How to run erlang app in Intellij with erlang plugin? - intellij-idea

I imported my erlang project into Intellij, which uses rebar.
Dependencies are in deps/ folder
deps/emysql, etc.
The project was compiled successfully, but when I start console and call myproject:start(),it can't find the dependencies.
Do I have to build a release version with rebar to test?


IntelliJ Recompiling classes it could get from target/

I have a multi-module project that uses maven. Is there a way I can point IntelliJ to maven target/ folder so when I start Debug it won't rebuild the project from scratch and re-upload a whole project via JRebel all over again.
Basically, use target/ as a build folder. Changing compile output path didn't work as I expected it to not compile classes that were compiled by mvn already.
The IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations can specify which actions happen before launching the application.
By default for say web applications, this would display
Build x artifact
You may remove both entries if you are happy with building via maven before launching the application.
Regarding the JRebel side of it - it should certainly not be updating the classes on the second compile assuming nothing changed. The classes have their hashes checked before a reload. This is assuming maven and IntelliJ are using the default javac compiler. If either is configured to use ecj compiler, it's best to let JRebel only see classes built with the same compiler.

Intellij IDEA With Multiple Gradle Projects

I am working on two Gradle projects. One of these projects is a supporting library that will be used by other projects in the future so project A depends on project B but not as a 'multi module project'. The dependency is to be resolved through the artifact repo so project a declares it as a compile dependency using it's maven coordinates.
My problem is when working on these two projects in IntelliJ changes to project B aren't made available to project A until I install it (using the Gradle Maven plugin) in my local repo. This is kind of annoying and slows down my workflow. Is there a way to get IntelliJ to automatically update the dependency internally?
This is supported in the latest versions of Gradle and IntelliJ. It is known as a Composite Build.
Composite builds can be declared in the project's settings.gradle file as follows:
includeBuild '../my-app'
or by using the --include-build command line argument:
$ gradle --include-build ../my-utils run
Take a look at the Composite Builds with Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA Webinar for instructions on how to configure the integration.
In IDEA 2017 you can right-click on the gradle module and use Composite Build Configuration to link the current module to one or more gradle module already opened in the current workspace.

use gradle to compile any android project in first time, always download again?

OS: window8 x64
android studio 2.1.3
gradle plugin 2.1.3
gradle 2.14.1
I have already download when compile project last time, use git clone project from github, modify graldw-plugin version and distributionUrl=https\:// in
In embed Terminal run gradlew build it download gradle again,like this(sorry pic not allow enbed) (redundant file take up more C disk rest space) how to solve?

Compile Erlang in Intellij

I try compile erl files in Intellij with Erlang plugin. Everything is good with compilation but in out/production the folder does not create any files .beam and when I run console I get message:
exception error: undefined function.
When I use c("file"). everything is all right. Why does Intellij not create .beam files?
Try to fix it by going to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Erlang Compiler and check "Compile project with rebar".
Also, verify that rebar is installed and configured in IntelliJ by going to Preferences -> Other Settings -> Erlang External Tools and specifying the path to the rebar installation.
I was having the same issue ..
The problem is very strange erlang plugin doesn't compile and copy the files to out directories meanwhile if you compiled from terminal or command prompt (windows) it is working fine. this issue arose after installing IntelliJ Idea v 15.
What I have done here to fix the issue:
Uninstall Intellij Idea v 15
Downgrade IntelliJ Idead to version 14.1.4
Install Intellij Idea again (v. 0.5.11)
Configure SDK to reference src of erlang language.
Create a new test project and start making the project again .. it should work fine...
Hope this helps you

IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 + Gradle: Cannot Compile Groovy Files

Each time I attempt to create a new IntelliJ 14.1.4 project on Windows with Gradle integration I receive the following error during the 'Make' command when I have any Groovy source files included in the project...
Error:Cannot compile Groovy files: no Groovy library is defined for module 'GradleCommandLine'
I have tried:
Creating a Gradle project through the new project wizard in IntelliJ, choosing Groovy as a an 'Additional Library'
Creating a new Gradle project outside of IntelliJ using the gradle init --type groovy-library command, then opening IntelliJ which finds the file and automatically links to the project
Converting an existing project that was working with the IvyIDEA plugin to a Gradle build
I have tried adding (made sure) my groovy-all library as a 'Global Library' within the project structure
Each of these gave me the same 'Cannot compile Groovy files' error.
What does work:
I can run the gradle war command which compiles correctly and I can deploy the build war to an application server (in my case Tomcat 7.0.47)
However in watching the Getting Started with Gradle in IntelliJ IDEA 13 (they do not have one for IntelliJ 14) demo video, they are able to just run the standard 'Make' and add the unexploded war as a build artifact.
Also had a colleague using the Mac version of IntelliJ 14.1.4 do the same 'I have tried' attempts above and he did not run into any issues. They even imported the same project I was having issues with and it was able to do the 'Make' without any changes to settings.
Pointing to local Gradle installation solved issue. There was an issue with a corporate proxy preventing the Gradle distribution from installing properly.