Images Symfony CMF create.js - createjs

I have installed Symfony CMF and everything works fine, but not like in
In when I try to add image it can be uploaded, but in my application createjs does not allow me with this option ?
So everything is by default in my application and still it does not works.
Could anyone provide me with an answer or it would be better if someone provide me with kind of documentation ?? Thanks

We are currently moving from hallo.js to ckeditor as the default wysiwig editor. it will hopefully soon be completed:


Why the design change after Publish in .net core 3.1?

I designed a website and after I published it and uploaded it to its design server it changes a bit .. (Most of it has not changed)
Some things that may be causing the problem-
Part of the site is linked to a site.css file and it works fine and is also located with _layout
And the part that is causing me problems is linked to another Layout and another CSS file
I hope you can help me it's really frustrating
Best regards
Many thanks to Adam Vincent.
I had to insert the link to CSS into the
(Still it's causing me problems with the Directiorion: rtl but I believe I can fix it)

requirejs support for remotely loaded dojo with ArcGIS/ESRI

I'm working on a project with ArcGIS/ESRI in WebStorm. According to the documentation, "Dojo is included with the ArcGIS JavaScript API so there is no need to host/reference/install it." This means WebStorm has no idea what require is:
How do I add support without installing Dojo/require?
Was just going to comment, but can't yet?! Anyway, I had to reengineer my web-site dev-ops to account for the ESRI javascript API. I am using 4.6 though...
The API, which includes dojo, may be installed, but it has to be configured into your site. Once you reference dojo/dojo.js, all will be good. But you need the config set-up first.
Start here:
There is a link to the API javascript resources. This will really help understand the process!
Also don't miss:
I am just getting this stuff "almost" working. And actually had a build question to post and saw this. Hope it helps. I was using AMD and thought I had to go the requirejs route, but the dojo stuff worked out better for me. Check them both out and see what works for you! Good Luck!

Hippo Channelmanager Sitemap not editable

We're stuck in the Hippo Channel Manager when adding a page. The docs say that the option should be enabled when there is a prototype page. Well, we have it, but the Channel Manager says: sitemap not editable. I've tested it with a 'clean' maven generated project with some sample content: same message. Find a screenshot attached. What am I doing wrong?
I can't reproduce this. I have a 11.1 archetype project with simple content (from essentials) and copied the the homepage to the prototype pages. This works. I need more detail about what you have done to know why it doesn't work. In order for this to be activated you have to have a prototype page (obvious) and a workspace. Now you should have a workspace anyway so this should not be the issue, but perhaps you have changed some authorization?
Problem solved by doing a complete 'reconfigure' from scratch and re-applying all my changes. Sorry for bothering you.

Netbeans 7.2 not reflects modification on html, jsp pages

Recently i moved from netbeans 6.9 to Netbeans 7.2, while working on 6.9, i have handy functionality of after deployed my project if i do modifications in html or jsp pages i can see when i refresh the page in browser. But while using 7.2 it's not available, so each time i need to build, and deploy for changes get updated.
So i gotta few suggestions like
Check->Compile on save in project properties
Uncheck->Deploy on save in project properties, but still it's not working.
Any idea what i have missed.
Thanks in advance.!
I must say this scenario works fine for me - I don't see any problem. What kind of project are you using - Ant-based or Maven-based? The best thing would be if you can file a P2 issue in the bug database, so we can investigate. Thank you.
This happened to me as well. I tried renaming the project to a new name not the project folder and re run. It worked for me. Try for yourself.

DotNetNuke Module does not show on page, steps to trouble shoot?

I have a DotNetNuke Module created in DNN 4.9.2. It runs fine on my dev machine but when I post it to the live server, I just get a blank screen, well my skin with no content.
I have installed and then uninstalled, then reinstalled the module, same issue.
I must be overlooking something. Can anyone outline some ideas on how to trouble shoot this issue. I have done the following:
Check code - exact match
Check DNN Event Log - clean
Look for errors - none
Restart Site - same issue
Check Windows Logs - clean
Bang Head against desk - same issue, although now I have a headache
Any other ideas would be great
Make sure that the "Mode" selection at the top of the control panel isn't on Layout.
Are you running as an administrator? Otherwise, do you know that the user has rights to see the module?
The answer was a bug in my code. The reason I didn't see an error was because that an xslt file path was wrong and it didn't kick in my try catch. I corrected the path and violĂ .