SELECT a cell and UPDATE at the same time? - sql

I've got a SQL Server table in which I have a column where I would like to select the current value and increment by one, is there a way to do this in a single query? This in order to mitigate the chance, however small it might be, that someone else gets the same number.
Something along the lines of this pseudo code:
SELECT NumSeriesCurrent
FROM NumSeries
(UPDATE NumSeries SET NumSeriesCurrent = NumSeriesCurrent+1)
WHERE NumSeriesKey='X'

To update the value and get the value in NumSeriesCurrent previous to the update you can use
UPDATE NumSeries
SET NumSeriesCurrent += 1
WHERE NumSeriesKey='X'


How can I replace the first two characters of every row in a specific column using SQL?

I'm working with a table. In the table there is a column called ticket number which contains several rows of data. All of the values in the row begin with J2. I'd like to change the first two characters of all the rows to A3. How can I use SQL to do this. I'm familiar with the replace function:
SELECT REPLACE ([ticket number],'J2','A3')
But clearly the example above will not work, since it will change all of the J2 occurrences to A3 while I need to replace the first one at the beginning of ticket number. Any help would be appreciated.
Ticket Number
The desired result should be:
Ticket Number
Not sure if this is what you are looking for. But you could try to use a right function to get all but the 1st two character from the ticket_number:
SELECT 'A3' + RIGHT(ticket_number ,len(ticket_number)-2)
And if you need to update the table you could try something like this:
UPDATE ticket
set ticket_number = 'A3' + RIGHT(ticket_number ,len(ticket_number)-2)
db fiddle
This is also another method:
UPDATE ticket
set ticket_number = STUFF(ticket_number,1,2,'A3')

REPLACE function for replacing part of string in specific column

I have written the following code:
WHERE cast(DATUM_TIJD as date) BETWEEN 1180212 AND 1180217;
This should take all columns of the table BMD_MI_OPS.DBH_TELEFONIE within the given period in the WHERE statement. Then it should erase every _DVB that appears in the column QUEUE_NAAM. For example, VQ_PAR_EC_00_DVB should become VQ_PAR_EC_00.
I guess I am doing something wrong, any help on how to get this done would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Your statements are not linked, if you want to update your data you need to add a WHERE clause in your UPDATE
For example :
Selecting rows before your update has no impact on your update, it' just a SELECT

SQL: Update a field only if a condition is met

I want to update a column only if a condition is met. So for the column "Type", I want to change its value to "MongoDB" only if its current value isn't "MongoDB" This is what I'm using:
SET Type =
WHEN Type <> 'MongoDB' THEN 'MongoDB'
WHERE Id = x
The problem is:
Even when the Type is "MongoDB" I still see
(1 row(s) affected)
in my SQL result. The whole point of this exercise was to reduce db operations when no needed. Why is it still modifying the record when the condition is not met?
Why not simplify it like this?
SET Type = 'MongoDB'
WHERE Id = x AND Type <> 'MongoDB'
But to answer your question you are still setting a records value even though its to the existing value. The record also comes back in the where clause so you will always have 1 row affected regardless of your CASE statement.

SQL SERVER loop through and remove space from value

Conceptually, this is easy. But I'm rather new to T-SQL and am having trouble finding the correct syntax.
I uploaded a .csv file into a SQL Server table which contains two columns: CODE | COUNTRY
Unfortunately, the CODE column values have 2 char and a trailing space. I need to remove the space from each code value.
e.g., 'AD ' should be 'AD' and so on ...
Here's the pseudocode:
variable X = select all from Country table
foreach (row in X)
var c = rtrim(row.code);
update code = c;
Right now, I don't have an id column. Do I need to make an id column in my table to make this work?
I know that I can do this by using c# and linq. But that seems like overkill. Is there a straightforward way to do this using a t-sql query?
Tips/help appreciated ... thanks!
You can just run this update and you will update code for all lines.
UPDATE Country set code = RTRIM(code)
Pretty simple for an update statement.
UPDATE Country SET Code = RTRIM(Code)

Writing the content of a local variable back to the resultset column?

Is it possible, by using a stored procedure, to fetch an integer column value from resultset into a local variable, manipulate it there and then write it back to the resultset's column?
If so what would the syntax look like?
Something along the following lines should do the trick.
DECLARE #iSomeDataItem INT
SELECT #iSomeDataItem = TableColumName
FROM TableName
--Do some work on the variable
SET #iSomeDataItem = #iSomeDataItem + 21 * 2
UPDATE TableName
SET TableColumName = #iSomeDataItem
The downside to an implementation of this sort is that it only operates on a specific record however this may be what you are looking to achieve.
What you are looking for is probably more along the lines of a user-defined function that can be used in SQL just like any other built in function.
Not sure how this works in DB2, but for Oracle it would be something like this:
Create or replace Function Decrement (pIn Integer)
return Integer
return pIn - 1;
You could use this in a SQL, e.g.
Select Decrement (43)
From Dual;
should return the "ultimate answer" (42).
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies, i went another way and solved the problem without using a procedure. The core problem was to calculate a Date using various column values, the column values ahd to to converted to right format. Solved it by using large "case - when" statements in the select.
Thanks again... :-)
Why not just do the manipulation within the update statement? You don't need to load it into a variable, manipulate it, and then save it.
update TableName
SET TableColumnName=TableColumnName + 42 /* or what ever manipulation you want */
#iSomeDataItem + 21 * 2
is the same as:
#iSomeDataItem + 42
The function idea is an unnecessary extra step, unless most of the following are true:
1) you will need to use this calculation in many places
2) the calculation is complex
3) the calculation can change