Transposing Collection of Cells from an Open Workbook - vba

Here's the backstory: I've been enjoying VBA's versatility in Excel 2007, but I'm getting stuck trying to reference a range of cells from another workbook. More explicitly, I'd like to create a columnar list starting in cell I12 in ThisWorkbook using the For Each Next process, which will grab the cell values (of varying quantity) from the first row of the sheet (sheet variable is CompShtName) in the OldFile workbook. Here is the excerpt of code I've written:
CompShtName = Range("E12").Value
For Each Cell In OldFile.Sheets(CompShtName).Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlRight)) **<---Run-time error 1004**
Range("I" & 12 + i).Value = Cell.Value
i = i + 1
I've declared and defined the variables where: OldFile = file address for the old file, CompShtName = name of sheet in OldFile, and i = counter. When I try to run the code, I get run-time error 1004 in the line containing the arrow.
I thought maybe the problem lay in pulling from another book. But if I change the range to something more simple, like Range("A1:A5"), it works. I even tried removing OldFile.Sheets(CompShtName). and letting it run using the active ThisWorkbook, but that works, too. So the problem must be from try to create an unwieldy collection.
I really like #Zemens approach using transposition instead of a loop. I also made sure to properly qualify my range, using the suggestion from #mehow. Unfortunately, I'm still getting a 1004 error. Here is the updated code exceprt:
Dim OldSht As Worksheet
Dim EndOldHeader As Range
Set OldSht = OldFile.Sheets(CompShtName)
Set EndOldHeader = OldSht.Cells(1, OldSht.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight)) Compare.Range("I12").Resize(EndOldHeader.Columns.Count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(EndOldHeader.Value)
The error occurs in the Set EndOldHeader line.

The unqualified Range object Range("A1").End(xlRight) is assumed always to refer to the ActiveWorkbook. You need to fully qualify it, per #mehow's comment.
The 1004 error raises because it is not possible to construct a Range object that spans multiple workbooks :)
I find it better when working with large constructs like this to create object variables to represent them. They are easier to read, update, maintain, and debug in the future.
However, you can do this without a loop structure. It should be faster, although might not be noticeably faster.
Dim oldSheet as Worksheet
Dim oldRange as Range
Dim cl as Range
Set oldSheet = OldFile.Sheets(CompShtName)
Set oldRange = oldSheet.Cells(1, oldSheet.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight))
ActiveSheet.Range("I12").Resize(oldRange.Columns.Count,1).Value = Application.Transpose(oldRange.Value)
Or, to do in the loop like:
For each cl in oldRange.Cells
ActiveSheet.Range("I" & 12 + i).Value = cl.Value
i = i + 1


Excel VBA Get Count of Non-Empty Rows in Range

I know this has been asked at least a dozen times, but of all those questions the solutions seemed to be tailored or simply created an error in my code. For some reason I get an error when I try and reference a range from a different worksheet. Below is my code. I have two worksheets (tabs). One has a button to launch my code MENU, the other is the data I am trying to read and write to RAW. All I am trying to do is find out how many rows of data the sheet has so I can loop through the rows and make changes. For some reason I can't wrap my head around it or something.
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
Dim wbCurrent As Workbook
Dim wsCurrent As Worksheet
Set wbCurrent = ThisWorkbook
Set wsCurrent = wbCurrent.Worksheets("RAW")
Dim i As Long
Dim siteCol As Long
siteCol = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To siteCol
wsCurrent.Range("I" & i) = "MARKED"
Next i
Range("I1") = siteCol
End Sub
1- Always use Long for your variables, not Integer unless you have a specific reason. The maximum value of an Integer is 32767, which might be not enough to hold your count of rows.
2- Dont get the number of rows with COUNTA, this has many drawbacks. use this instead:
siteCol = wsCurrent.Range("I" & wsCurrent.Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
This finds the Row number of the last occupied cell in wsCurrent, assuming that wsCurrent is at the top of the document (it starts on Row 1). Please note that if wsCurrent is completely empty, this will find the row number of the first occupied cell above wsCurrent, or the first row of the document.
3- When you want to assign a whole range to the same value, you can do it at once, which is much faster and simpler, like this (no loop needed):
wsCurrent.Range("I1:I" & siteCol) = "MARKED"
4- No need to Activate a worksheet to work with it. Drop the statement wsCurrent.Activate and try to always work with qualified ranges.

Copying Data from External workbook based on headers not in order to another workbook

I hope this is the right place to ask this question as I am on the verge of going crazy. I am so rusty and I have zero experience with VBA (only with C++, java)
The problem:
I am trying to copy data from one workbook to another.
Lets say I have a workbook (called DATA) with several worksheets filled with data. Each column of data has a unique heading (all headings on the same row).
On the other hand I have another workbook (called REPORT) with one worksheet that contains only the heading of the data (in one row). They are not in the same order as in DATA workbook. For example I have 3 headings in REPORT worksheet that can be found in different worksheets in DATA workbook.
I need to loop through all the worksheets in the DATA workbook and copy paste the whole column to the REPORT worksheet when the same heading is found.
This image may help to understand. Explanation
Thanks ALOT for your help in advance. I have searched alot for this code but found similar stuff but didnt manage to understand any .
First attempt at doing it, but getting an error of Run-time error '1004'.
Any help?
Dim MyFile As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
''Workbook that contains one worksheet with all the headings ONLY NO DATA
Dim TargetWS As Worksheet
Set TargetWS = ActiveSheet
Dim TargetHeader As Range
''Location of Headers I want to search for in source file
Set TargetHeader = TargetWS.Range("A1:G")
''Source workbook that contains multiple sheets with data and headings _
not in same order as target file
Dim SourceWB As Workbook
Set SourceWB = Workbooks("Source.xlsx")
Dim SourceHeaderRow As Integer: SourceHeaderRow = 1
Dim SourceCell As Range
''Stores the col of the found value and the last row of data in that col
Dim RealLastRow As Long
Dim SourceCol As Integer
''Looping through all worksheets in source file, looking for the heading I want _
then copying that whole column to the target file I have
For Each ws In SourceWB.Sheets
For Each Cell In TargetHeader
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Set SourceCell = Rows(SourceHeaderRow).Find _
(Cell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not SourceCell Is Nothing Then
SourceCol = SourceCell.Column
RealLastRow = Columns(SourceCol).Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
If RealLastRow > SourceHeaderRow Then
Range(Cells(SourceHeaderRow + 1, SourceCol), Cells(RealLastRow, _
TargetWS.Cells(2, Cell.Column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End If
End If
Your question didn't specify what part of the problem you're actually stuck on, so I'll assume you don't know how to start. Note that nobody on here is going to provide you with the full working solution to your problem - that's upto you to figure out.
A few tips to get you to start working:
The first question you're going to ask yourself with problems involving multiple workbooks is typically going to be which workbook am i going to attach my macro to?
In your case, the REPORT Workbook looks like a saner option, since you probably want someone to be clicking on something in the report in order to generate it. You could also argue the other way around though.
Once you have chosen where to put your VBA, you have to establish a reference to the other workbook.
You either have to load the other Excel file from disk using Workbooks.Open, or have both Workbooks be open at the same time in your Excel Instance, which I'd recommend for you because it's easier. In this case simply establish the reference using the Workbooks object.
Dim exampleRefToDATA As Workbook: Set exampleRefToDATA = Workbooks("data.xlsx") ' or index
Then, cycle through each Worksheet
using something like For Each ws As WorkSheet In exampleRefToDATA.WorkSheets as your For Loop
In that Loop, loop through the first column using something like
For Each allName As Range In ws.Range(... for you to figure out ...)
In this Loop, you'll have to look if that name is in your REPORTS sheet by doing another loop like
For Each thisName As Range in Range(... seriously, there's enough on stackoverflow on how to properly iterate over the used range of a row ...)
Note how this Range() call is Equivalent to ActiveWorkbook.ActiveWorkSheet.Range, which is your Reports sheet.
Then just check for equality and copy the row over if necessary. Again, copying a row has also been covered here before.
Hope this was helpful for you.

VBA Runtime error 1004 when trying to access range of sheet

I am building a small vba script that is merging tables from several workbook into one single worksheet of another workbook. The error is raised when I try to set the destination range's value:
wksPivotData.Range(wksPivotData.Cells(CurrentRow, 1)).Resize(tbl.ListRows.Count, tbl.ListColumns.Count).Value = _
The error: "Run-time error '1004': Application-Defined or object-defined error"
I went through similar questions, and the general answer is what I found in this one: The selected cell belongs to another worksheet than the one desired.
While this makes complete sense, I still can't figure why my code breaks as I'm only using numerical reference (CurrentRow is a Long) and Resize, which should prevent me from doing such a mistake.
Additionally, I ran a couple quick tests in the Immediate window and it turns out that while the worksheet wksPivotData exists and I can access its name and a cell value, the range function simply doesn't work:
Debug.Print wksPivotData.Name
Debug.Print wksPivotData.Cells(1, 1).Value
Both of those work but the next one doesn't:
Debug.Print wksPivotData.Range(1, 1).Value
Your last line, Debug.Print wksPivotData.Range(1, 1).Value won't print because you're misuing Range(). I assume you want A1?
When using Range(1,1), you're referring to a non-existent range. If you want to do cell A1, you need
With wksPivotData
myData = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(1,1)).Value
End with
Since you're using multiple worksheets, I'd use the with statement as above. Another way to write the same thing is wksPivotData.Range(wksPivotData.Cells(1,1),wksPivotData.Cells(1,1)) (You need to explicitly tell Excel what sheet you want to refer to when using Range() and cells().
Finally, for your resize, if I recall correctly, you're going to have to add the same Cell() twice in your range:
wksPivotData.Range(wksPivotData.Cells(CurrentRow, 1),ksPivotData.Cells(CurrentRow, 1)).Resize(tbl.ListRows.Count, tbl.ListColumns.Count).Value = _
Or, for the same thing, but different way of doing it:
With wksPivotData
.Range(.Cells(currentRow, 1), .Cells(currentRow, 1)).Resize(tbl.ListedRows.Count, tbl.ListColumns.Count).Value = tbl.Range.Value
End With

Condense largely(Unpractical) loop based VBA code; nested For...Next loops

Hello everyone alright let start by giving some brief background on my project then I will follow up with my specific issue and code.
Currently I am building a program to automate the process of filling a template. This template exceeds 60,000 rows of data quite often and I've built the large majority of it to work month to month by plugging in new data sheets and running it. Currently all of the work is based off of one data sheet which I import into excel manually. This data sheet does not contain all the data I need to populate the template so now I am beginning to bring in additional data to supplement this. The problem herein lies with data association. When I was originally pulling from one data sheet I didn't have to worry if the data I pulled for each row coincided with the other rows because it all came from the same sheet. Now I have to cross check data across two sheets to confirm it is pulling the correct information.
Now for what you need to know. I am trying to fill a column that will be referred to as Haircut, but before I do that I need to confirm that I am pulling the correct haircut number in correlation to a Trade ID which was already populated into the template in a previous line of code.
Using similar logic that I have been using throughout my entire project this is a snippet of code I have to perform this task.
Dim anvil as Worksheet
Dim ALLCs as worksheet
Dim DS as worksheet
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''code above this line is irrelevant to answer this question
ElseIf InStr(1, DS.Cells(x, 2), "Haircut") Then
For y = 1 To 80
If Anvil.Cells(1, y) = "Haircut" Then
For Z = 1 To 80
If Anvil.Cells(1, Z) = "Trade ID" Then
For t = 2 To 70000
For u = 16 To 70000
If Anvil.Cells(t, Z) = ALLCs.Cells(u, 34) Then
ALLCs.Cells(u, 27) = Anvil.Cells(t, y)
End If
End If
End If
This code coupled with my other code I assume will in theory work, but I can only imagine that it will take an unbelievable amount of time(this program already takes 7 and a half minutes to run). Any suggestions on how to rewrite this code with better functionality, following this general logic?
Any help is appreciated, whether you completely revamp the code, or if you offer suggestions on how to cut down loops. I am also looking for suggestions to speed up the code in general aside from screen updating and calculation suggestions.
If I understand the logic correctly then you can replace all but one of the loops with a .Find() method like so:
'// Dimension range objects for use
Dim hdHaricut As Excel.Range
Dim hdTradeID As Excel.Range
Dim foundRng As Excel.Range
With Anvil
With .Range("A1:A80") '// Range containing headers
'// Find the cell within the above range that contains a certain string, if it exists set the Range variable to be that cell.
Set hdHaircut = .Find(What:="Haircut", LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set hdTradeID = .Find(What:="Trade ID", LookAt:=xlWhole)
End With
'// Only if BOTH of the above range objects were found, will the following block be executed.
If Not hdHaricut Is Nothing And Not hdTradeID Is Nothing Then
For t = 2 To 70000
'// Using the .Column property of the hdTradeID range, we can see if the value of Cells(t, hdTradeColumn) exists
'// in the other sheet by using another .Find() method.
Set foundRng = ALLCs.Range(ALLCs.Cells(16, 34), ALLCs.Cells(70000, 34)).Find(What:=.Cells(t, hdTradeID.Column).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
'// If it exists, then pass that value to another cell on the same row
If Not foundRng Is Nothing Then ALLCs.Cells(foundRng.Row, 27).Value = .Cells(t, hdHaircut.Column).Value
'// Clear the foundRng variable from memory to ensure it isn't mistaken for a match in the next iteration.
Set foundRng = Nothing
End If
End With

VBA Excel error when code is moved from worksheet to module

I have a Excel file with multiple tabs. I have a worksheet with some code which is working fine. This code also refers to data on some "master" tabs. I need to duplicate this sheet so I moved the common functions from there to a module. Now I get a VBA 1004 error when trying to access a range on the same worksheet.
Dim selectedRange As Range
Set selectedRange = Worksheets(name).Range("A1", _
Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp)) 'Error Line
This code worked fine till I moved it to a module. It works if I put a
before it, but I will have to do it too many times. Based on this query: VBA error 1004 - select method of range class failed
the code should work fine without a .Select. And it does as long as the code is within the worksheet. Why does moving code to a module create a problem?
U use Range and Rows properties without an object qualifier. When used without an object qualifier, this properties are a shortcut for ActiveSheet.Range / ActiveSheet.Rows.
So the code does this:
Worksheets(Name).Range("A1", ActiveSheet.Range("A" & ActiveSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
But Worksheets(name) could be different from active sheet so better is:
Worksheets(Name).Range("A1", Worksheets(Name).Range("A" & Worksheets(Name).Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
In With-End With block:
With Worksheets(name)
Set selectedRange = .Range("A1", .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
So it is ensured that the Range/Rows properties are applied on Worksheets(name) worksheet object.
When you do things on a sheet, you do not really need explicit declarations to that sheet.
However when working on a module and interacting with other sheets, you need to specify which Sheet you want to work with. So select the sheet before you can select the range. To say, SELECT PARENT BEFORE YOU SELECT THE CHILDREN :) Please note, following is just the logic explanantion. Not the exact code syntax.
So I suggest you create the following worksheet variable and set your worksheet object that you need into that.
Dim WS as Worksheet
Dim selectedRange As Range
Set WS = Sheets("Shee1")
Set selectedRange = WS.Range("A1", _
Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp)) 'Error Line
Or else if you want to refer to all sheets, you may use each sheet's index
E.g. ThisWorkBook.Sheets(i) 'i is an integer
Then loop or whatever as it deems to your programme structure.
Further you do not have to use Select on the worksheet to point to a range in that worksheet. As per above code you could set the worksheet and set the range you need to process. When optimizing VBA execution, select is usually a taboo. Also Excel 2007 does not retain the active sheet the way older versions used to.