Dojo DEPRECATED dojo.moduleUrl - dojo

Hellow I have one project and while running it I got some warnings:
DEPRECATED: dojo.moduleUrl() use require.toUrl -- will be removed in
version: 2.0
but where is no "moduleUrl" uses in my project, does anybody know how to fix it ? Thanx

You don't say what version of Dojo you are using, but I assume it is 1.9. According to a quick scan dojo.moduleUrl() is used in the dojox section about 40 times. dojo.moduleUrl itself is reporting that it is deprecated.
I would expect that when Dojo 2.0 comes out all the dojox widjets will be upgraded accordingly and your worries will be at an end.
Update: Just noticed a similar answer has been posted while I've been thinking of mine :-)

Some code in the dojox package still uses this function. Are you using anything from the dojox package?
If you want to find out what code is calling it, use the uncompressed dojo files and put a breakpoint in dojo/_base/kernal on ~line 282 (depending on version). When the breakpoint is hit, look at the call stack.
This message is only a warning and not an error, so your code isn't broken.


When I use VS Code write Vue.js, the code color sometimes get chaos

as shown below:
I don't understand why, the syntax and format is correct, it's extremely confusing.
I review my code carefully but can't figure out
this seems to be a bug with VS Code. This could be because VS Code is not updated, or an extension that is not supported anymore.
first, try ctrl + shift + p and running >Developer: Reload Window this should reload your current environment and the error should be fixed.
If that doesn't work, try a different extension. I currently use Vetur, and Prettier.
And don't forget to make sure your VS Code is up to date. go to the bottom left and click the settings cog, then check for update or updates.
My answer is, "Start from scratch, and record your steps." I'm happy to share my notes on what is presently working:
My personal machine had been in that spot for some weeks, so I took a step back and dump out your cornucopia of extensions and their dependencies.
Only run pertinent language services. This is a tall order given how much a Vue + Typescript + Tailwind on Vite app covers. I am suspicious of generalized HTML/CSS/JS packs though, because they may not be built to parse Vue SFCs. Every new release of a services intended for other frameworks, like Angular or React, are still possible culprits (and moving targets).
I gave up getting Prettier and ESLint on stable ground. For a non-workplace thing, I feel okay about that. You may be having issues with a global package, if you've been experimenting. I've tossed out a couple branches following different tutorials. I intend to revisit this one since it has some example projects: rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint
I've noticed the Volar team seems to let oddities squeak out a little more frequently than I remember in Vetur.... but we love them just the way they are. Sometimes I downgrade just to check if I've gone crazy, yet.

How to run Bootstrap 3.0.2 with newer versions of Less?

We have a site on Bootstrap 3.0.2 which won't compile in Codekit, it fails on things like:
floor(#grid-gutter-width / 2);
I'm guessing Less has changed but after searching, I can't figure how it's changed. Pages I've been combing through:
In general, what's the best way of handling this without breaking everything?
Does anyone know which Less changes are causing the compile errors?
Is there a version of Bootstrap 3 that works with newer Less versions?
Or would I have to somehow run an older version of Less inside Codekit?
Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
The issue was a change in Less 1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2 (2013-03-07)
maths is now only done inside brackets. This means font: statements, media queries and the calc function can use a simpler format without being escaped. Disable this with --strict-maths-off in lessc and strictMaths:false in JavaScript.
You can use the --strict-maths-off flag but I decided to plug in Bootstrap v3.3.7 and update the theme to support the newer Bootstrap (and less).

SonarQube: How to suppress a warning in Kotlin code

I'm using SQ 7.3-alpha1 with sonar-kotlin-plugin- However, I cannot deactivate a special warning inside my Kotlin code for repositories in Spring Data where I need an "_" in a method name.
I tried both //NOSONAR and #Suppress("kotlin:S100") and #SuppressWarnings("kotlin:S100"). Any hint is appreciated.
You're not able to deactivate that issue because none of the mechanisms you're trying to use have been implemented for Kotlin.
Instead, you'll have to do this from the UI side.
Great news, is fixed in version 1.6 of Sonarslang. So an update to that version might improve the situation. I’ve not tested it yet, hence the cautious wording.

Reference to ' ' is ambigous error in Xcode

I was working with a custom iOS framework project in Xcode.There I am getting a lot of errors mentioning "Reference to ' ' is ambigous".I am attaching the screenshot of errors.Please help me correcting this.
Adding more information to Jason's answer.
The error message makes me think you have two declarations of the same library functions. All of those references are from UIKit
mostly this can be occurring because of the header files. As you can see all the errors indicates that it is quoting the enum values. Enum values will always be in the .h files. Normally the reference headers(.h files) will be present inside the frameworks. It is a common mistake that sometimes these header files will be buried some where in our code by any third party frameworks. So kindly check your third party libraries.
I did face this issue once and after searching everywhere i could not able to find the solution. The only thing solved my issue was
Opening a fresh project and importing my files into that project. Actually it really took me less than 10 minutes to move to a new project and immediately my xcode was happy. This is definitely worth a try.
Actually This error was cleared when I shift from iOS SDK 6.1 to 7.1(or any version higher that 6.1)
The error message makes me think you have two declarations of the same library functions. All of those references are from UIKit. Check to make sure only one version of UIKit is referenced in your project (check the frameworks), and make sure any libraries you have included are linking the same UIKit version as the rest of the app.
Steps to fix from here:
Clean the project
Delete everything inside
'~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/' (the button
inside the organizer window did not work for me)
Clean once more
Build project
from here: Reference to 'X' is ambiguous
Clean your project and rebuild again.If it don't work then create a new project
Set value of Enable Module (C and objective-c) to No

What is the correct way to upgrade a Lazarus project?

Some months ago I installed Lazarus 0.9.28 + FPC 2.2.4 to work on a new project. Some time after it I ran into some bugs related with image loading on a TImage. After googling a bit I found some information pointing to the fact that the bugs I was facing were already solved in a later version of FPC (can't remember the link now).
So I decided to download and install a newer version. This was around January and the latest stable version was not released yet, so I choose to install the snapshot Lazarus 0.9.31-29128 + FPC 2.4.2-2011-01-20. I opened my project with the new IDE and compiled it.
Luckily the bugs I faced were gone, but I have run into an IDE (?) one. After the upgrade, when I am on the code tab of some of my forms I do not see the code formatted. Instead I only see plain text, like this:
But on some forms I see the code formatted correctly, like this:
Anyone has run into this before? If yes, could you solve it and how? Or can anyone tell me what the correct way to upgrade a Lazarus project between versions is?
It is more of a nuisance than a real problem but still I would like to solve it. Any help would be appreciated.
I noticed that in the forms where the code shows correctly highlighted the LCLVersion in the .lfm file is, while in the forms where the code shows like plain text that property in the .lfm file is 0.9.31. Could have something to do with the problem? I tried changing the value but it did not change anything.
Thanks in advance and best regards
I don't know if this is actually causing your problem, but Lazarus keeps a set of settings in application local. ($user\AppData\Local\lazarus on my vista).
This config dir is not erased upon deinstallation, and the new installation will reuse this.
In case of strange problems, remove the config dir, and let the current installation generate a new one.