There must to be a way to use Xdebug - netbeans-7

I have been trying for almost 3 years to use Xdebug. ONE time I got it to work on a linux system... Local only. Other than that, Windows, remote, hybrid, NOTHING! I am POSITIVE someone has made it work or else it wouldn't exist. Can someone PLEASE offer some advise to help me get this thing running?
This is my scenario.
Windows 7, Netbeans 7.4 beta
Code resides on linux box (crunchbang)
I have drives mappaed in windows so I access the codes from the linux machine
This is my php.ini
zend_extension = php_xdebug-2.2.3-5.3-vc9-nts.dll
xdebug.remote_enable = on
xdebug.remote_mode = req
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.remote_host = //linux box
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
output_buffering = off;
When I attempt to debug, I get perpetual nothingness... never connects...
There must be SOMETHING I can do/try to make this happen!
I have seen dozens of questions on here, usually with the same 2 or 3 answers and none of them have been helpful. Looking for ANY helpful advice.

The answer is that it is simple not possible to debug PHP applications via NetBeans in Windows 7. After 3 years of trying, that is the only solution I can surmise.


Rpi4 and Ejabberd external registration

Some friends and I want to leave WhatsApp for good and as I've been playing around with my Rpi4 for years now, I thought I'd use that to set up an XMPP-Server for us to use, to have a secure and customizable experience.
I've tried it with ejabberd and installed it from the repo. I also tried to compile the newest version, but I get an error output every time.
It works fine so far, but it differs from what I've seen online.
My problem is, that registration from outside doesn't work at all. I can register from ejabberdctl, but that's it. On the tested clients it says "server doesn't allow registration", although I have enabled everything that says anything about registration allowance.
System: Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB)
OS: TwisterOS 1.9.6 (Based on Raspbian 32bit)
Ejabberd Version: 18.12.1-2
Config files:
When the "mod_register" line is enabled/uncommented (or any other not by default enabled mod), ejabberdctl live gives following output: [error] Cannot load /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml: Syntax error on line 272 at position 2: did not find expected key
I am very thankful for any help, whether it's getting my current version to allow registration or compiling the current version which seems easier to work with, as all of the solutions I've seen on the internet won't work with my version.
Kind Regards,
I figured it out. You won't believe it...
The prewritten spaces in
" ## mod_register: "
seem to not have been spaces but something else, though they weren't wide as tabs but exactly as spaces.
So I deleted the spaces before mod_register: and hammered the space key myself. After that, everything worked out perfectly and other modules do as well in the same way.
tl;dr: Replace the pseudo spaces with own spaces.

HTTPS request blocked in Windows7

I am calling a web page from a VB application to perform a validation, something like :
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", ls_address, False
The value of objXMLHTTP.Status is 0 in Windows7 and 200 in Windows10.
I have a lot of people that started to have this problem yesterday (2018-01-29) so I am thinking that a Windows 7 update might have caused this?
Also, my ls_address is https://... and I have the problem in Windows7, but when I change it to http://... it works again. Both work in Windows10.
Anybody has a clue where to look, Windows Defender, Microsoft Security Essentials, etc. ???
Try adding this line of code:
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Origin", ls_address
Also: is there any authentication needed?
The problem was not with a windows 7 update as I tought first, but rather a security update on the web server that caused trouble only with windows 7 clients.
As mentionned by Lankymart, it is related to SSL/TLS protocols or cyphers. I am not sure if I could code something different in VBA to make it work. I tried using Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0"), but it did not work in my vba environment.
As a temporary solution, the update on the web server was undone and everything went back to normal.
TLS version 1.2 update in Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, and Windows 7

Cannot install Glassfish update tool

Firstly, there are related posts:
GlassFish Server update center installation times out
Java EE 7 updatetool installation fails
I got my Java EE 7 SDK (Update 3) from here:
I have tried each of the solutions in the above posts and here:
In the cmd prompt running set PKG_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=300 and set PKG_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT=300 before updatetool in C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat (c:\glassfish4 in my install directory - all settings were default, including install update tool...).
Set above mentioned timeout to much larger values - doesn't appear to make a difference at all, the process basically bombs immediately.
Running C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat many times.
Triple checking that I didn't somehow configure a proxy server in my sleep.
Use the update tool via the Glassfish admin console at http://localhost:4848 (seems to show no available update or add-ons, which seems odd..)
I get the following screenshot when I run C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat
I have no idea why the error would be proxy related, unless it happened to be something on their end. Interestingly, If I go directly to the URL mentioned (via Chrome) I get the following page:
What could possibly be going wrong here?
The updatetool was a commercial feature of Oracle GlassFish. Any update functionality relied on Oracle providing a site where updates could be hosted. Since Oracle GlassFish is no longer supported, this site no longer exists so the updatetool won't work any more.
Rather than downloading GlassFish from Oracle, you should download it from the official open source site, hosted on GitHub. Alternatively, if you really do need support, you could try Payara Server which is open source, and derived from GlassFish, but has support available (disclaimer: I work for Payara)

error to generate html to pdf using wkhtmltopdf after change parked server

We have changed our parked server and before parked at new server script was working fine. but now script producing error
Server : ubuntu
PHP Framework : CI
Error is :
Could not run command '/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf' --margin-top '4' --margin-right '4' --margin-bottom '4' --margin-left '4' --page-size 'A4' /tmp/tmp_WkHtmlToPdf_hGfaVM.html /tmp/tmp_WkHtmlToPdf_wAkzvA: wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server
This is not really related to Codeigniter, but to the configuration of your server. (It might help to ask this question on Server Fault instead of Stackoverflow.)
1.) You should make sure that xserver is installed and running (it seems it's not.)
2.) As suggested by mic - Take a look at this question too.
Hope this helps. Good luck!

SIP Application on standalone Red5 Server does not connect to Asterisk Server

I have tried for days now trying to find the right version of red5phone, but to no avail. Also, I need red5 and asterisk to be on different servers. I have followed all instructions described in the various tutorials on web, but nothing helps. I have downloaded 2 different versions of red5phone: sip1, sip_47 from the red5phone google code site, but none of them worked!
When I use:
a) sip1 - shows the correct parameters being passed on the red5 server console, but connection is stuck up with the console displaying the following error:
[NioProcessor-1] ERROR o.r.server.service.ServiceInvoker - Method login with parameters [<sip user>, <sip user>,<sip user>,<sip user pwd>, <asterisk server i/p>, <asterisk server i/p>] not found in org.red5.server.webapp.sip.Application#2d0c94a7
b) sip47 - when I type in the values in the flex interface and check the red5 server console, I see all parameters correct(the ones I passed) except for asterisk server ip that i m trying to connect. Instead, it shows by default and completely ignores the passed ip and regsitration fails.
I am using:
red5 server version: 0.9.1, centos: 4.8(final), red5phone used: sip_47 (tried sip1 as well)
As a desperate measure I tried debugging the source code for red5phone (java and flex files) myself. but when I try to create the environment on my local system, I get several compile errors for missing java packages such as, org.slf4j, org.red5, etc. really confused and desperate for some guidance. Any tips highly appreciated.
Sunil, I'm also new to this, I would try red5-voicebridge installed in your red5 server.
red5-voicebridge Please let me know if you got it to work.