i am using checkboxmodel plugin for a checkbox column.But, what i want is that 'if i check a column some cells of that row will be editable'...i searched a lot but no luck.I am working with MVC pattern and because of the plugin i dont know how to handle it
/**Grid View**/
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2
selType: 'cellmodel',
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
checkOnly: true,
listeners: {
selectionchange: function(model, records) {
if (records[0]) {
//make any cell of a field editable
here if i check any row i want to make the grid's quantity field editable...This would be nice if someone can help...
Try this:
1) create editor plugin instance for reference:
var editor = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2
2) use this instance in grid plugin definition:
plugins: [
3) modify your selModel definition to look something like this:
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
checkOnly: true,
listeners: {
selectionchange: function(model, records) {
if (records[0] && !editor.editing) {
editor.startEdit(records[0], 2); // 2 is the number of column you want to edit
Using this solution you will be able to edit only one cell when grid row is checked. Also you will need to implement additional logic to stop editing previously edited cell in case if selection change etc... Hope this hint will help you.
On the front-end I have a Calls grid. Each Call may have one or more Notes associated with it, so I want to add the ability to drill down into each Calls grid row and display related Notes.
On the back-end I am using Ruby on Rails, and the Calls controller returns a Calls json recordset, with nested Notes in each row. This is done using to_json(:include => blah), in case you're wondering.
So the question is: how do I add a sub-grid (or just a div) that gets displayed when a user double-clicks or expands a row in the parent grid? How do I bind nested Notes data to it?
I found some answers out there that got me part of the way where I needed to go. Thanks to those who helped me take it from there.
I'll jump straight into posting code, without much explanation. Just keep in mind that my json recordset has nested Notes records. On the client it means that each Calls record has a nested notesStore, which contains the related Notes. Also, I'm only displaying one Notes column - content - for simplicity.
Ext.define('MyApp.view.calls.Grid', {
alias: 'widget.callsgrid',
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
initComponent: function(){
var me = this;
var config = {
listeners: {
afterrender: function (grid) {
function (rowNode, record, expandbody) {
var targetId = 'CallsGridRow-' + record.get('id');
if (Ext.getCmp(targetId + "_grid") == null) {
var notesGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
forceFit: true,
renderTo: targetId,
id: targetId + "_grid",
store: record.notesStore,
columns: [
{ text: 'Note', dataIndex: 'content', flex: 0 }
rowNode.grid = notesGrid;
notesGrid.getEl().swallowEvent(['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'click', 'dblclick', 'onRowFocus']);
notesGrid.fireEvent("bind", notesGrid, { id: record.get('id') });
Ext.apply(me, Ext.apply(me.initialConfig, config));
plugins: [{
ptype: 'rowexpander',
pluginId: 'abc',
rowBodyTpl: [
'<div id="CallsGridRow-{id}" ></div>'
I'm just getting started with Sencha Touch 2 and I have never worked with Sencha Touch 1.x before. I've just finished this tutorial (which is the best starter tutorial I have found so far) http://miamicoder.com/2012/how-to-create-a-sencha-touch-2-app-part-1/ and now I want to go ahead and extend this Notes App.
I have a controller and 2 views, a list view and an edit view. In the edit view I want to be able to delete the current record. The delete function is in the controller. After tapping the delete button, I want to show a confirmation dialog ("Are you sure you want to delete...?"). After the user presses yes, the delete function should be called.
Now my problem is: How do I call the controllers delete function from within Ext.Msg.confirm?
Here are the relevant snippets of my code. Please let me know if something important is missing.
Please see the "onDeleteNoteCommand" function. "this.someFunction" obviously doesn't work since "this" is a DOMWindow.
Ext.define('TestApp2.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
noteEditorView: 'noteeditorview'
control: {
noteEditorView: {
deleteNoteCommand: 'onDeleteNoteCommand',
onDeleteNoteCommand: function() {
var noteEditor = this.getNoteEditorView();
var currentNote = noteEditor.getRecord();
"Delete note?",
"Do you reall want to delete the note <i>"+currentNote.data.title+"</i>?",
function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId === 'yes') {
//controller functions!! how to call them?
deleteNote: function(record) {
var notesStore = Ext.getStore('Notes');
activateNotesList: function() {
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getNotesListView(), this.slideRightTransition);
slideLeftTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' },
slideRightTransition: { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' },
launch: function() {
console.log('launch main controller');
init: function() {
console.log('init main controller');
When you enter callback function of Ext.Msg the scope changes from controller scope to global scope (window), so you must set up it as parameter of confirm method:
"Delete note?",
"Do you reall want to delete the note <i>"+currentNote.data.title+"</i>?",
function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId === 'yes') {
this // scope of the controller
For more info please check sencha docs: http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/api/Ext.MessageBox-method-confirm
I want a button in column header dropdown menu of grid in extjs4.
so that i can add or delete columns which are linked in database.
Any help will be appreciated...
Couple of months ago I had the same problem. I've managed to solve it by extending Ext.grid.header.Container (I've overrided getMenuItems method). However, recently, I've found another solution which requires less coding: just add menu item manualy after grid widget is created.
I'll post the second solution here:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
// ...
listeners: {
afterrender: function() {
var menu = this.headerCt.getMenu();
text: 'Custom Item',
handler: function() {
var columnDataIndex = menu.activeHeader.dataIndex;
alert('custom item for column "'+columnDataIndex+'" was pressed');
Here is demo.
Here is demo for ExtJs4.1.
From what I have been seeing, you should avoid the afterrender event.
The application I am building uses a store with a dynamic model. I want my grid to have a customizable model that is fetched from the server (So I can have customizable columns for my customizable grid).
Since the header wasn't available to be modified (since the store gets reloaded and destroys the existing menu that I modified - using the example above). An alternate solution that has the same effect can be executed as such:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
// ...
initComponent: function () {
// renders the header and header menu
// now you have access to the header - set an event on the header itself
this.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu, eOpts) {
}, this);
createHeaderMenu: function (menu) {
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
For people who would like to have not just one "standard" column menu but have an individual columnwise like me, may use the following
initComponent: function ()
// renders the header and header menu
// now you have access to the header - set an event on the header itself
this.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu, eOpts) {
menu.on('beforeshow', this.showHeaderMenu);
}, this);
showHeaderMenu: function (menu, eOpts)
//define array to store added compoents in
if(this.myAddedComponents === undefined)
this.myAddedComponents = new Array();
var columnDataIndex = menu.activeHeader.dataIndex,
customMenuComponents = this.myAddedComponents.length;
//remove components if any added
if(customMenuComponents > 0)
for(var i = 0; i < customMenuComponents; i++)
this.myAddedComponents.splice(0, customMenuComponents);
//add components by column index
case 'xyz': this.myAddedComponents.push(menu.add([{
text: 'Custom Item'}]));
I took #nobbler's answer an created a plugin for this:
Ext.define('Ext.grid.CustomGridColumnMenu', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
init: function (component) {
var me = this;
me.customMenuItemsCache = [];
component.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu) {
menu.on('beforeshow', me.showHeaderMenu, me);
}, me);
showHeaderMenu: function (menu) {
var me = this;
removeCustomMenuItems: function (menu) {
var me = this,
while (menuItem = me.customMenuItemsCache.pop()) {
menu.remove(menuItem.getItemId(), false);
addCustomMenuitems: function (menu) {
var me = this,
var menuItems = menu.activeHeader.customMenu || [];
if (menuItems.length > 0) {
if (menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems === undefined) {
renderedItems = menu.add(menuItems);
menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems = renderedItems;
} else {
renderedItems = menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems;
Ext.each(renderedItems, function (renderedMenuItem) {
This is the way you use it (customMenu in the column config let you define your menu):
Ext.define('MyGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
plugins: ['Ext.grid.CustomGridColumnMenu'],
columns: [
dataIndex: 'name',
customMenu: [
text: 'My menu item',
menu: [
text: 'My submenu item'
The way this plugin works also solves an issue, that the other implementations ran into. Since the custom menu items are created only once for each column (caching of the already rendered version) it will not forget if it was checked before or not.
In the standard "Pull to Refresh" plugin, the list store gets updated. However, I have two lists and I need to update a different store for my detail list. How can I override the update event and reload my other store? I tried adding a simple listener but it's not firing.
I got this snippet from the Sencha site to work:
plugins: [
xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
pullRefreshText: 'Pull down for more new Events!',
refreshFn: function(plugin) {
console.log( "I'm pulled" );
Original code:
Ext.define('SenchaFiddle.view.ListView', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype: 'main-list',
config: {
plugins: [
pullRefreshText: 'Do it!',
type: 'listpaging',
// Don't offer "Load More" msg
autoPaging: false,
refreshFn: function() {
listeners: {
'updatedata': function(plugin, list) {
console.log("Getting the data");
layout: 'fit',
width: 300,
itemTpl: '{text}'
In Sencha Touch 2.2, they have removed the refreshFn config from Ext.util.PullRefresh. I have successfully implemented a custom refreshFn with the new version of Sencha Touch by overriding the fetchLatest function inside Ext.util.PullRefresh like so...
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.PullRefreshOverride', {
override: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
fetchLatest: function() {
var list = this.getList();
switch(list.getItemId()) {
case "list1":
case "list2":
//My own custom function to add to the plugin
updateStore1: function() {
//Code to update store 1
//My own custom function to add to the plugin
updateStore2: function {
//Code to update store 2
Having a look at Ext.plugin.PullRefresh definition in sencha-touch-all-debug, I see this config:
* #cfg {Function} refreshFn The function that will be called to refresh the list.
* If this is not defined, the store's load function will be called.
* The refresh function gets called with a reference to this plugin instance.
* #accessor
refreshFn: null,
It might be a good idea that you can achieve what you need through refreshFn config.
For those who need the refreshFn back, there is a PullRefreshFn extension for PullRefresh.
I needed PullRefresh to get triggered by a Panel, rather than a List or Dataview and I also needed to manually load and set data to my Dataview upon user triggering the PullRefresh.
For this I needed the refreshFn config function that existed prior to Sencha 2.2, so here is my implementation.
PullRefreshFn (Modified)
Ext.define('Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn', {
extend: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
alias: 'plugin.pullrefreshfn',
requires: ['Ext.DateExtras'],
config: {
* #cfg {Function} refreshFn The function that will be called to refresh the list.
* If this is not defined, the store's load function will be called.
refreshFn: null
fetchLatest: function() {
if (this.getRefreshFn()) {
} else {
var store = this.getList().getStore(),
proxy = store.getProxy(),
operation = Ext.create('Ext.data.Operation', {
page: 1,
start: 0,
model: store.getModel(),
limit: store.getPageSize(),
action: 'read',
sorters: store.getSorters(),
filters: store.getRemoteFilter() ? store.getFilters() : []
proxy.read(operation, this.onLatestFetched, this);
My Controller
Ext.define('myApp.controller.MyController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
requires: ['Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn'],
// More code
// Binds the Pull Refresh to myPanel view item.
// myPanel is a panel. Not list nor dataview.
setPullRefresh: function () {
var me = this;
// We get reference to myPanel and
// we set PullRefreshFn
xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefreshFn',
docked: 'top',
// We set autoSnapBack to false,
// as we are going to trigger this manually
autoSnapBack: false,
// refreshFn will be called upon user releasing for refresh.
refreshFn: function() {
// This is a custom function that sets data to our dataview list.
// When it's done setting data, we trigger the snapBack.
me.populateMylist(function () {
I have an Ext.form.ComboBox with the following properties:
fieldLabel: 'Regiune',
valueField: 'id',
displayField: 'reg',
id: 'cbRegR',
typeAhead: true,
store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({...}),
mode: 'local',
emptyText: '',
The problem is that I have to manually delete the combobox' input field after selecting a value from the dropdown list to view all the list items. The matter is the list displays only the items that begin with letters in input field.
How can I clear the input field on expanding dropdown list? I tried the following but it doesn't work:
listeners: { 'expand': function() { cbRegR.clearValue(); } }
Seems to be easy but it ain't so for me.. Any bright ideas? Thanks in advance.
Adding the config property to your combobox
triggerAction: 'all'
might do the trick, without the need to register an expand event handler or clearing the combobox's value
It is an intrinsic behaviour of Ext JS ComboBox-es to filter the list items based on the field value, as you already know.
You could perceivably override the expand() method, making additions to clear out the value before it renders the list. EG:
Ext.override(Ext.form.ComboBox, {
expand : function(){
if(this.isExpanded() || !this.hasFocus){
this.doQuery("", true);
if(this.title || this.pageSize){
this.assetHeight = 0;
this.assetHeight += this.header.getHeight();
this.assetHeight += this.footer.getHeight();
delete this.bufferSize;
this.list.alignTo.apply(this.list, [this.el].concat(this.listAlign));
// zindex can change, re-check it and set it if necessary
this.innerList.setOverflow('auto'); // necessary for FF 2.0/Mac
this.mon(Ext.getDoc(), {
scope: this,
mousewheel: this.collapseIf,
mousedown: this.collapseIf
this.fireEvent('expand', this);
The expand event is the good one but you have to be careful about the scope.
listeners: {
'expand': function() {
Does setting the scope helps?
Using cbRegR won't work, because it's an undefined variable. Either use
listeners: { 'expand': function() { Ext.getCmp('cbRegR').clearValue(); } }
or, a more sophisticated approach:
listeners: { 'expand': function(self) { self.clearValue(); } }