Google spreadsheet : Basic Sum by row - sum

newb in spreadsheets
I want the E3 field to be the sum of C3+D3, then E4 = E4+D4.... each line like that (from row 3 to 100). Of course I dont want to set each line individually.
How can I do that ? Probably pretty basic stuff but all the answers I tried did'nt work.

In the formula box for E3, type:
Then hit enter.
To copy this down, click E3, click and drag the blue square in the bottom right hand corner of the cell and drag this down the E column.


Excel copy all values from one main sheet to various other sheets if they are a certain colour

Would really appreciate a solution to the below:
I am looking to have 8 sheets.
Main sheet that has all jobs, these are all currently sorted into the following colours :
Red - live
Green - invoiced/complete
Blue - quoted
Black - enquiry
Grey - dead/ lost
Purple - work in progress
Yellow - Retention
what i would like to do is keep the main sheet and have a sheet for each of the above. when the text becomes red for example i would like it to be transfered to the live sheet and vica versa for the rest. this should be in a macro
can anyone help?
Many thanks,
You say "when the text becomes red " so possibly this is a conditional format?
In any case, what you need to do is to attach code to the main sheet's Calculate event . This code should do the following
look at the activecell's color element that you mean (font, background, conditional formating, etc)
Based on that color, copy the entire row to the appropriate sheet
(Can you assume the sheets already exist?)
You will probably need a Select Case Statement. I would declare a worksheet variable and then SET it to the appropriate sheet in the select
and then
Activecell.entirerow.copy ws.cells(ws.rows.count,1).end(xlup).offset(1,0)
will copy the row to the desired sheet at the bottom of any existing rows.
Have a try and come back with code if you get stuck
EDIT: Sorry I missed the "click a button" part. You can ignore the bit about the sheets calculate event - just attach your code to the button. The only thing to worry about then is that you will need to run through all the used rows of the sheet, since there might be more than one coloured row when you click on the button.

looking for a value IF(ISERROR(MATCH function

I have recovery and Resale sheets. If recovery!A3 value matched within Resale!B$2:B$10, ] want to get the value of Resale!G2.
Formula is working fine for A3 Cell only, but when I drag it down and look for other matches between recovery!A4 and Resale next row, It mess me up.
I want Resale!G2 value only if A3 value=Resale!B2 which works after drag down.
Something like the following, adjust range to cover your data.

Use MACROS to highlight a cell when any one checkbox is checked (multiple checkboxes, one cell)

I'm a real newbie with excel (and coding).  I've figure out, using Conditional Formatting, to highlight one cell if the value of another cell changes (based on a checkbox changing).  What I have are multiple cells with checkboxes (cannot be ActiveX checboxes since MAC users need to be able to run it), if any one of those checkboxes are checked, another cell has to be highlighted.
For example, Cells A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 all have check boxes.  If any one of those are checked, cell F1 needs to be highlighted.  I was able to set it up so that if A1 is checked, then cell G1 says "TRUE" then cell F1 highlights.  When I link all the checkboxes to cell G1 and select only B1 - all cells (A1, C1, D1, E1) are checked AND cell F1 is highlighted.  
I need to be able to have one cell highlighted if any one of (or all) A1, B1, C1, D1, and/or E1 is checked. 
You can have each check box link to its own cell, for example A2, B2, C2, D2, E2. Then use a formula in G1
Use G1 as the input for your conditional format. If no box is checked it will be 0, if any box is checked it will be greater than 0.
Edit after comment: If you use hundreds of check boxes in the spreadsheet grid, then you're not using Excel efficiently. Check boxes are form controls, which means they are good for using in forms. In the grid they are best used sparingly, for exactly the issues that you are encountering.
Consider using cell values instead of check boxes. Format the cells with the Marlett font and type an "a" or a "b" to produce a check mark in the cell. Then you can use a Countif($A2:$F2,"a") as the input for your conditional formatting.

VBA: automatically run without a button

So I followed instruction and built a button linked with a VBA code and it works well. Everytime I hit the button, it generates new data in Column C by using data in Column A, Cell B1, and the VBA code. Cell D1 is the sum of data in Column C and it will be generated automatically.
Now, I want to use build-in solver function in Excel. Namely, I want to find best B1 value to maximize D1 value. Is it possible? I think that means I need remove the button and make the VBA code works automatically to generate Column C and Cell D1. Can someone give me some instructions how to do this? Thank you very much!

Loop and Grab box to the right

I'm currently working on a project that requires loops which I'm not to sure how to go about doing.. I have the information in blocks so for each client I have a bunch of information so for instance I will have A1 say Name: and B1: say Bob,
Then A17 will be again Name: B17: George
This keeps going for approximately 1000 rows. I need to find a way to circulate through all of the material and grab all the names and place them in a column following each other.
I guess I'm looking for a loop that finds name gives me the value to the right, and then it keeps doing that all the way down.
Anyone have any ideas?
Very simple...........say your names are stored in column B in cells B1, B17, B33, B49, ...basically 16 rows apart...Then in cell C1 enter:
=INDIRECT("B" & 16*ROW()-15)
and copy down. This is good for evenly spaced records
Since the records are not evenly C2 enter the following array formula:
and copy down.
This is an Array Formula . Array formulas must be entered with Ctrl + Shift + Enter rather than just the Enter key.
Something like:
Adopted from simocos post
in C1 enter this formula : (with Ctrl+ shift + Enter)
= IFERROR( INDEX($B$1:$B$1000; AGGREGATE(15;6;(ROW($B$1:$B$1000)-ROW($B$1)+1)/($B$1:$B$1000<>"");ROWS(C$1:C1)));"")
then copy the cell down
(the formula is not from me. I use it in one of my workbooks, and adapted it)