UIViewController's UIView autoresizing subviews not checked after restart of Xcode 4.6.1 - objective-c

I have a UIViewController in an iPad storyboard (no autolayout).
For the UIView of that UIViewController, I checked autoresize subviews. If I run that in the simulator (iOS 5 and iOS 6), the subviews don't get autoresized. Even stranger is, that if I close the project and Xcode and relaunch both, the checkbox "autoresize subviews" isn't checked anymore.
That happens just on the iPad storyboard. The storyboard for iPhone (no autolayout too) doesn't have any problems at all.
Did someone see a similar behavior or does someone know how to fix that?
Thank you very much for your help

That was a very strange bug...
I have just dragged and dropped a new UIViewController with a UIView and copied the old objects in the new UIView.
Now it works!
I hope this post will save someone in the future a lot of time


iOS8 Set Popover Size In Storyboard

I'm trying to set the popover size of a view controller through the storyboard in iOS8. It should be noted that I'm using Obj-C, not swift, and Xcode6-Beta6.
I read the new documentation on popovers from Apple, and this post here was helpful:
How to present popover properly in iOS 8
When I set the preferredContentSize of the view controller in code before presentation, it works fine and is the correct size. However, when I try to use the storyboard properties, "Popover:Use Explicit Size" and "Simulated Size:Freeform", they don't seem to affect the size of the popover like they did in iOS7 and earlier.
Is there any way to set the size of the popover through the storyboard in iOS8?
Thank you for your time
This seems to be a bug in the Xcode6 Beta; I just got the Xcode6 GM version and all the popovers are the correct size.

UISearchBar doesn't work in an IOS 6 Popover

The app has a UIView with a table view and a UISearchbar on it. The searchbar delegate methods are in the view controller for the UIView. Everything appears to be hooked up correctly.
This searchbar works correctly in iOS 5, but not in iOS6. When touched, the searchbar brings up the keyboard, but typing on the keyboard has no affect; the textDidChange delegate method is never called.
This occurs only when running on an iPad. The difference between the view on an iPad versus the iPhone is that the UIView with the UITableView and UISearchbar runs in a popover on the iPad. On an iPhone, it runs as a separate view. In both cases, once the view is opened, a UINavigationController manages the view. All the navigation up and down the nav controller works fine in both devices; the only difference is that the UISearchBar does not work running in the popover.
Obviously, something has changed between iOS 5 and iOS 6, but I haven't been able to figure out what, or how to make the searchbar work in an iOS 6 popover.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
rokjarc is right. I have same problem. In my app'SearchBar Display Controller, SearchBar is not respond to keypad typing in ios6. But it is fine in ios5 simulater, ios6 simulater, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4.
In MainWindow.xib,
1. Click "Window" icon in "objects" Box.
2. Show Attribute inspector
3. Expend window attribute.
4. Check "Visible at Launch" and "Full Screen at Launch"
5. Clean build and run.
6. Good. OK?
I just got the answer on my original problem. I discovered that the same thing was occurring in UITextFields and UITextViews. I sent the whole thing off to Apple Tech Support.
Turns out that you have to include this line of code:
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
in the application's delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. When I added this line, the problems went away.
Hope this helps.

Application Lauch in Landscape mode while Simulator/Device is in Portrait mode in ios6

My application window has UITabBarController as a RootViewController. Then UINavigationController as TabBarController's RootViewController. Then another HomeViewController as NavigationController's RootViewController.
When I launch my application in Portrait mode, then HomeViewController's UIView outlets displayed in Landscape mode. All UIView outlets have Landscape mode coordinate. Because return Orientation is Landscape.
I found many Q&A, Blogs. I applied whatever other developers said, but not succeed.
This issue occurs only in ios6 device/iPhone simulator 6.
Right now I am working on Simulator and its show this issue.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Ask me, if I am not capable to explain my question.
Thank you in advance.
In iOS 6, the app looks at your predefined possible orientations from your project file. Check if that only lists landscape, also it uses the shouldAutoRotate method, so you might have to implement that as well.
Check this for more info:
Similar question

Buttons working in ios6 stopped working in ios5

I load two buttons in one view from the NIB.
I set this view as self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem in current viewController
I set actions for these buttons
Buttons work under ios6 - both simulator and device and not working on ios5 device.
Any idea to fix it?
I fixed it by set "Autosizing" in "Size inspector".
(in my case, the problem came from resize iPhone5 to iPhone4)
The problem is now solved. This was caused by setting UIViews objects in IB and then setting its class to UIButton. It should have no effect on buttons behaviour, but it had. The more wired was that it did work on iOS 6 and did not in iOS 5.

UISegmentedControl in UIToolbar

I'm migrating an App from iOS 4 to iOS 5 and I find myself stuck. Here's my problem:
I have a UIToolbar that has a UISegmentedControl within. Now, with the old App, I used all the methods of UISegmentedControl, like
[switch removeAllSegments];
but this leads to crash in the new iOS 5 because now the UISegmentedControl is automatically converted in UIBarButtonItem.
How can I solve this situation?
This may not best practice. But i think you have to add subview on UIToolbar and in that subview please add segmented controls. May it work for you.