Google plus API - how to add "communities" as 'data-recipient' - google-plus

I am trying to include a community as a recipient by using the Plus API and the 'data-recipients' property.
When I add the community ID, it shows "unknown user".
If I click manually, that is click on the IFrame, it allows me to see and choose the community I want to share the post with.
Any help on how to do so will be much appreciated.

I don't believe that this is supported. Communities are not users and the API does not support treating them as users even though in some cases they function similarly.
I tried testing this myself and I got a name unavailable value in the share dialog and it posted, but the share never displayed in the community.


SMS gateway for Dynamics 365

First of all, I have to say that I am NET developer (C#) and my knowledge on Dynamics 365 is pretty limited. Nevertheless my employer thought that I am good enough to make that thingy from post title :)
After couple of hours researching and reading, I found this video which address on how to create and send SMS from Dynamics. I am aware that this require me to create new Dynamics entities, at least SMSMessage and SMSMessageTemplate, but at least I found out how to do this :)
I understood everything stated there, but as i already said, due to my lack of knowledge on Dynamics 365, I got problems with (probably) basic things regarding Dynamics.
Here are those problems:
1. As far as I can tell, in order to build SMS gateway, first thing I need to do is to add new menu item inside Dynamics 365. I presume that this new menu item should reside inside 'Contacts' menu (contacts.jpg, marked with red box) but I am not sure on how to achieve this. Please note, I do not want someone to provide me with some magic solution, I just need someone to provide me with valid links that I can use to learn about this and solve my own problem :)
2. When new menu item is in place, and user click on it, I would like to open up a form for user to select SMS template that will be used and maybe setup some other values. Same again, U do not need to help me with exact code, just with some usable links :)
3. Inside that form that user will open on menu click, I would like to know how to get list of selected contacts (from grid at contact.jpg)
When I (finally) have that list of contacts, I will create SMS entities mentioned above (video link) and everything will fall in place and (hopefully) work.
I am aware that this is probably too much to ask, cause Dynamics 365 is rather complex, and people are spending great amounts of money and their time learning to became Dynamics developers, but without help, Dynamics is making me running in circles chasing my own tail :) and getting nowhere.
Also, I will be using online Dynamics 365 so bare in mind that any solution should work with it.
if any of U think that I missed or got something wrong, please let me know.enter image description here
So basically to get you started, you should:
1) Create a solution in Settings => Customizations => Solutions
2) Add contact entity to that solution (by choosing "Add existing" under Entities pane). Don't click "Add all assets" you will need only contact metadata to get going
3) Create jScript file and add a web resource to CRM (nothing really complicated, just go to web resources in you solution and click "Add new" and specify type of your web resource as jScript and target your file).
4) Now download
5) For now you are interested only in plugin "Ribbon Workbench"
6) Now simply choose your solution and contact - you will see command bars for contact homepage, list and form. This is pretty strainghtforward - simply drag and drop a button wherever you like, create a command using workbench and bind the button with the command (simply choose it from a drop-down). The command you are interested in is Custom Javacript. Here you specify your web resource and name of the function that you want to call. You can also specify parameters that should be passed inside your function for example ids of selected items (if you are on the list of records).
There are many approaches to fulfil your specific needs, but being able to call a custom javascript function from a button should be a good starting point, the rest is simply the knowledge of CRM SDK, so how to create an entity using API or open a form or open a web resource - everything is very well documented and you can get it simply by asking google, so I will not post any blog here, not to advertise too much. Also I's suggest downloading latest CRM SDK ( - you have many sample code there, regarding plugins and some form modifications, you should also check this out.
To make it easier for you, you should refer to this "menu" as "Command bar" or "Ribbon", so rather look for "adding custom button to command bar CRM 2016" and you will be all good. Also to make a form for choosing a template, you will probably need some custom web resource, so "creating custom html5 web resource CRM 2016" should give you some good examples.

I need to access "Issues in Feature" stories, but don't see how

I don't see a way to access "Issues in Feature" stories. Can someone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm using the JIRA latest API (I think 7.1.1), and can make other calls to get info from Jira, just haven't found a way to get the "child" stories from this section.
By Issues In Feature I assume you want to search for Stories (or other issue types) linked to an issue of type Feature.
If you use an add-on like Script Runner, you get access to additional JQL functions that allow you to query for issues linked to each other. Look here for its documentation.
The JQL you end up with can also be used in REST API calls.

Is there anyway to get this table data into iOS app?

I work with a company who outsources their website. I'm trying to retrieve data from the site without having to contact those who run it directly. The table data I'm trying to retrieve can be found here:
My methodology thus far has been to use google chrome's Developer Tools to find the source page, but when I filter under the network tab for XHL, only the info of the current games can be found. Is there anyway to scrape this data (I have no idea how to do that; any resources or direction would be appreciated) or another way to get it? Am I missing it in the developer tools?
If I had to contact those who run the website, what exactly should I ask for? I'm trying to get JSON data that I can easily turn into my own UITableViewController.
Thank you.
Just load the page source and parse the html.
Depending on your usage there may well be a copyright issue, the page has an explicit copyright notice so you will need to obtain explicit permission for your use.

Web Dynpro for ABAP Explanation Text (Green Underline) not working for certain users

I have recently added Explanation text to certain fields on the SRM Contract screen (both standard and cusom fields). The user that I unit tested with worked fine, however most other users do not work. After investigation I've found that it is not just the Explanation Text that I've added, but all Explanation Text that is missing.
According to the sap help entry the behaviour is similar to what I would expect for Help mode = off.
Is it possible to turn Help mode on or off on a per user (or role) basis, and where should I look to find this?
you already found it: SAP Help says:
"You can activate the help mode either in the personal settings in the portal or in the associated URL Parameter" ... means in personal Settings, but I feel that you want it globally not on personal base or in the associated URL Parameter. The latter means you'll have to find the application in the Portal Content, there you can find URL Parameter and i would try adding HELPMODE=ON... does this help you?
start by rightclicking you application "Technical Help" or "..Help" and see what application you are looking for. Then Google the application and add +"Portal Content", I think then you'll find it.
regards, zy

Apple Appstore name search via the API?

Is it possible to do a search for apps by title via the API? For example, the equivalent of "Return a list of apps (if any) with the word 'dog' in the title".
I've seen two access points that come close, but don't seem to offer this:
The RSS feed; it lists apps, but apparently only groupings like, "top 100..."
The query interface; but it doesn't seem to query over the app media type. (?)
I found the answer. Although not explicitly documented, it's possible to search by app name.
You're right, it wasn't very clear on that iTunes page at all. The parameter entity=software is the key. For example, here's a search for my app, TypeLink:
If you're wondering what the callback is for, here's some more info on the JSONP format it uses:
For any future person who wants to link to the App Store keyword search result page directly from a web link - this format works as of April 2013:
Was a PITA to figure out but finally got the syntax right... Needed this because a client has apps made by multiple developers so I couldn't just use the suggested link to return all their apps.
Thanks all for sharing wisdom. Hope this helps someone.