select from 2 tables with multiple counts - sql

I have 2 tables I'm trying to join in a select query.
Table 1: Store, primary_key(id,store_num)
store_id store_num due_date manager_id
1 100 06-30-2024 user1
2 108 06-30-2018 user2
3 109 13-31-2014 user3
Table 2: Department, where status(A-applied,p-Pending)
store_id store_num dept_num status
1 100 201 A
1 100 202 A
1 100 203 P
1 100 204 A
1 100 205 P
1 100 206 A
Expecting to select store_id, store_num, due_date, manager_id, Applied count, pending count. The result is something looks like this.
store_id store_num due_date manager_id applied_count pending_count
1 100 06-30-2024 user1 4 2
I tried it and got where I am able to join and get it in multiple rows, But counts not working out for me. can some one help me how I can get the counts
from store as store
inner join department as dept on store.store_id = dept.store_id
and store.store_num = dept.store_num

Your query is half way done. You need to do an aggregation to get the values in different columns. This is a conditional aggregation, as shown here:
select s.store_id, s.store_num, s.due_date, s.manager_id,
sum(case when d.status = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as Active_Count,
sum(case when d.status = 'P' then 1 else 0 end) as Pending_Count
from store s inner join
department as dept
on s.store_id = d.store_id and s.store_num = d.store_num
group by store.store_id, store.store_num, store.due_date, store.manager_id;
The expression:
sum(case when d.status = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as Active_Count,
Is counting the rows where status = 'A'. It does so by assigning such rows a value of 1 and then summing up that value.


Sqlite group by distinct count

I have table of customers operations:
date, client_id, gender
1 1 M
1 1 M
1 2 M
1 2 M
1 3 F
2 1 M
2 1 M
2 1 M
2 2 M
2 2 M
2 3 F
2 3 F
2 4 F
2 5 M
2 5 M
Desired output is:
date, amount of males, (also need amount of females)
1 2 1
2 3 2
I need to group it by date, so i did it, then my goal is to find amount of each gender in each grouped group.
so i tried to do this to count amount of males:
sum(case when gender = 'M' then 1 else NULL end) as 'M%'
but its counted clients id 1 and 2 two times each, but i need to count it distinct.
On example above i expect this to return 2 because 2 male. But it return 4 because distinct construction doesnt work.
I tried this but it doesnt work and count '1' in result:
sum(distinct case when gender = 'M' then 1 else NULL end) as 'M%'
It's easier to count from the distinct rows of the table.
Also, use SQLite's feature to treat boolean expressions as 1 for true and 0 for false so you can sum them instead of using CASE expressions:
SELECT date,
SUM(gender = 'M') [amount of males],
SUM(gender = 'F') [amount of females]
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date, client_id, gender FROM tablename)
See the demo.
You seem to want conditional count(distinct):
select date,
count(distinct case when gender = 'M' then client_id end) as count_m,
count(distinct case when gender = 'F' then client_id end) as count_f
from t
group by date;

To select data from multiple records in SQL Server having a common ID

I need to select/concat data from 2 tables in SQL Server I'm using Left Join, but the data is returned as multiple records.
Below are the sample tables
Id Name Age
1 Sk 20
2 Rb 30
ID Bike Price Table1Id
1 RX 200 1
2 CD 250 1
3 FZ 300 1
4 R1 400 2
The desired output is
ID Name Age Bike1 Price1 Bike2 Price2 Bike3 Price3
1 Sk 20 RX 200 CD 250 FZ 300
A sample format of the query I'm using
SELECT A.ID, A.Name, B.Bike, B.Price FROM Table1 A LEFT JOIN Table2 B ON = B.Table1Id order by
The output I'm getting from the above query is
ID Name Age Bike Price
1 Sk 20 RX 200
1 Sk 20 CD 250
1 Sk 20 FZ 300
2 Rb 30 R1 400
I need the data as one record for a particular ID and not multiple records (As seen in the desired output). Tired using offset, but offset will return only limited result not the entire records.
Any suggestions on how this can be achieved?
If you know the maximum number of bikes per person, you can use conditional aggregation:
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 1 THEN Bike END) as bike_1,
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 1 THEN Price END) as price_1,
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 2 THEN Bike END) as bike_2,
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 2 THEN Price END) as price_2,
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 3 THEN Bike END) as bike_3,
MAX(CASE WHEN seqnm = 3 THEN Price END) as price_3
FROM (SELECT A.ID, A.Name, B.Bike, B.Price,
Table2 B
ON = B.Table1Id
) ab

Group by to include case statement inside SQL statement

I have a table which stores purchase info from sellers and table contains rating to every purchase out of 5 stars. I want to have output Group By sellers and Each sellers good(Above 3) and bad(Below 4) ratings count
PurchaseId SellerId PurchaseRating
1 ABC 2
2 ABC 5
3 DEF 1
4 XYZ 2
5 DEF 4
7 ABC 3
SellerId TotalOrders AvgRating Above3*(4&5) Below4*(1 to 3)
ABC 3 3.3 1 2
DEF 2 2.5 1 1
XYZ 1 2 0 1
For first 3 columns I am getting result using this
Select SellerId, Count(P.Id) TotalOrders, Avg(PurchaseRating) AvgRating,
CASE WHEN P.PurchaseRating >= 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Above3*(4&5)
[dbo].[AmazonAbeOrdersPurchaseInfo] P
Where PurchaseRating is not null
Group by P.SellerId
order by TotalOrders desc
Unable to identify how to include case in group by clause.
You are trying to do conditional aggreation. The important thing is that you want the conditional expression inside the aggregate function:
count(*) totalOrders,
avg(purchaseRating) avgRating,
sum(case when purchaseRating > 3 then 1 else 0 end) above3,
sum(case when purchaseRating < 4 then 1 else 0 end) below4
from [dbo].[AmazonAbeOrdersPurchaseInfo]
where purchaseRating is not null
group by sellerId
order by totalOrders desc

SQL Select Distinct Records From Two Tables

I am trying to write a SQL statement that will return a set of Distinct set of CompanyNames from a table based on the most recent SaleDate withing a specified date range from another table.
T01 = Account
T02 = TransHeader
The fields of importance are:
T01.ID, T01.CompanyName
T02.AccountID, T02.SaleDate
T01.ID = T02.AccountID
What I want to return is the Max SaleDate for each CompanyName without any duplicate CompanyNames and only the Max(SaleDate) as LastSale. I will be using a Where Clause to limit the SaleDate range.
I tried the following but it returns all the records for all SalesDates in the range. This results in the same company being listed multiple times.
Current MS-SQL Query
SELECT T01.CompanyName, T02.LastSale
(SELECT DISTINCT ID, IsActive, ClassTypeID, CompanyName FROM Account) T01
(SELECT DISTINCT AccountID, TransactionType, MAX(SaleDate) LastSale FROM TransHeader group by AccountID, TransactionType, SaleDate) T02
ON T01.ID = T02.AccountID
WHERE ( ( T01.IsActive = 1 )AND
( (Select Max(SaleDate)From TransHeader Where AccountID = T01.ID AND TransactionType in (1,6) AND SaleDate is NOT NULL)
BETWEEN '01/01/2016' AND '12/31/2018 23:59:00' AND (Select Max(SaleDate)From TransHeader Where AccountID = T01.ID AND TransactionType in (1,6) AND SaleDate is NOT NULL) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY T01.CompanyName
I thought the FULL OUTER JOIN was the ticket but it did not work and I am stuck.
Sample data Account Table (T01)
ID CompanyName IsActive ClassTypeID
1 ABC123 1 1
2 CDE456 1 1
3 EFG789 1 1
4 Test123 0 1
5 Test456 1 1
6 Test789 0 1
Sample data Transheader table (T02)
AccountID TransactionType SaleDate
1 1 02/03/2012
2 1 03/04/2013
3 1 04/05/2014
4 1 05/06/2014
5 1 06/07/2014
6 1 07/08/2015
1 1 08/09/2016
1 1 01/15/2016
2 1 03/20/2017
2 1 03/21/2017
3 1 03/04/2017
3 1 04/05/2018
3 1 05/27/2018
4 1 06/01/2018
5 1 07/08/2018
5 1 08/01/2018
5 1 10/11/2018
6 1 11/30/2018
Desired Results
CompanyName LastSale (Notes note returned in the result)
ABC123 01/15/2016 (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=1)
CDE456 03/21/2017 (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=2)
EFG789 05/27/2018 (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=3)
Testing456 10/11/2018 (Max(SaleDate) LastSale for ID=5)
ID=4 & ID=6 are note returned because IsActive = 0 for these records.
One option is to select the maximum date in the select clause.
select max(th.saledate)
from transheader th
where th.accountid =
and th.saledate >= '2016-01-01'
and th.saledate < '2019-01-01'
) as max_date
from account a
where a.isactive = 1
order by;
If you only want to show transaction headers with sales dates in the given date range, then you can just inner join the maximum dates with the accounts. In order to do so, you must group your date aggregation per account:
select a.*, th.max_date
from account a
select accountid, max(saledate) as max_date
from transheader
and saledate >= '2016-01-01'
and saledate < '2019-01-01'
group by accountid
) th on th.accountid =
where a.isactive = 1
order by;
select CompanyName,MAX(SaleDate) SaleDate from Account a
inner join Transheader b on = b.accountid
group by CompanyName
order by 1

Checking if the row has the max value in a group

I'm trying get to find out if a row has the max value in a group. Here's really simple example:
VoteCount LocationId UserId
3 1 1
4 1 2
3 2 2
4 2 1
when UserId = 1 /* and has max vote count*/
then 1 else 0
end) as IsUser1Winner,
when UserId = 2 /* and has max vote count*/
then 1 else 0
end) as IsUser2Winner
from LocationVote
group by LocationID
It should return:
LocationId IsUser1Winner IsUser2Winner
1 0 1
2 1 1
I also couldn't find a way to generate dynamic column names here. What would be the simplest way to write this query?
You could also do this using a Case statement
MAX(VoteCount) max_votes
, LocationId
FROM LocationResult
group by LocationId
, Case When UserId=1
END IsUser1Winner
, Case when UserId=2
THEn 1
END IsUser2Winner
from LocationResult A
inner join
on A.VoteCount = B.max_votes
and A.LocationId = B.LocationId
Try this:
select *
from table t
cross apply (
select max(votes) max_value
from table ref
where =
where votes.max_value = t.votes
but if your table is huge and has no propriate indexes performance may be poor
Another way is to get max values by groups into table variable or temp table and then join it to original table.