How to use a camera in Corona Simulator? - camera

I'm wondering how to use a camera in Corona Simulator. I want to test my app (which requires a camera) out on the simulator but i don't know how to enable usage for a camera. Is there anyway to set up my webcam to act as the simulators camera? I just want to know if this is possible or would I just have to put my app onto a device to test it with a camera.
Thanks in advance

To access the device camera or photo library you would call something like: mediaSource, listener [, filetable] )
In order to test this, you'd have to load the app on your phone. Corona doesn't allow you to use a webcam for the simulator. For more information check out the Corona Docs #


Unable to stream in stereo

I am using a 3d mic that works like a charm on the iPhone using 1/8th jack into an adapter. It works great with the camera app so I know the hardware is able to receive the stereo.
However in my iPhone app I have the following settings:
audio.setAudioProfile(.musicHighQualityStereo, scenario: .showRoom)
Is there anything else I need to do for it to work?
I was able to reach Agora Support. The following answer is what I received:
iOS devices does not support stereo audio capture. You would need to use external video source which support stereo audio to do the capture.
I wish this were included in the iOS documentation.
For my use case, a Mac app would be better, so I'm just going to go with that!

Android Things - Front facing camera on IMX7d

I am currently developing an Android Things application on an IMX7d developer board and need to figure out how to get the default camera, which is configured as BACK, to be a FRONT facing one, with correct orientation. This application will make heavy use of the camera, for example with face recognition.
I've noticed with other android phones you can edit /etc/nvcamera.conf to do this, but the Android things OS image I have doesn't seem to have that file. Is there some other way to do this?

How can I take screenshot from my APP in SmartTV

I want to take screenshots from my APP in a Smart TV (Samsung OS and Tizen).
I need the screenshots for my APP documentation and for submission process.
Does anyone know how can I take the screenshots or if it is possible? I cannot take in the emulator, because my videos use DRM and it is not compatible with the emulator.
You can debug the app on IDE, when the web inspector shows up, select "rendering debug". There is a screen capture option there.

Running airplay in simulator [duplicate]

I've set "allowsAirPlay" to "YES" in my MPMoviePlayerController, but AirPlay button doesn't appear. Does iOS simulator support AirPlay?
And give please some example how to stream video through Apple TV for example.
Nope, at the time of writing (iOS 7 just released) simulators don't have airplay nor any way to simulate or test it. Having an airplay capable device (apple TV) or program ( in the same wifi network makes the mirroring button appear on my iPhone 4S but not on any simulator.
Edit: There is a way of testing it, simulate TV output.
If you want to test your app in real environment without Apple TV or airplay enable speaker then you can test it through your any Mac machine or PC. You just need to download the app "Air Joy" from appstore.
1)Go to App Store
2)Download AirJoy application
But before that make sure that your mac machine(Airjoy installed) and your device is in same network.
I have already tested the Airplay option with the above explanation.

airplay in simulator - objective-c

I've set "allowsAirPlay" to "YES" in my MPMoviePlayerController, but AirPlay button doesn't appear. Does iOS simulator support AirPlay?
And give please some example how to stream video through Apple TV for example.
Nope, at the time of writing (iOS 7 just released) simulators don't have airplay nor any way to simulate or test it. Having an airplay capable device (apple TV) or program ( in the same wifi network makes the mirroring button appear on my iPhone 4S but not on any simulator.
Edit: There is a way of testing it, simulate TV output.
If you want to test your app in real environment without Apple TV or airplay enable speaker then you can test it through your any Mac machine or PC. You just need to download the app "Air Joy" from appstore.
1)Go to App Store
2)Download AirJoy application
But before that make sure that your mac machine(Airjoy installed) and your device is in same network.
I have already tested the Airplay option with the above explanation.