I have a SQL command in SQL-Server, and I need to migrate it to Oracle, but there's a part of the sql that I don't understand how to translate it. Here's the sql:
select * from myTable where id = #id and (Mask & #Mask) = #Mask
I think that It's a binary mask, but I'm not quite sure and I don't know if I can do that in Oracle, could you help me?
Thank you very much
You are correct - this is binary mask.
Oracle provides only BITAND function, others (BITOR, BITXOR) must be self made.
Using BITAND function this select will return value 2:
So your query in Oracle can be rewritten in following way:
select * from myTable where id = :id and BITAND(Mask, :Mask) = :Mask
Say num is a column that contains integers.
Is there difference between:
SELECT num, (num * 2) AS 2num and,
SELECT num, 2num = (num * 2)?
They both produce the same result, are they interchangeable?
None. AS is standard SQL, while = works on SQL Server only.
I [personally] would go with the standard.
AS is used across or SQL types,whether its Oracle,MySql,Postgresql, while = is another keyword that can serve the same purpose but it is unique to TSQL.
data table1;
set table2;
_sep1 = findc(policynum,'/&,');
_count1 = countc(policynum,'/&,');
_sep2 = findc(policynum,'-');
_count2 = countc(policynum,'-');
_sep3 = findc(policynum,'_*');
_count3 = countc(policynum,'_*');
How can I convert this into a select statement like below:
/*Code converted to SQL from above*/
from table2
For example I tried the below code:
charindex('/&,',policynum) as _sep1,
LEN(policynum) - LEN(REPLACE(policynum,'/&,','')) as _count1
from table2
But I got a ERROR 42S02: Function 'CHARINDEX(UNKNOWN, VARCHAR)' does not exist. Unable to identify a function that satisfies that given argument types. You may need to add explicit typecasts.
Please note that the variable pol_no is: 'character varying(50) not null'.
I am running this on using Aginity Workbench for Netezza. I believe this is IBM.
Assuming Oracle based on CHARINDEX() this may work:
You need to apply it twice, once for each character and take the minimum to find the first occurrence.
There may be a better suited function within Oracle, but I don't know enough to suggest one.
min(charindex('/',policynum), charindex('&', policynum)) as _sep1
from table2
EDIT: based on OP notes.
Netezza seems like IBM which means use the INSTR function, not CHARINDEX.
min(instr(policynum, '/'), instr(policynum, '&')) as _sep1
from table2
FINDC & COUNTC functions are basically used for searching a character & counting them.
You can use LIKE operator from SQL to find characters with '%' and '_' wildcards
e.g. -
SELECT * FROM <table_name> WHERE <column_name> LIKE '%-%';
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name> WHERE <column_name> LIKE '%-%';
You can use regular expressions in the LIKE operator as well
I have one case-sensitive column.
How can I replace (Shpersonel,shPersonel, sHperSonel) to ShPersonel in all records?
my column Data is:
1- SHpersonel = 12 And Password= Ayuy122
2- ShpeRsonel = 10 And Password= jkjIUD122
3- ShPersonel = 08 And Password= Kjjam
You could use LOWER (or UPPER), which lots of DBMSes support, to look for a value case insensitively and update:
update your_table
set col = 'ShPersonel'
where lower(col) = 'shpersonel';
Further clarification explained that above data is stored in a single column - Which is not how it should be stored.
You should store the data in separate columns and then look for further normalization to remove unwanted dependencies.
UPDATE your_table
SET your_column = 'ShPersonel'
WHERE upper(your_column) = 'SHPERSONEL';
You didn't say what DBMS you're using. If it's SQL-Server, the following should work for you:
update MyTable
set TheData =
right(t.TheData,len(t.TheData) - charindex('shpersonel',lower(t.TheData)) - len('ShPersonel'))
from MyTable t
For other DBMS's you need to replace charindex with whatever that DBMS's equivalent may be. For example, Oracle and MySQL use InStr (which needs its arguments in the reverse order).
In Oracle I can convert centigrade to farenheit in an SQL query, see below. It seems SQL Server does not have full regex functionality. Is it possible to do this without dropping into a function, which I currently do?
(UNISTR('00B0') is the degree symbol we use)
The requirement is for any string that contains [digits]°C to be converted to same string with [new_digits]°F.
SELECT replace(replace(v_text_f,replace(regexp_substr(v_text_f,'\-? [[:digit:]]+\.?[[:digit:]]*'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C'),UNISTR('\00B0')||'C'),
UNISTR('\00B0')||'F'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C',UNISTR('\00B0') ||'F')
FROM (SELECT '38'||UNISTR('\00B0')||'C' as v_text_f FROM DUAL)
Try this, comparing to Oracle code, extremely simplified version:
DECLARE #C nvarchar(10) = '38'+CHAR(0x00B0)+'C' --38°C
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(10),CONVERT(int ,LEFT(#C, CHARINDEX(CHAR(0x00B0), #C)-1))*9/5+32)+CHAR(0x00B0)+'F'
I'm trying to figure out a way, using SQL, to query for values that go out to, say, 5 or more decimal places. In other words, I want to see only results that have 5+ decimal places (e.g. 45.324754) - the numbers before the decimal are irrelevant, however, I still need to see the full number. Is this possible? Any help if appreciated.
Assuming your DBMS supports FLOOR and your datatype conversion model supports this multiplication, you can do this:
FROM Table
WHERE FLOOR(Num*100000)!=Num*100000
This has the advantage of not requiring a conversion to a string datatype.
On SQL Server, you can specify:
FROM Table
WHERE Value <> ROUND(Value,4,1);
For an ANSI method, you can use:
FROM Table
WHERE Value <> CAST(Value*100000.0 AS INT) / 100000.0;
Although this method might cause an overflow if you're working with large numbers.
I imagine most DBMSs have a round function
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourCol <> ROUND(YourCol,4)
This worked for me in SQL Server:
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourValue LIKE '%._____%';
select val
from tablename
where length(substr(val,instr(val, '.')+1)) > 5
This is a way to do it in oracle using substr and instr
You can use below decode statement to identify maximum decimal present in database table
SELECT max(decode(INSTR(val,'.'), 0, 0, LENGTH(SUBSTR(val,INSTR(val,'.')+1)))) max_decimal
FROM tablename A;