I am trying to create a calculated measure to calculate average with something like a where clause in VS2012 BI.
AS [Measures].[SG_Sem] / [Measures].[Counted_Rows] <-This is already working
WHERE [Measures][Kenn] = 'BE' <-something like this is missing
([Measures].[SG_Sem] / [Measures].[Counted_Rows]) , [Measures][Kenn].&[BE] )
I Tried to create a calculated measure inn my SSAS cube with complex filters as the following:
([Measures].[Amount],[Scenarios].[Scenario Key].&[1],[AccountType],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[NotesReceivable],[JE Type].[JE Type].&[CI],[JE Type].[JE Type].&[NR])
I want to Get the summation of amount value which has:
Scenario Key = 1
Account Type IN ("Bank","Cash","NotesReceivable")
JE Type IN ("CI","NR")
But i Get this measure as Null So can any one can help to solve this?
It's not working because you are doing an intersection of the same dimension hierarchy:
[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash]
means in MDX: Account Type = Bank AND Account Type = Cash at the same time.
Just use set of members and SUM function.
Try this one:
{[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank]
,[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash]
,[AccountType].[Account Type].&[NotesReceivable]}
{[JE Type].[JE Type].&[CI]
,[JE Type].[JE Type].&[NR]}
,([Scenarios].[Scenario Key].&[1],[Measures].[Amount]))
SUM - aggregate function
Dimension1 filter * Dimension2 filter - gave all combinations
(Dimension3,measure) - filters out single-selected dimensions
I am trying to create a formula in Calculated measure but none is working correctly
Dimension Cell has multiple members including Control and Core. I also have measure called [Measures].[Rate] which is precalculated as percentage
I need to achieve below formula
(([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core])
- ([Measures].[Rate] not in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]))
/ ([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core])
Something like (A+B)/A but I am not able to calculate individual A and B.
Please note [Measures].[Rate] is in percentage format so cannot be summed up
Also any idea if the same above has to be done with two slices from different dimension for single measure
([Measures].[Rate] in [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] and [Cell].[ABC].&[Core] also in [Data].[PQR].&[Yes])
{ [Cell].[ABC].&[Control] , [Cell].[ABC].&[Core] }
Is above workable or what will be its syntax
Uhmm maybe something like:
CREATE MEASURE [Measures].[SpecialRate]
AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}, [Measures].[Rate])
- AGGREGATE(EXCEPT([Cell].[ABC].MEMBERS,{[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}), [Measures].[Rate])
/ AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control],[Cell].[ABC].&[Core]}, [Measures].[Rate])
The easiest way is to redesign the Cell dimension to include a new rollup column which includes both Control and Core into one rollup.
If that's not feasible and you have to do it in MDX then one way is to create a calculated measure on the dimension and then use it:
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core] as
AGGREGATE({[Cell].[ABC].&[Control], [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]})
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Cell].[ABC].[All].[Not Control and Core] as
AGGREGATE(-{[Cell].[ABC].&[Control], [Cell].[ABC].&[Core]})
CREATE MEMBER CurrentCube.[Measures].[My Calc] as
(([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core])
- ([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Not Control and Core]))
/ ([Measures].[Rate], Cell].[ABC].[All].[Control and Core]);
I have an ssas cube with a calculated member called cumulative ptp's.
Everything seems to work in excel except for the Grand Total which is displaying #Value!. I'm not sure where the problem is. I've added a few pics of what I have done. Any help will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.
[Day-Month Analysis].[Day].FIRSTCHILD = [Day-Month Analysis]. [Day].CURRENTMEMBER,
{[Day-Month Analysis].[Day].FIRSTCHILD:[Day-Month Analysis]. [Day].CURRENTMEMBER},
[Measures].[Sum of IsPTP]
, SUM(Measures.[Sum of IsPTP])
So I downloaded that extension and the MDX error is:
"Range operator (:) operands' have different levels; they must be the same"
Try this:
{[Null:[Day-Month Analysis].[Day].CURRENTMEMBER},
[Measures].[Sum of IsPTP]
I don't think you need the IIf. If that doesn't work right describe what's in that [Day] hierarchy further.
I am new to MDX expressions and I am trying to create one that sums the value of a given measure filtered by dimensions.
In my database I have several different dimensions that have the same name: "Answer". To sum them up, I have created the query below:
WITH MEMBER Measures.Total as SUM ({[Activity].[Activity].&[14], [Activity][Activity].&[22]},
[Measures].[Activity time])
SELECT NON EMPTY [Measures].[Total] on COLUMNS from [My Analytics]
This query works, however I had to use the "&[14]" and "&[22]" statments that correspond to two different "Answer" dimensions.
Since I have more than two dimensions with the same name, is there a way to rewrite the query above in a way that I would select all these dimensions without having to add their unique ID? For example, I would re-write the query as something like this:
WITH MEMBER Measures.Total as SUM ({[Activity].[Activity].&["Answer"]},
[Measures].[Activity time])
SELECT NON EMPTY [Measures].[Total] on COLUMNS from [My Analytics]
Is this possible?
You can use the Filter function as following:
set [my-answers] as
Filter( [Activity].[Activity].members,
[Activity].[Activity].currentMember.name = 'Answer'
member [Measures].[Total] as Sum( [my-answers] )
I have a cube and I want to create a MAT column. This column is then expected to show up in the same way as a regular metric would.
How do I create a column that is a Moving Annual Total in SSAS?
A walkthrough / demo would work as well.
Since you haven't really specified anything (MDX or actually in your cube) I will assume you mean in your cube. If i were you I would write a calculated member and then slide it over when browsing or in your reports. It would be something like this
[Measures].[Rolling Total]
'SUM ( { [Time].CurrentMember.Lag(3) : [Time].CurrentMember },
[Measures].[Warehouse Sales])'
Then you could do something like this:
CrossJoin({ [Time].[Quarter].Members },{[Measures].[Warehouse Sales],
[Measures].[Rolling Total]}) ON COLUMNS,
{[Warehouse].[All Warehouses].[USA].Children} ON ROWS