SharePoint 2010 Site Customization: Removed breadcrumb and now receiving errors - sharepoint-2010

I removed the following fields from the "s4-titletext" cell using the Manage Content Regions in SPD:
And I added "SharePoint:SPLinkButton... Visible="False"
I have published this template and have set it as the Default Master. It displays fine but when I add a web part (not in SPD), I get the error "You must specify a value for this required field" and it will not let me add/remove the web part or change any list. What did I do wrong in my customization? I followed the instructions on this post. I used Option 2 to hide the words. The reason I removed the fields is because I want to stretch our banner across the whole page and I didn't want to leave the space where the bread crumb would have been. My "s4-titletext" area looks like the pictures on the top of the page, only banner is stretched all across the top of page. I can not add a link to my page due to it being on a private server. I have asked other SharePoint experts and they are stumped as well. Thank you for your help on this.

Instead of setting visible="false", getting hiding the control using a CSS class. Set the control's class to something like 'hiddenClass' and then define your class style.
.hiddenClass{display: none;}
Customizing SharePoint masterpages is a pain since they're so sensitive. You have to use this method when hiding a lot of the out of the box controls.

Some placeholders need to be on the master page, if you remove it it will cause errors in some of the scrips.
What I recommend to you is create a hidden div and inside of it put all the placeholder you want to hide, like the example bellow.
<div style="display:none">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleZone" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>


How to generate Facebook Share buttons to dynamically fetched content?

Here we have an article on how to add share buttons to a web page and it works:
But on my website, I have a "Load more" button to fetch content dynamically and I have no idea how to add a Share button to newly generated items.
Obviously adding this div does not make any effect so I probably need to call some Facebook function to the newly created divs.
<div class="fb-share-button"
Is anyone aware what is the name of this magic function?
OK, found the solution here:
It shows how to trigger a share popup. It also gives more control over the look of the share button which is also what I've been looking for.

Bigcommerce product image snippet in custom panel

I'm new to Bigcommerce and hoping someone can help me figure out if I'm doing anything wrong here. I'm simply trying to create a custom template for my product pages. I created a new file called "_product.html", uploaded it via FTP, and applied it to one of my products.
Within this file I have a default panel called ProductDetails.html. This panel makes a reference to the products thumbnail images. Everything works as expected.
However, I now copy the content from the ProductDetails.html panel and place it in a new panel called ProductInformation.html. At this point, there is no difference between ProductDetails.html and ProductInformation.html, except for the name.
I then go into my _product.html template and replace the reference to the ProductDetails panel with a reference to my new ProductInformation panel. Now, none of the snippets or global variables are being populated. They print nothing to the page.
If I put the original reference to the ProductDetails panel back, everything is displayed as expected. Is there something I'm missing here? Are the snippets and global variables used in the system-created ProductDetails panel only available in that file and not available to other custom panels created for a product page?
I really appreciate any help you can provide! Thank you!
As I recall, there is a key element inside of the ProductDetails Panel that is needed to get all the variables to work on a product page. I think the order even matters.
I would recommend using Snippets to control the information you want to swap out on a custom product page.
The ProductDetails panel populates the global variables that you are trying to use. If you do not have it on the custom page then you cannot use the variables inside of it. The workaround is to place the panel inside an HTML comment:
<!-- %%Panel.ProductDetails%% -->
That way the panel will be called by the Bigcommerce template system without affecting the rest of your layout.

Setting template property from a content page (sitefinity 4.4)

the site that I'm working at is designed in a such way that CSS class is set for the tag on all the pages and the css classes used are different for all pages. Each page has common elements such as a header, a footer and a nav bar. I'd like to set up a single page template and include all common elements there but the body tag stands in the way. Is there a way to control a template from a content page? I know I can specify a code behind for content pages but i can't rely on content authors to enter it correctly each time they add a page. My current thinking is to set up multiple page template, one for each css class that is referenced in the body tag and put the common page elements into user controls. This is less than ideal because I will end up with lots of mostly identical templates and my user controls would not be editable easily. I guess I would have to use shared content items and such making the content authors hunt all over the site. I would have been much simpler to update the common header in a single page template.
Can someone please suggest a way?
I submitted a reply in the Sitefinity forums where you originally posted this, but just in case you check here first I'll ask the same question: how is the css class for body determined?
if it can be done programmatically you can use the code-behind of the Master Page for the template to set it so that it's handled automatically.
If this won't work, tell me more about how the css class is assigned and I will try to come up with an alternative.
hope this is helpful!

Wiki Page Library issue in SharePoint 2010

I would really appreciate it if someone would help me out with this issue.
I'm using SharePoint 2010. I created a Wiki Page Library without changing any of the library settings, and created a new Wiki page, all that went fine but once I started adding text and then tried to save the changes on the page, this message appears:
"You must specify a value for this required field"
I don't know what to do, there is no required field and I can't really fix that... so please help me with that message!!
Fatima, I don't know if you ever got your question answered, but this is a known issue with Publishing features. There is a field that is marked as required, but is not displayed on the page. I beleive it's the column/field called "Name". If you look through the Site Content Types and find "wiki page", you'll see that status is marked as "Required". Changing that should fix the issue for you.
This was caused by a Place holder missing from the Main area of your master page.
Even if you’ve moved it to a asp:Panel and declared it as false at the bottom of your master page you’ll still get the error.
All you need is to move content place holder
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=“PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea” runat=”server”></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
within the s4-bodyContainer div , within the s4-ca div seems to work best. Save the master page and that’s it. that no more irritating message.
Alternatively, you can try the solution suggested here

Keeping DRY with progressive enhancement

I'm building a website with very small amounts of Javascript, just to add things to the page (like a contact form) without having to go to a new page.
I understand that I should build the contact page anyways (just in case the user doesn't have javascript turned on) and then use javascript if they've got it.
So where do I store the HTML for the form if I don't want to have it in two places?
(Normally I'm not so picky, but I'm curious on this one.)
If you have access to a server-side language, you can keep a separate snippet of the form in an external page. Then, you can include the snippet into the HTML content page with an appropriate include call. This has the added benefit that, for your JavaScript, you can pull the contact form from this snippet file using AJAX. In fact, many plugins allow you to display DHTML windows with HTML content. For example, check out ThickBox.
Without a server-side language, you can do something similar with frames. Just display the form snippet in a frame when you need to reference it. Personally, I don't like frames very much, so this isn't a very attractive solution for me, but you can use it if you choose (and style the frames appropriately).
Just put your HTML for the contact form in a .html file. Assuming you're using PHP or something, just include the file in your contact page and include it in the section for your dynamic contact form. The form should still submit to the same server-side page and have the same look and feel..
e.g. contactForm.html
<div class="contact-form">
<input ....>