Copying Row Info from one sheet to another based on match - vba

I have an excel book that has two sheets: 1) Import 2) Pricing Rules.
Pricing Rules Sheet
The A column is what I need to match on. Example values include STA_PNP4, STA_PST.. and others. There are potentially around 50 different rows in the sheet, and it will continue to grow over time. Then for each row, there are pricing values in columns B to CF.
Import Sheet
This sheet has the same number of columns, but only Column A is filled out. Example values include STA_PNP4_001_00, STA_PNP4_007_00, STA_PST_010_00.. and many more.
What I need to do:
If the text in Import Sheet Column A before the second "_" matches the column identifer in Pricing Rules Sheet Column A, copy the rest of B to CF of Pricing Rules sheet for that row into the Import sheet for the row it matched on.
Any idea on where to begin with this one?

Why don't you do it using formulas only?
Assuming :
1.) Data in Import Sheet is
(col A)
2.) Data in Pricing Rules Sheet
(Col A) (col B) (ColC) (Col D) .......
STA_PNP4 1 2 3 .....
STA_PST 4 5 6 .....
STA_ASA2 7 8 9 .....
Then write this formula in B1 cell of Import Sheet
Drag it down in column B
and For Column C , D just change index num from 2 to (3 for C) , (4 for D) and like that.

Because it will continue to grow over time you may be best using VBA. However, even with code I would start by applying the ‘groups’ via formula, so as not to have a spreadsheet overburdened with formulae and hence potentially slow and easy to corrupt. Something like part of #xtremeExcel’s solution which I repeat because the underscores have been treated as formatting commands in that answer:
I’d envisage this (copied down) as an additional column in your Import Sheet - to serve as a key field to link to your Pricing Rules Sheet. Say on the extreme left so available for use by VLOOKUP across the entire sheet.
With that as a key field then either:
Write the code to populate Pricing Rules Sheet as frequently as run/desired. Either populating ‘from scratch’ each time (perhaps best for low volumes) or incrementally (likely advisable for high volumes).
Use VLOOKUP (as suggested). However with at least 84 columns and, presumably, many more than 50 rows that is a lot of formulae, though may be viable as a temporary ‘once off’ solution (ie after population Copy/Paste Special/Values).
A compromise. As 2. But preserve a row or a cell with the appropriate formulae/a and copy that to populate the other columns for your additions to your ColumnA and/or ColumnA:B.

Thanks for the input guys.
I got it implemented via a method like this:
That is my ugly function, applied across a whole row, to look up and copy from my pricing rules every column when it finds a match.

Below is the function that I have created for above scenario. Its working as per the requirement that you have mentioned.
Sub CopyData()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim importws As Worksheet
Dim PricingRulesws As Worksheet
Dim Pricingrowcount As Integer
Dim importRowCount As Integer
Dim FindValue As String
Dim textvalue As String
Dim columncount As Integer
Dim stringarray() As String
'Enter full address of your file ex: "C:\newfolder\datafile.xlsx"
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\newfolder\datafile.xlsx")
'Enter the name of your "import" sheet
Set importws = Sheets("Import")
'Enter the name of your "Pricing" sheet
Set PricingRulesws = Sheets("PricingRules")
For Pricingrowcount = 1 To PricingRulesws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
FindValue = PricingRulesws.Cells(Pricingrowcount, 1)
For importRowCount = 1 To importws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
textvalue = importws.Cells(importRowCount, 1)
stringarray = Split(textvalue, "_")
textvalue = stringarray(0) & "_" & stringarray(1)
If FindValue = textvalue Then
For columncount = 2 To PricingRulesws.UsedRange.Columns.Count
importws.Cells(importRowCount, columncount) = PricingRulesws.Cells(Pricingrowcount, columncount)
Next columncount
End If
Next importRowCount
Next Pricingrowcount
End Sub


How to fill cell with data from a separate worksheet in excel?

I am attempting to match 2 columns in two separate worksheets and then fill data from worksheet 2 in worksheet 1.
I need to match Column A(Worksheet 2) to Column D(Worksheet 1). Once Matched I need to fill Column F(Worksheet 1) with the data from Column B(Worksheet 2). Once data is populated I would also like to change the color of Column F(Worksheet 1) based on the data that is present. Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Put this in F2 On Sheet 1, update the sheet name Sheet2 to whatever your second sheet is named, then copy down:
Then you can apply conditional formatting to Column F on Sheet 1.
If you might have values in Sheet 1 that aren't in Sheet 2, this will handle the error:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($D2,Sheet2!$A:$B,2,FALSE),"Not Found!")
[Updated for additional question about spanning accross workbooks]
For another open workbook, use the following and replace [Book2] with the path of the second workbook or the name of an open workbook:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($D2,[Book2]Sheet2!$A:$B,2,FALSE),"Not Found!")
Also note, Excel will automatically build all of the references if you select them manually while building the formula in the formula bar: Excel Formulas Overview on MSDN
More information is needed to provide you with an exact code but here is a good start
'Assuming there are 10 rows in each worksheet
dim i as integer
dim j as integer
for i = 1 to 10
for j = 1 to 10
if sheet1.cells(i,4).value = sheet2.cells(j,1).value then
sheet1.cells(i,6).value = sheet1.cells(j,2).value
sheet1.cells(i,6).interior.color = vbyellow
end if
next j
next i
the color can also be controlled with the rgb function, simply replace the vbyellow in the above code:
For example rgb(255,204,255) will be a light pink

Excel Change Columns Based On Another One

I'm currently working on 6 Excel workbooks all with same format. Basicly i have a table which includes product codes with their amount needs to be used. I have around 200 worksheets in every Excel file with same format. I want to update these product amount based on multiplier table i made. Here an example of data below;
Sample of data
Multiplier table
So the new values of sample codes should be 4,15 3,5 7,84 and 88,62.
Because the high amount of pages with workbooks, probably changing or inserting some kind of formula one by one would take very long time. I wonder how can I get the job done with few easy steps.
All you need to do is to use VLookup function or array formula. Then you'll be able to fill down or copy formula for every single record.
In your case i'd suggest to use array formula. Assuming, if MultiplierTable is the name of worksheet and that worksheet contains data (as you provided) in a range C4:D7, you can copy below formula and paste it into E4 cell:
Fill down the formula. Select entire column and paste as values in the same column. Repeat this step for each worksheet.
Follow the links for further details.
In case, you want to use VBA, please let me know. I'll try to improve my answer.
I checked some guides for basics of VBA and created my own VBA script. It became a little hardcoded but because this is one time job, it get the job done.
Sub degistir()
Dim WS_Count As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim val As Double
WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For I = 1 To WS_Count
For R = 8 To 14
val = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 4)
If ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2) Like "P001" Then
val = val * 1
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 2) Like "P002" Then
val = val * 0.533333333
'and goes...
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 4).Value = val
Next R
Next I
End Sub

Copying values in excel to another sheet, based on other values in the sheet

Ok, the question sounds pretty vague, but i will try to explain.
I am trying to copy certain cell values from one sheet into another sheet. The place it should copy it to, is determined by another value in the same sheet. For example:
4040-5056 ----- 4040-5056v1.7
3409-5793 ----- 3409-5793v4.3
Based on the first values you see, the second column of values in sheet1 should be copied in the corresponding cells in sheet2.
I have no idea how to do this, any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Sheet1 contains all values that have to be copied to the corresponding nvalues in the other sheets.
The values it has to correspond with are spread over 30 sheets or so, but all in the same document. In every sheet the values the code has to look for are all in the same column, so in every sheet is should look whether the value is the same in column A. VLOOKUP works, but is still a slow option, knowing that is handles over 36.000 rows. What the code should do, is copy the value of column B to one of the other sheets, if the value of column A corresponds with the value of column A in the other sheet.
I hope everyone can understand this explanation.
You can use the VLOOKUP function. No need to use VBA for this.
Sheet 1 :
1 4040-5056 4040-5056v1.7
2 3409-5793 3409-5793V4.3
Sheet 2:
1 4040-5056 =VLOOKUP(A1;Sheet1!$A$1:$B$2;2;FALSE)
2 3409-5793 =VLOOKUP(A2;Sheet1!$A$1:$B$2;2;FALSE)
Cell B1 will display "4040-5056v1.7", cell B2 "3409-5793V4.3"
Note that the last argument to VLOOKUP (here FALSE) is important in your case since the data is unsorted.
Another solution, using pure VBA:
Since there is a strong need for performance, I suggest using a dict object, as hinted in this SO question. The advantage of using a dictionary is that it is very fast to lookup, once it is built. So I expect my code to be very quick in the lookup. On the other hand, it will be slower in accessing the individual cells (through loops) than the builtin VLOOKUP.
Comparative performance, using a reference sheet fof 30'000 entries, and 3 lookup sheets with 30'000 lines each:
VLOOKUP : 600 seconds
VBA / dictionary : 3 seconds
so the performance is 200x better with VBA dictionary in this context.
Note : you have to add a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" (from the tools->Reference menu of the VBA window)
Note : this solution will not work if the data in the reference sheet is not contiguous, or if there are duplicates.
Sub FillReferences()
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim myRow As Range
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Const RefSheetName As String = "sheet1"
' 1. Build a dictionnary
Set mySheet = Worksheets(RefSheetName)
For Each myRow In mySheet.Range(mySheet.Range("A1").End(xlDown), mySheet.Range("A" & mySheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' Append A : B to dictionnary
dict.Add myRow.Value, myRow.Offset(0, 1).Value
Next myRow
' 2. Use it over all sheets
For Each mySheet In Worksheets
If mySheet.Name <> RefSheetName Then
' Check all cells in col A
For Each myRow In mySheet.Range(mySheet.Range("A1").End(xlDown), mySheet.Range("A" & mySheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' Value exists in ref sheet ?
If dict.exists(myRow.Value) Then
' Put value in col B
myRow.Offset(0, 1).Value = dict(myRow.Value)
End If
Next myRow
End If
Next mySheet
End Sub

compare huge text files using vba

I gotta serious problem here.. any kind of help is much appreciated!!
I have two huge text files (130 MB)each with thousands of records in each. I need to compare the two files using vba or by any means and generate a spreadsheet which includes the header and with two additional columns. The two additional columns will be the file name and in the next column it should display in which particular column is error. Each record will be having multiple discrepancies. One file can have the records which cannot be found in the other file. So this condition should also be recorded in the spreadsheet.
Media Events: Taking one record from each.
In the above example, the records are from two files. The highlighted ones are the differences between the records. So the output should be like this..
HH_NUMBER | CLASS_DATE | MV_MIN DURATION File Mismatc Mismatch Reason
00000018063 | 112295 | 000 **0009** Media Events Mismatches in DURATION
00000018063 | 112295 | 000 **0013** PROL Mismatches in DURATION
00000011861 | 112295 | 002 0126 Media Events missing in PROL file
It seems there are three problems here:
1) Find matching records (first column) between two files.
2) Compare records that match on the first column - if there is a difference, record what the difference is
3) If a record exists in one file but not the other, record that.
I am going to assume that the two "huge files" are in fact separate sheets in the same excel workbook, and that the records are sorted on the first key. This will speed up processing significantly. But speed is a secondary concern, I assume. I also assume there is a third sheet where you put the output.
Here is an outline of VBA code - you will have to do a bit of work to get it "just right" for your application, but I hope this gets you going.
Sub compare()
Dim s1 as Worksheet
Dim s2 as Worksheet
Dim col1 as Range
Dim col2 as Range
Dim c as Range
Dim record1 As Range, record2 As Range, output As Range
Dim m
Dim numCols as Integer
numCols = 5 ' however many columns you want to compare over
Set s1 = Sheets("Media")
Set s2 = Sheets("Pro")
Set output = Sheets("output").Range("A2")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set col1 = Range("A2", [A2].End(xlDown));
Set col2 = Range("A2", [A2].End(xlDown));
On Error Resume Next
For Each c in col1.Cells
m = Application.Match(c.Value, col2, 0);
If isError(m) Then
' you found a record in 1 but not 2
' record this in your output sheet
output.Value = "Record " & c.Value & " does not exist in Pro"
Set output = output.Offset(1,0) ' next time you write output it will be in the next line
' you will have to do the same thing in the other direction - test all values
' in 2 against 1 to see if any records exist in 2 that don't exist in 1
' you found matching records
Set record1 = Range(c, c.offset(0, numCols))
Set record2 = Range(col2.Cells(m,1), col2.Cells(m,numCols))
' now you call another function to compare these records and record the result
' using the same trick as above to "go to the next line" - using output.Offset(1,0)
End If
Next c
End Sub
You could do this with formulas:
MS KB: Use Excel to compare two lists of data
Me - Creating a list of non-matching values - Extracting non-matching entries from two columns in a third column
To give you an idea, basically, if you have two lists in columns A & B, you could use formulas like below in columns C and D to show the matching or non-matching:
In C1,
and, in D1
both copied down.
Excel Index Function and Match Function - Contextures MVP
Excel VLOOKUP and Index & Match - Excel User MVP
Excel User MVP - Excel’s Best Lookup Method: INDEX-MATCH

Excel: Use values in a sheet as index to list in a different sheet and replace values in the first sheet

I have an XL file with some data to be manipulated. I think I will need to use a VB script to do this - but perhaps there is a simpler way with a formula. Just the same, could someone point out BOTH ways of achieving the following?
I have a column of numeric values (ID) in Sheet 1.
I want to use each ID as an index to lookup a list in Sheet 2.
Sheet 2 has two columns
First column is the index and Second column is the Text String
1 Apple
2 Orange
3 Pear
What I want is to replace the column of IDs in sheet 1 with the looked up text string from Sheet 2!
Thats all...
Please help!
Not a tough situation there. Here are some solutions...
With VBA:
I know you said you're a little new with VB so I tried to explain each line as I went along. Also, the code is free-handed so forgive me if I left an error in there somewhere.
Sub replaceData()
dim i as integer, j as integer 'These are just some variables we'll use later.
dim sheetOne as worksheet, sheetTwo as worksheet, myWb as workbook
dim myData as string, myId as string
set myWB = excel.activeworkbook 'These three lines set your workbook/sheet variables.
set sheetOne = myWB.worksheets("Old Data")
set sheetTwo = myWB.worksheets("New Data")
for i = 1 to sheetTwo.usedrange.rows.count 'This loops through the rows on your second sheet.
myId = sheetTwo.cells(i,1).value 'This assigns the value for your id and the data on your second sheet.
myData = sheetTwo.cells(i,2).value
for j = 1 to sheetOne.usedrange.rows.count 'This loops through the rows on your first sheet.
if sheetOne.cells(j,1).value = myId then 'This checks each row for a matching id value.
sheetOne.cells(j,1).value = myData 'This replaces that id with the data we got from the second sheet.
end if
next j
next i
end sub
With an Excel formula:
Place the following formula in cell C1 of the first worksheet (the
sheet with the IDs you will be replacing). **Note that you will
have to replace the "InsertSheetTwoNameHere" portion with the name
of your second sheet (don't remove those single quotes though). Also
note you will need to replace the "1000" with the number of the last
used row in sheet two.
Next simply drag the handle on the cell that makes it copy itself
(whatever the heck it's called) all the way down to the end of your
Next, copy those cells and then paste them over the IDs using the
Values Only setting.
Hope this helps and good luck.