Could not update .ICEauthority file - authentication

Recently I changed the permissions of the file system and gave myself all the rights. I logged out of the system and I couldn't log back in. I got the error message
Could not update ICEauthority file /home/marundu/.ICEauthority</>
I did a live boot with a Fed 17 disc and replaced my .ICEauthority file with the live-user version and it worked for a time, until I logged out again. Now, the login progress screen is all that shows. I can log into command mode (Ctrl-Alt-F2) but I can't sudo - I get the error messages:
sudo:/usr/libexec/ must be only writable by owner and sudo: fatal error. Unable to load plugins.

I just found a good link on Ubuntu:
Ask Ubuntu: ICEauthority permissions problem
Some things to note:
I tried the obvious things like changing file permissions, but found my whole home directory was somehow owned by root. I believe this was due to a failed package update.
I used a recovery disk (Knoppix ISO) for ease of use: Better UI
When mounting the bad home partition, I used the most common Linux file type (Ext4)
I used 'sudo mount -o r,w -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt'
When changing ownership, I used the numeric user:group specification, since the recovery disk doesn't have the symbolic users and groups: 'sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/home/userdir'
I verified that /home/userdir had rwx for owner, r-x for group / other. This is noted as a valid set of permissions for ICEauthority; others can work. See the linked discussion.
Hope that helps someone...

I got the “Could not update ICEauthority file” error and found that my home partition was in "Read-Only" mode. Thus, this error made sense.
The real question was what caused the "Read-Only" attribute on the partition. I ran "dmesg | read-only" and found that there were serious errors with the file system on my home partition which the kernel had set to "read-only during the boot process.
I then booted from a USB key (CDROM would do as well) and ran "sudo fsck /dev/sdXY" where /dev/sdXY is the partition containing my home directory. fsck corrected a number of file system errors on my home partition.
I then reboot after removing the USB key/CDROM and the problem went away.
Bottom line: Check if your home partition has file system errors. They might be the cause of this error. If so, run fsck from an external device on the partition containing your home directory.


Unable to SSH after enforcing SELinux?

I have modified ”SELINUX=enforcing“ in /etc/selinux/config.But after restarting the machine,I can't ssh to my machine.
Prompt that
/bin/bash: Permission denied
When you edited the SELINUX for the first time or when switching between different types of policy, you need to relabel the filesystem. The below steps will do the relabel process automatically as shown in the procedures:
Restart server
On the GRUB display, press “e” to start editing the selected menu item.
Perform a break at an early stage of the boot process by typing 「rd.break」 at the end of the line starting
with kernel=.
kernel=... UTF-8 rd.break
Once ready press CTRL+X to start the boot process.
Check write access on the /sysroot mount point. By default this mount point is mounted only with the read-only (ro) access
mount | grep sysroot
=/dev/mapper/rhel-root on /sysroot type xfs (ro,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
Remount the sysroot directory with read & write access.
mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
mount | grep sysroot
=/dev/mapper/rhel-root on /sysroot type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
Enter chroot system
chroot /sysroot
(new prompt) sh-4.4#
Force file-system relabeling. Next time when you will reboot the system, it will relabel the filesystem for
SElinux automatically.This usually occurs when labeling a file system for SELinux for the first time, or when
switching between different types of policy, such as changing from the targeted to the strict policy.
touch /.autorelabel
Exit the chroot. Reboot the machine
logout or reboot (it will take time)
Now you should be able to login with ssh.

Vagrant corrupted index file C:\Users\USERNAME\.vagrant.d/data/machine-index/index

My Windows 8.1 just crashed. Now I have some files on my dist that are corrupted. This includes my vagrant machine index (Not shure if the naming is right but I know that it is this file -> C:\Users\USERNAME.vagrant.d/data/machine-index/index).
So There is a lot of binary or hexdecimal stuff in there (Again not shure because I don't deal with this stuff usualy so correct me if I'm wrong!) And Vagrant spits out the following message if I try to start everything after boot.
vagrant up returns this
The machine index which stores all required information about
running Vagrant environments has become corrupt. This is usually
caused by external tampering of the Vagrant data folder.
Vagrant cannot manage any Vagrant environments if the index is
corrupt. Please attempt to manually correct it. If you are unable
to manually correct it, then remove the data file at the path below.
This will leave all existing Vagrant environments "orphaned" and
they'll have to be destroyed manually.
Path: C:/Users/Username/.vagrant.d/data/machine-index/index
Same thing happened to me. So I just deleted the index file and the .lock file from the machine-index folder to get Vagrant working again.
When using Vagrant 2.2.5 in Windows 10, I had to navigate to /Users/{yourname}/.vagrant.d/data/machine-index and remove both index and index.lock, so rm index then rm index.lock.
Finally I navigated back to Homestead folder and ran vagrant up.
When accidentally my laptop crashed, I had the same vagrant issue (index) on my first attempt to run vagrant up.
The machine index which stores all required information about
running Vagrant environments has become corrupt. This is usually
caused by external tampering of the Vagrant data folder.
Vagrant cannot manage any Vagrant environments if the index is
corrupt. Please attempt to manually correct it. If you are unable
to manually correct it, then remove the data file at the path below.
This will leave all existing Vagrant environments "orphaned" and
they'll have to be destroyed manually.
Path: C:/Users/{user}/.vagrant.d/data/machine-index/index
Unfortunately my issue was not solved by deleting the index and index.lock files as the most voted up answer told. I rebooted my vm using virtualbox GUI (used as VM provider) and shown up the following message.
Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or /boot
after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.
I realised that crash produced errors on VM's FS. So after searching and investigation I overcame that issue by executing the command below.
xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0
Environment info: OS windows10, virtual-box 6.1, vagrant 2.2.7 and vm-os centos7

nfsnobody User Privileges

I have setup an NFS file share between two CentOS 6, 64 machines. On the server the folder being shared was originally owned by the root user. On the client it turned up as being owned by nfsnobody. When I tried to write to the folder from the client I got a permissions error. So I changed the folder ownership on the server to nfsnobody and chmod'd it to 777. However, still no joy - I continue to get a permissions error. Clearly, there is more to this. I would be much obliged to any Linux gurus out there (I personally wouldn't merit being called anything more than a newbie) who might be able to help fix this issue.
Edit - I should have mentioned that trying to write to the shared folder from the client actually manages to create a file entry. However, the file size is 0 and the permissions error is reported.
The issue here is to do with the entry in /etc/exports. It should read
folder ip(rw,**all_squash**,sync,no_subtree_check)
I had missed the all_squash bit. That apart, make sure that the folder on the server is owned by nfsnobody. On my setup both my client and server nfsnobodies ended up with a user id if 65534. However, it is well worth checking this (/etc/groups) or else... .
Here are a couple of useful references
How to setup an NFS SErver
NFS on CentOS
For the benefit of anyone looking to setup an NFS server I give below what worked for me on my CentOS 6 64bit machines.
yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib - install NFS
rpm -q nfs-utils - check the install
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on
/etc/init.d/nfs start
chkconfig --level 35 rpcbind on
With this done you should create the folder you want to share
mkdir folder
chown 65534:65534 folder
chmod 755 folder
Now define the folder to be shared/exported. Use your favorite text editor (vi or whatever) to
open/create /etc/exports
folder clientIP (rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
Install, check, bind and start as above
mount -t nfs serverIP:folder clientFolderLocation
If all goes well you should now be able to write a little script on your client
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../nfsfolder/test.txt";
file_put_contents($file,'Hello world of NFS!');
browse to it and find that test.txt now exists on the server with the content "Hello world of NFS". In the example I have placed my mounted drive one level before document_root.

PDF getting created with permission 600?

I'm experimenting a weird issue. Most of the time (almost everytime) my pdf are getting generated with the permission (rwx-r--r--) 644 which is correct.
But 'sometimes'.. and I cannot understand why this happens but they get created with permission (rw-------) 600. this cause a "permission denied" when other systems try to copy or read the PDF...
Did someone already had this issue? Is it possible that is it a problem in my Jasper config ? or the Server config ?
Ps: I'm running my web app on an redhat server (container is Weblogic ).
This happens when the program through which you run and generate PDF is in the same permission that is root.
you can run your PDF generating software ( or whatever you are using ) in home user mode and not root user mode)
Or just go to that folder where your PDF has been generated and run from terminal
user#your_folder>> sudo chown username:username *
give password if asked.... You can use this with every file and folder that has this problem
You will see once you run this command a 'LOCK' icon goes away and file/folder becomes normal
Hope this helps you

virt-install error [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I have setup kvm, libvirt on one of Dell poweredge1000m blades. I am using the following syntax for installing a virtual machine from an existing image (executing as root).
virt-install --name=vm_test --ram=1024 --arch=i686 --vcpus=1 --os-type=linux --import --disk path=/root/shared.qcow2,bus=virtio,format=qcow2 --graphics vnc,port=5901,listen=,password=newone --noautoconsole --description --autostart
I am getting the following error.
Starting install...
ERROR internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: char device redirected to /dev/pts/1
open /dev/kvm: Permission denied
failed to initialize KVM: Operation not permitted
Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.
If it was, you can restart your domain by running:
virsh --connect qemu:///system start vm_test
otherwise, please restart your installation.
I have used exactly the same command with one of other desktop hosts and it works there. I can install a VM from virt-manager using an ISO image with virt-manager storing the disk image at default location.
It seems like a file permissions error to me as it is not working with /vms directory but is working with some other /home/vm directory.
Thanks for help in advance
I got the same error message on a server, which has libvirt up for weeks.
Setting libvirt to run as root (as mentioned in the link) didn't work for me.
However, granting read & execute access to /var/lib/libvirt/images solved my problem.
chmod go+rx /var/lib/libvirt/images
chmod o-rwx /var/lib/libvirt/images/*
If you follow all the instructions on creating vm using libvirt, you may still meet the error message above. The root cause is AppArmor which can be found on recent Ubuntu distributions. The easiest way is to remove AppArmor if security is not a concern.
The official documentation of Ubuntu gives many advice on disable AppArmor:
Disable AppArmor
I had found the solution to my problem, here it is.
The real reason was that /vms was an NFS mount and its configuration(no_root_squash + rw) was such that it was required to be accessed over root.
By default libvirt runs a virtual machine with the user and group permissions of libvirt-qemu:kvm which would create trouble even if you run it with sudo privileges. So we need to set qemu process's user & group to root in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf.
Also as others have pointed out, there can be multiple other reasons for this error and its sad that libvirt throws such a generic error.
The least frustrating solution is to give all permissions, disable selinux and make sure that it runs. Now one by one revoke the permissions testing that it works at each step and finally understanding why you were required to give the final set of permissions.
This can happen, if the modules were loaded too soon™ (the actual problem is not known to me, so please enhance this answer if you know it).
Just try to unload the modules and load them again. This did the trick for me:
rmmod kvm_intel # use kvm-amd if you use an amd processor.
rmmod kvm
modprobe kvm
modprobe kvm_intel # use kvm-amd if you use an amd processor.
I got this permission denied error on Arch. The problem turned out to be the access control list. Even though the Unix permissions showed group rw, getfacl showed group::---. This fixed it for me:
setfacl -m g::rw /dev/kvm
I confronted with this same problem. And after look into it, I found it is a problem of permission. You can just run the command below to deal with it:
chown root:kvm /dev/kvm
and you don't need to reboot.