Viewing & Displaying Memory Usage on iPhone [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Some apps display the memory usage on your iPhone, which I would like to replicate. They display the memory that your system, apps, etc. occupy. I don't want to know exactly how to do it, just the built-in-methods/functions to use.
*Please use objective-c syntax that is compatible with Xcode 4.6 or later.

try to use:
This IOS Framework whose help you to track memory usage. If you open example 'photos' in this framework you can see this:


In ios7 for xamarin application is not taking retina images [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing one xamarin app and using ios7.I am having one image with LikeIconSmall.png and LikeIconSmall#2x.png.but it is not taking retina image,it is always taking nonretina images on retina phone also.Please suggest any solution.This issue is for all images in application.
I would make sure the build action for your images is set to content and you are using UIImage.FromBundle(path) to load you image

How to Access Qt Calender widget in qml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was trying to create a scheduler for a desktop application using qml. I couldn't find any built in calendars for qml.So is there any method to access qt calendar widget in qml?
Qt5.3 alpha has just been released and in the changelog you can see that a new Calendar component has been added to QtQuick.Controls.
Qt Quick Controls:
The Calendar control was added. Calendar allows selection of dates from a grid of days, similar to QCalendarWidget.
This version is not production-ready yet but it should contain what you are looking for.

How to show large quantity of hex text in Cocoa? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make a Mac app to view and edit several GB sized binary files.
How do I start off? :-(
I thought I should begin with a simple scrolling hex viewer, but stuck already.
I think NSTextView is not the way to go. Because I only need to draw 255 kind of two character pair over and over. Also need to manage huge text data.
1) can I use NSLayoutManager drawGlyphsForGlyphRange method?
2) is it possible with NSTextView and clever text management?
3) or something else?
It will be greatly helpful if I could consult samples or demos.
Hex Fiend is an open source hex editor that can edit huge files (the website says it has been tested on a 118GB file).

Why photoshop SDK sample code don‘t work in my Mac-OS10.7? [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I used the photoshop SDK CS5. And complied the sample code hidden in the filter folder with my x-code. And I get the target file 'Hidden.plugin' . But it seems no use, when I puts it to the photoshop plug-ins plugin folder.The version of my photoshop is also CS5. Anyone can tell me why?
Problem solved with the help of others in other website.

is Dynamic form rendering in iOS app allowed? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In an app I need to download an xml(metadata for form to be rendered) from remote and then render a form accordingly. I wonder if this is allowed under apple guidelines as so far I did not encounter any such thing in HIG guidelines.
Any help is highly appreciated.
I think its allowed (I don't see any reason to reject such apps). In few of my apps I am rendering forms based on some conditions.
Yes, it is allowed as long as the content you render dynamically, is okay as far as the guidelines are concerned. You may compare this to having a UIWebView load dynamic content off of the web.