Does dynamic libraries link other libraries for you? - dll

I noticed how you don't have to link opengl32.lib by yourself when you use libraries such as SFML and I'm really wonder how that could be since I have to link opengl32 in my projects that are using my own multimedia library which is a static library? Is it simply because the SFML library is a dynamic library and opengl32 is linked in the SFML project?
This is not a question about SFML, it's rather a question about all DLLs in general.

Yes, DLLs can reference other DLLs, or statically compile them internally. To inspect external dependencies, Microsoft long ago developed a tool called Dependency Walker, in which you can drag a DLL or executable and see which DLLs it depends on (and thus are automatically loaded). The tool used to be shipped with Visual Studio by default, but you can now download it from here for free. That page kind of explains everything else about it.

If a dynamic library is using another dynamic library, it will automatically get loaded into the process, yes.


How to specify a binary to use some specific dll files?

We are developing audio plugins which are dynamic libraries. This made it very hard to use 3rd-party libraries such as Qt, as our product DLL would search for Qt's DLL on host DAW program's executable directory, and it is impossible to install our dependent DLLs to that position (you don't know which host will be used, and host may even be installed later than the plugin).
I've made some brief search on this problem, the few answers direct me to a Microsoft technology called side-by-side assembly, and I'm almost drawn in the huge documentation and concepts on that. So my question is:
How to make my DLL to load several specific dependent DLLs located at path_to_plugin/MyPlugin_dependents/xxx.dll?
Or is there any examples to side-by-side assembly that simply do this and is much simpler than the official example?

Win32 Project (API): Compatibility with other version of Windows

I use API to make a programs. It runs pretty well on Windows 7 (with debug file .exe), but it doesn't when I run it on Windows XP. Are there any ways to solve this problem?
I suppose you are using Visual C++, according the the message you get.
Your project is set up (by default) to link the Microsoft C++ Runtime Librairy dynamically, so it saves up space in your final executable, but you need the dynamic linked libraries to be in your system or in your executable's folder.
To solve this in Visual C++, without any afford from who are executing the program in their machines, you can change how MSVC link their runtime library to your executable, that is, if you set it to be linked statically, all the dependencies will be linked inside your final .exe, with no need of additional .dlls.
To change this option, refer to /MD, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library) - MSDN.
Or in short: Project Properties>Configuration Properties>C/C++>Code Generation>Runtime Library
If in debug mode, use /MTd, otherwise use /MT.

LoadLibrary MSVCRT Issue

There are two questions that confuse me:
I read from the Microsoft website that we can not use different C runtime in the same project. Say I have a dll compiled with /MT flag, then I can not use the dll in a /MD compiled project. My question is that if I use LoadLibrary() to load the dll, is it also necessary that I have the same C Runtime? What's the potential danger if I don't?
I think with the /MT flag, the runtime is statically linked into the binary file. But for one of my dll project, I made a dll with /MT. However, when I dumpbin.exe /dependents mydll, it shows that MSVCR100.dll is a dependent. My question is that why the dll is still dependent on MSVCR100.dll?
1) No, that's not a requirement. This happens in any program, the Windows DLLs use their own CRT for example. Mixing CRTs in one program is however very dangerous and can cause very hard to diagnose problems. The Windows apis were carefully designed to avoid those problems, they never require code to release memory that was allocated in a DLL, don't use exceptions, don't use standard C++ library classes, don't depend on locale or any other kind of shared CRT state. The kind of things that go wrong when you mix. Restricting yourself to a C or COM api helps a lot to avoid these traps.
2) This will happen when you link code that was compiled with /MD. Common with .libs you link.
You stay out of trouble by always using /MD when you have DLLs in your project and compiling all code with the exact same compiler and options. Static libraries you didn't build yourself are very troublesome, avoid them.
Regarding your 2. question, the dependency is indirect. Your DLL uses a DLL which depends on MSVCR100.dll. Using Dependency walker you can see the dependency tree of your component and see which library is directly and indirectly dependent.

Packaging DLLs with a LabVIEW Toolkit

I have a set of utility LabVIEW VIs that make calls to a custom DLL written in C++. I'd like to package the VIs into a LabVIEW toolkit and deploy it via an installer, but am unsure about the standard practices involved in doing this where a custom DLL is involved. I've looked at VIPM for packaging the VIs, but so far I haven't found a way to generate a package and include the appropriate DLL dependencies. What is the correct way to go about generating an installer for a LabVIEW Toolkit and installing the DLL dependency for said toolkit in the correct location (where ever that may be)?
The DLLs immediately known to the system - i.e., the ones entered in the CLFN node - are added automatically.
DLLs which are used indirectly and DLLs which are determined programmatically cannot be auto-included and must be added manually to the Source files section of the respective Build rule.

Determine which libraries are references by a native DLL

I am a .NET developer, and in the .NET world finding out which assemblies are referenced by an assembly is easy:
I can inspect the assembly using many available tools to see the assemblies it references.
This does not cover cases where assemblies are loaded dynamically somehow, but still gives some estimate.
Is there a similar process for native DLLs? Can i take a dll and find out which DLLs it uses ?
I am using a native COM library, however i am not sure which components (DLLs) should be redistributed with my own application. This information is not found in the documentation of this library as well (QC OTA API).