How to get data for just two hour from previous day, - sql

I need to get data from previous day (sql server db) for transferring to other DB (postgress), but since data is huge I want to transfer records for just 2 hr, I mean I will run this job 12 times a day and each time it will transfer rec for 2 hr, record transfered should not be duplicate.
So basically I need a query which I can schedule to run 12 times and which will transfer records for two hours each.

declare #StartHour datetime, #EndHour datetime
set #EndHour = dateadd(hh,datediff(hh,0,GetDate()),0)
set #StartHour = dateadd(hh,-2,#EndHour)
--The above make the query work with start and end on-the-hour
--so it can be run any time within one hour to get the data
--for the two hours ending on the previous hour
select * from whatever where TheDate between #StartHour and #EndHour

If you are timestamping inserts, then it should be simple to run a select to pull out only the preceding two hours worth of records.
SELECT * FROM tblFoo WHERE tblFoo.insertionDate>DATEADD(hour,-2,GETDATE())
(If you want to be exact, then don't use GETDATE but hold the last date that ran in a table or variable somewhere and add two hours to it each time then setting it after running the query)


Calculate the average time between two dates

I need to find the result of a calculation that is nothing more than the average time in days from creation to completion of a task.
In this case, using a Redshift database (looker).
I have two dates (2022/10/01 to 2022/10/21) and I need to find the average day of execution of the creation of an object from start to finish.
Previously, I was able to calculate the totals of objects created per day, but I can't bring up the average:
SELECT created::date, count(n1pk_package_id)
FROM dbt_dw.base_package
WHERE fk_company_id = 245821 and created >= '2022-10-01' and created < '2022-10-22'
GROUP BY created::date
I'm not able to do the opposite way of the count to bring the average of the range of days.
There is a created column in your table
You want to know the 'average' of the created column
You could extract the number of days that each date is different from a base date, and then use that to determine the 'average date'. It would be something like this:
date '2022-10-01' + interval '1 day' * int(avg(created - date '2022-10-01'))
from table
It subtracts a date (any date will do) from created, finds the average of that value against all desired rows, converts it to days and adds it back to that same date.

How to find the data of members in next 30 days

I am trying to write a logic to find a person membership is going to expiring in next 30days. Can, some one help me to write a query in hive?
I tried using:
select * from db where expiringdate > current_date;
But is showing all the records greater than current date. But I need only for next 30 days
You want two inequality conditions on the expiration date:
select *
from db
where expiringdate > current_date -- later than today
and expiringdate < add_months(current_date, 1) -- not later than one month from now
Or if you want exactly 30 days rather than one month, use date_add(current_date, 3).

SQL date time Query

Need help to get the data of particular format
We have a table which have a data which of production now we need to select the data of each day with particular time period which is differentiate between three shift A,B,C.
In our table we have a datetime column which capture's each seconds data now that data we need in shiftwise like 6am to 2pm is of A shift production count and 2pm to 10pm of shift B and 10pm to 6 am of shift C.
here i am getting the data for single day where i have written the below query which is working good.
select distinct(count(PRD_SERIAL_NUMBER)),(select convert(date,getdate())) as date,'B' as shift_name
from table_name
where status=02
between (SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd 14:01:00.000')) and
(SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE()-26,'yyyy-MM-dd 22:01:00.000'))
refer below output image 1
Here i am getting the count for single day and for upcoming days i have solution but now the question arise is i have a past 4 Month data which i need to get in datewise and shiftwise count and for the column prd_serial_number have duplicate entries so it should be in distinct.
please refer below image 2 for required output format

Get the month and year now then count the number of rows that are older then 12 months in SQL/Classic ASP

I know this one is pretty easy but I've always had a nightmare when it comes to comparing dates in SQL please can someone help me out with this, thanks.
I need to get the month and year of now then compare it to a date stored in a DB.
Time Format in the DB:
2015-08-17 11:10:14.000
I need to compare the month and year with now and if its > 12 months old I will increment a count. I just need the number of rows where this argument is true.
I assume you have a datetime field.
You can use the DATEDIFF function, which takes the kind of "crossed boundaries", the start date and the end date.
Your boundary is the month because you are only interested in year and month, not days, so you can use the month macro.
Your start time is the value stored in the table's row.
Your end time is now. You can get system time selecting SYSDATETIME function.
So, assuming your table is called mtable and the datetime object is stored in its date field, you simply have to query:

DATEDIFF - How many days until Sunday

In SQL Server, trying to write a age-off report for inventory purposes. Each week, the inventory system marks thousands of rows for deletion. This takes place on Sundays # 06:00:00 as part of weekly SQL DB purge schedule.
Using (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms) format for closed_time, how can I calculate the numbers of days between that date, until next Sunday of the current week? And to be more elaborate, is there a way to narrow it down to the exact DD:HH:MM? The problem is the each client's Sunday DB schedule for purge varies. So that might be difficult to compute. Might be easier to just calculate whole days until Sunday 00:00:00. I tried using the DATEDIFF function with no success.
DATEDIFF(DAY, closed_time,DW) AS Days_Until_Purged
WHERE closed_time DESC
Thx in advance
If you choose any Sunday in the past (Such as 06:00 Sunday 2nd January 2000), you can calculate time that has GONE BY since then.
Then, if you take that and do modulo 7-days you get the time that has gone by since the most recent Sunday.
Then, if you do 7 - time_gone_by_since_last_sunday you get the time until the next sunday.
I'm going to do this in minutes to cope with a client that has a setting of 06:30.
#batch_processing_time SMALLDATETIME
#batch_processing_time = '2000-01-02 06:00'
(60*24*7) - DATEDIFF(minute, #batch_processing_time, closed_time) % (60*24*7)
That's the number of minutes from each record's closed_time until the next #batch_processing_time.
Divide by (24*60) to get it in days.
try this:
select 8-DATEpart(w, closed_time) AS Days_Until_Purged from DB1 ...
This should solve your problem