JMeter - Limitation in HTTPRequest parameter - httprequest

I'm using JMETER 2.4
I'm using HTTP request sampler with a Post action.
In this sampler, I have a parameter. The value for this parameter that I have to sent, is more than 5375 characters.
When I run this case in JMeter, the value seems to be sent from my end, but my website does not see this value.
When I check the check the received value using Fiddler the parameter is showing Empty.
After many try it seems JMeter has a limitation around 5375 characters for the parameter's value in a HTTPRequest sampler.
Do you know how to avoid this limitation?

In my opinion, you may have reached the maximum URL lenght (is 8K).
You may try if a more recent version has increased this limit, but probably even a real browser will find the same limitation.
A complete discussion about maximum URL length can be find here.

JMeter as of 2.9 has not such limitation, it respects HTTP Standard which puts a limit on a GET request length (as sbos61 pointed it).
But it seems from your question you are using POST (not GET).
Can you show your sampler configuration ?
Anyway I highly suggest upgrading to JMeter 2.9, I have just tested with this 2.9 version , and there is no problem.


Can we limit the number of request hits per second in karate

I am using karate 0.9.0. I need to limit the request hits to 5 per second in my test suite due to threshold limit at gateway. is it possible in karate or not? If yes, how?
Here is the suggestion - configure headers as a JavaScript function. Within the function body - use a Java singleton (and a static method) to track how many requests have been sent and how much "sleep" needs to be added to maintain the required throttling / threshold.
You will need some Java skills to do this, all the best. The documentation has details on how to call Java code.

Diacritic chars encoding in API requests

I have one question about encoding diacritic chars in API request.
I can send via postman request GET /rest/city?query=Poznań, response is correct, in server logs city?query=Poznań is changed to city?query=Pozna%C5%84.
Also I have API test written in node.js (mocha, supertest) and here request GET /rest/city?query=Poznań return empty array, in server logs request method changed to GET /rest/city?query=PoznaD.
What's wrong with encoding in my API auto tests? Why ń changed to D?
Do You know how can I changed this to fix issue.
Also in logs city?query=Łódz changes in changes in city?query=Aódz
Ok, i have solution, just city?query=${encodeURI(Łódź)}

JMeter - can not assign password variable correctly

I set username and password from CSV file user:sysadmin, pass:"Pass#123456" but password is encrypted wrong upon request
The fact you see it as Pass#123456 doesn't necessarily mean that JMeter is sending wrong data, it might be either by intention due to string-based request representation in Raw form of request inspection in the View Results Tree listener or by accident (just a bug in it. You can check JMeter Issue Tracker to see whether similar issues were reported already)
In the mean time try switching to the HTTP tab of the View Results Tree listener:
Or double check what you're sending using a sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark
But first of all I would recommend verifying your CSV data via Debug Sampler or temporarily switching to hard-coded (not parameterized) data to see if it resolves your issue.
# is encoded when sending HTTP request.
You need to add HTTP Header Manager with variable name Content-Type with value application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
This will tell the server that the values need to be decoded

Is there a way to clear XDomainRequest.responseText in IE8

I'm implementing server push solution.
Is there a way to clear XDomainRequest.responseText of IE8, since it gets filled with the every response chunk?
(to get same effect as in Firefox xhr.responseText with multipart where it contains only the last response part.)
It turns out there is no way to change this behavior.
Check out the comments where former product manager for IE says it's a limitation.

How to process and insert user defined variable from/in SOAP Response/Request i in Jmeter ? SOAP request parametrization in jmeter

I am trying to solve following problem:
I have a system with which communication is done through SOAP (XML over http).
In Jmeter I am using SOA/XML-RPC (not wsdl based webservice).
I am sending one SOAP request and receiving response in vollowing tag
This number changes from time to time and goal is to get that number in that tag put it as user defined variable and pass it to another SOAP/XML-RPC
Mine jmeter test plan looks like that
-User defined variabla - here I have empty varaibla named "var'
-SOAP/XML- RPC (this SOAP REQUEST causes that RESPONSE is received)
- XPath Extractor with
reference name: var
XPath Query: //*[local-name()='Prodrevision']/text()
(this should according to FAQ's process/parse response and asssign it to variable var)
-SOAP/XML-RPC - and in this XML request SOAP/XML-RPC data field has
..xml data
...xml data
But I am not sending anything in the second request ??? mine requests hits server but there is no value.
Where I made a mistake?
Whenever you see ${variableName} in the request, it means the variable hasn't been defined. Most likely, it's an issue with how XPath is setup. I've never used that component, so unfortunately I can't help you there.
However, I've found the post processor Regular Expression Extractor to be very easy and accurate.
The structure would like this:
1st Soap Request
-- regular expression stored to "var"
2nd Soap Request, using ${var}
The problem has been partially solved.
There was an issue in a wrong or badly, for JMeter, defined XPath query
reference name: var
XPath Query://name[contains(text(),'Prodrevision')]/parent::multiRef/value
After the XPath query I have added beanshell postprocessor with following code
print("Beanshell processing SOAP response");
print("var" +${var} );
So finally I see what value is being grabbed by the XPath extractor.
I have also installed xpather 1.4.5 as a Firefox add-on. And opened XML response and tuned a bit XPath query to have a proper answer. Then this was copied to JMeter and worked.
Next, in SOAP request that had to be sent by JMeter, I have put my XPath extractor value in the following way:
<name xsi:type="soapenc:string">Prodrevision</name>
<value xsi:type="soapenc:string">${var}</value>
and this again worked well for one thread.
Problem at this moment is with threads. If there is more than 1 (one) thread, it is generating wrong requests :-(