How to get a single value in findbyPk() method in yii? - yii

In my controller
$agent = University::model()->findByPK($university_id);
I hope it will return value of a row of value.
I want a single attribute(field3) value say university_name, (with out using findByPK), how to get it
SELECT field3 FROM table [WHERE Clause]

Try this
$usercriteria = new CDbCriteria();
$usercriteria->select = "university_name";
$usercriteria->condition = "university_id=$university_id";
$university = University::model()->findAll($usercriteria);
echo $university->university_name;
Or simply do like u did first
$agent = University::model()->findByPK($university_id);
echo $agent-> university_name;

$agent = University::model()->findByPK($university_id);
echo $agent->university_name;

It should be like this:
$agent = University::model()->findByPK($university_id)->university_name;

Try this:
$university_name = University::model()->findByPK($university_id, array('select'=>'univeersity_name'))->university_name;
#Query: SElECT university_name FROM table_name where id=x;
Instead of
$university_name = University::model()->findByPK($university_id)->university_name;
#Query: SElECT * FROM table_name where id=x;
Second query returns all the fields. So better to avoid those fields are not necessary.

in case if you need to view on the yii _views, i have implemented this on my project
i put this inside my '_view.php' at /protected/views/myTable/
$agent = University::model()->findByPK($data->id_university/*this is the PK field name*/);
echo $agent->university_name /*university field name*/;
sorry again for my bad english :o

It can be done like this:
$agent = University::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('field3'),"WHERE `id` = :id", array(':id' => $university_id));
First argument of findByAttributes is an array of attributes you wish it to return. If left empty it returns all (*).


codeigniter change complex query into active record

I have a codeigniter app.
My active record syntax works perfectly and is:
function get_as_09($q){
$this->db->where('ProductCode', $q);
$query = $this->db->get('ProductList');
if($query->num_rows > 0){
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$row_set[] = htmlentities(stripslashes($row['m3'])); //build an array
return $row_set;
This is effectively
select 'm3' from 'ProductList' where ProductCode='$1'
What I need to do is convert the below query into an active record type query and return it to the controller as per above active record syntax:
select length from
,CONCAT(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE([ProductCode],concat(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options
FROM [dbo].[dbo].[ProductList]) as p
where options='25100cr' order by length
I picture something like below but this does not work.
$this->db->from(SELECT [Length],CONCAT(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE[ProductCode],concat(([width]*1000),([thickness]*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options
FROM [dbo].[dbo].[ProductList]);
$this->db->where(options, $q);
$this->db->order(length, desc);
Help appreciated as always. Thanks again.
You can use sub query way of codeigniter to do this for this purpose you will have to hack codeigniter. like this
Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions
public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()
Now subquery writing in available And now here is your query with active record
$select = array(
'thickness * 1000',
'REPLACE(ProductCode, concat((width*1000),(thickness*1000),REPLACE((convert(varchar,convert(decimal(8,1),length))),'.','')),'')) as options'
$Subquery = $this->db->_compile_select();
And the thing is done. Cheers!!!
Note : While using sub queries you must use
instead of
which runs the query.

How to get the result of the join operations?

Whenever I tried to execute this sql query in a function module in drupal I am not able to get the results but when I try to execute this in MySQL I can view the result. My code looks like this :
function _get_subject_sub_category() {
$options = array();
$sql = "SELECT father.Subject_Code, child.Subject_Category
FROM {subjects} as child
INNER JOIN {subjects} as father ON (child.Parent_Category = father.Subject_Code
AND child.Level =2 )";
$result = db_query($sql);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;
return $options;
The error I encountered is in the line $options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;`.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Try changing this line:
$options[$row->father.Subject_Code] = $row->child.Subject_Category;
To this:
$options[$row->Subject_Code] = $row->Subject_Category;
The name of the table is not in the result. If you need to avoid confusion, you can use alias in your SQL query.
I don't know drupal and don't use php, but I would say :
father. in $row->father.Subject_Code
child. in $row->child.Subject_Category
as father and child are just db aliases.

How to use IFNULL with yii CDbCriteria?

In yii, i have a CDbCriteria with select property as:
$criteria->select = "IFNULL(t.cccid,'Default')";
That is I want to return 'Default' if t.cccid is NULL. Else value of t.cccid should be returned/
The problem is that IFNULL is not being recognized. I get error as:
trying to select an invalid column "'Default')"
I have also tried:
$criteria->select = "IFNULL(t.cccid,'Default') as cccid";
and then i get syntax error.
Can anyone help me on how to use IFNULL in $criteria->select?
Use of CDbExpression would help you here
$criteria->select = new CDbExpression("IFNULL(t.cccid,'Default') cccid");
or (to select * , or other columns, use array )
$criteria->select = array(
new CDbExpression("IFNULL(t.cccid,'Default') cccid"),

How to get particular column in zend using Left join

I am new to zend framework,
Following is the plain mysql query which takes particular column from table,
SELECT,jobs_users.first_name from jobs_users left join friends on where friends.member_id=29
I tried with zend to implement the above query like below,
public function getFriendsProfileList($id){
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $db->select();
->where("friends.member_id = ?", $id);
$result = $db->fetchAll($select);
return $result;
Here i got result with all column name , not with exact column name which i have given in query.
Kindly help me on this.
Use this instead:
$select->from('jobs_users', array('','jobs_users.first_name','jobs_users.last_name',''))
->joinLeft('friends', '')
->where("friends.member_id = ?", '20');
You may also try this:
$select = $db->select();
$select->joinLeft('friends','', array());
$select->where("friends.member_id = ?", $id);
$result = $db->fetchAll($select);
return $result;

how to get last inserted id - zend

I'm trying to get latest inserted id from a table using this code:
$id = $tbl->fetchAll (array('public=1'), 'id desc');
but it's always returning "1"
any ideas?
update: I've just discovered toArray();, which retrieves all the data from fetchAll. The problem is, I only need the ID. My current code looks like this:
$rowsetArray = $id->toArray();
$rowCount = 1;
foreach ($rowsetArray as $rowArray) {
foreach ($rowArray as $column => $value) {
if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;}
Obviously, I've got the if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;} thing wrong.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
An aternative would be to filter ID's from fetchAll. Is that possible?
Think you can use:
$id = $tbl->lastInsertId();
Aren't you trying to get last INSERT id from SELECT query?
Use lastInsertId() or the value returned by insert: $id = $db->insert();
Why are you using fetchAll() to retrieve the last inserted ID? fetchAll() will return a rowset of results (multiple records) as an object (not an array, but can be converted into an array using the toArray() method). However, if you are trying to reuse a rowset you already have, and you know the last record is the first record in the rowset, you can do this:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$rows = $table->fetchAll($select);
$firstRow = $rows->current();
$lastId = $firstRow->id;
If you were to use fetchRow(), it would return a single row, so you wouldn't have to call current() on the result:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$row = $table->fetchRow($select);
$lastId = $row->id;
It sounds like it's returning true rather than the actual value. Check the return value for the function fetchAll