IBM Worklight 6.0 - Where is Mobile Test Workbench client app for iOS? - ibm-mobilefirst

Step 1 of the Worklight 6.0 documentation for "Installing the mobile test client on an iOS device" says to "Launch the Apple App store from your mobile device and search for Rational Test Workbench Mobile Client", but, doing so on my iPhone 5 has no results.
Where can I find this app?

There was an issue with the Apple app store submission and the client app was not accepted due to Apple restrictions. The development team is looking into alternatives. For now, testing is only available via the emulator.


Unable to make calls to MobileFirst Platform server in preview

I'm having problems debugging/previewing my app in any browser with the command mfp app preview. I don't see any network related calls in the debugger in Chrome. CORS is enabled. Its an Ionic 2 app (cordova).
Running the app in the emulator or on a real device works perfectly fine with the same code.
I'm using MobileFirst Platform 8.0 hosted on BlueMix.
For app preview in MobileFirst 8.0 use command
mfpdev app preview
MobileFirst applications can access resources using the WLResourceRequest REST API.
I suggest that you will take a tour of the MobileFirst Resource request from JavaScript in MobileFirst Foundation 8.0.

MFP 7 and IBM App centre compatibility with Blackberry 10

As we are in process of upgrading our Worklight platform from 6.2 to MFP7 I couldn't find if MFP7 will support BB10 certification.
The features we are interested in:
Direct Update on BB10 (As we are doing monthly release we have to
submit to BB app store every time), Will this feature be available
on MFP or in the near future?
IBM App centre only support BB6/7. Will IBM App centre support
BB10 so we can deploy the binary (.bar)in?
The BlackBerry 10 environment does not support Direct Update.
Application Center does not support BlackBerry 10 (there is no AppCenter client for it)

Worklight 6.2: Is JSONStore supported for windows8 platform

We have developed a hybrid mobile app using IBM Worklight We are using JSONStore to store user credential on Andoird and iOS devices. I would like to know, if worklight 6.2 has support for JSONStore on windows8 platform ?
As per worklight 6.2 document -
The table shows, JSONStore is supported for Windows8 and Windows8 Phone but the document says - The JSONStore feature is only available on iOS and Android devices and simulators.
So it is not clear, if JSONStore is supported for Windows8 platform or not.
This is an omission in the text.
The JSONStore feature is supported in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.
We'll have the text corrected.

Distributing iOS app through Worklight 6.1 Appcenter

Is it required to have Apple Enterprise subscription to distribute iOS app through appcenter, or is there any method to iOS device (iOS 7.1) accecpt app from it with standard subscription? I tried everything but get error (cannot connect to ...) when i press download.
All applications managed through the Application Center must be packaged for "Ad Hoc Distribution".
With an iOS developer account, you can share your application with up to 100 iOS devices.
With an iOS enterprise account, you can share your in-house application with an unlimited number of iOS devices.
See iOS Developer Program and iOS Enterprise Program for details.

worklight tracking

I still no able to successfully download/install an app thru IBM app center to see what a new app looks like on a mobile device.
2 simple questions :
1) If an app, let's call it myapp, was download/install successfully thru IBM app center, then would myapp simply an independent new app on the device or myapp some how "embedded" in the worklight app center app?
2) If I deployed myapp to a Samsung tablet thru other means, that is not thru IBM app center, then would worklight serve has the knowledge of myadd install in this particular Samsung device?
The application would be independent. You could, for example, uninstall it either through the Application Center mobile client, or via the usual procedure the device OS allows you to.
Assuming the applications has connectOnStartup=true, and you deployed the app to the Worklight Server, the answer would be Yes. (the Application Center is not a substitute to the Worklight Server, you must still deploy it there if you intent for your application to use features such as Worklight Adapters).