointers.
The difference is in Java the pointers are hidden so (ObjectA)objB is a pointer to data of type ObjectA. In Objective C the pointer is explicit and you need to say (MyObj*)returnMyObject{ }
id is a pointer to an object (so is an exception in that the pointer is implicit like Java)
As Mark has already pointed out; all Objective-C objects require the * at the end; it's always NSString *aString, never NSString aString.
This applies to casts as well; so you would have to do (MyObj *)anObject. Note, however, that the cast doesn't actually do anything, it's merely there as a hint for the compiler.