Is it possible to customize http connection when updating RCP application? - eclipse-plugin

For example add some headers, or cookies to connection? I found that they are using
org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfor.httpclient and it use org.apache.commons.httpclient plugin for connection, but it is possible to 'hook' somehow there?


Request not hitting spring boot embeded server through tomcat and browser

Am trying to hit my rest API in spring boot with the embeded server configured through browser and postman, but the request doesn't hit the server and am getting 404-not found am pretty new to springboot , please help me in this as in what to check further so that i can test my rest API
This could be due to couple of reasons
Try the following
Ensure the port you are specifying is correct
Ensure the end point you are specifying exist
Ensure the request you are sending is of correct REST action type (GET,POST etc)
Ensure your controller class is available in the same package in which Application class (with #SpringBootAnnotation) exists, else you will have to use #ComponentScan to make sure your controller class is scanned and endpoints available to receive traffic
Most likely, above should help :) If not, you'll need to describe what is done in the application so far

Error to post nativescript form data using web api2?

While posting form data in nativescript-angular, I am getting below error
originalStack: Error: Connection refused\n at new ZoneAwareError
can any one help me?
NativeScript's Http Client doesn't support FormData. You will have to either use JSON request Or use nativescript-http-formdata plugin to send data.
tns plugin add nativescript-http-formdata
Note: If you use the plugin, you would loose the luxury of using Angular's HttpClient & features like interceptors etc.,

How to auto-enabled Kong authentication plugin for new APIs?

We are using Kong in our custom-services deployment system and we developed a new authentication plugin for Kong to suit our specific need.
All of this works well and we tested it doing this:
Register a new API (service)
Make a POST request to enabled the authentication plugin on the new API
While this works, it opens a window of opportunity for hackers to perform unauthenticated requests between 1. and 2. This is not acceptable obviously but I could not find a way to auto-enable the authentication proxy automatically.
Is there a way in Kong to either:
Auto-enable a given set of plugins for all new APIs.
Specify the list of plugins to enable when registering a new API.
Currently there is no way to automatically apply a plugin policy to an API at insertion time. There is another issue that could also help (but currently not implemented):
Which would allow you to:
Add API, but enabled=false and no requests can be proxied to it.
Add plugins
Enable the API with enabled=true.
As of today, the only way would be:
Add an API with a fake upstream_url that goes nowhere.
Add plugins.
Update the API with a PATCH request to now point it to a correct upstream_url.

twisted.web.client HTTP logging

How can I log the HTTP requests and responses when using twisted.web.client? I've checked the docs and sources and didn't find anything but maybe it's possible using some custom agents or some such?
There is no built-in support for this, but you can implement your own IAgent, that does logging and delegates to another IAgent, perhaps using proxyForInterface.

Struts controller/porccessor monitoring/log utility

I'm looking for some kind of monitoring tool to visualize/log all internal struts forwards together with all http headers, parameters, request and session attributes values.
The intend is to understand the full flow of certain request in struts 1.x application.
Thanks a lot.
Use MaintainJ to monitor all calls and methods in java web application... And in firefox install 'firebug' run it select net tag... Under this tag you can see every server call and response of that call... Chrome too have this feature...