Was the Original SQL Written in Assembly or C? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
I know that vendors have their own subset of the Original SQL Language that are written in C (Like for Postgre SQL) or MS-SQL Server (C++) etc....
So, was the original SQL written in C, or was it created itself in Assembly? I couldn't really find a definite answer on what it's original language roots are (besides the history and such)

A quick history search on Oracle yielded:
In the late 70s, around the time Ingres was getting started at UC Berkeley, three guys working on a contract for the CIA got together and started a company called Relational Software, Inc.
Their first product was a relational database called Oracle. The
founders decided to use the C language for development. This would
later become important when they decided to start porting to different
They also decided to support SQL as the internal data access language.
This would also become a very important factor to its success. In
1979, Relational Software was the only company making an SQL compliant
database. If anyone ever asks you who wrote the first SQL database,
you now know the answer: Oracle.
So the answer is C - according to Burleson Consulting.

From A History and Evaluation
of System R:
An interpreter program was written in PL/I to execute statements
in the high-level SQL (formerly
SEQUEL) language on top
of XRM.
The prototype for System R was developed in 1974-75.

1979 - Version 2.0 of Oracle was released and it became first commercial relational database and first SQL database. The company changed its name to Relational Software Inc. (RSI).
1983 - Oracle released version 3.0, rewritten in C language and ran on multiple platforms.


Oracle SQL vs Oracle PL/SQL [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to learn Oracle SQL for work and am very tempted by the O'Reilly book 'Oracle PL/SQL Programming' as it has been so highly reviewed. However, I am unclear as to whether or not PL/SQL is a different language to SQL or if it is just a superset or if it something else. Can someone please help me here? Thanks.
SQL is a data query and manipulation langauge. PL/SQL is a procedural programming language.
PL/SQL is Turing complete language, with syntax for building complicated programmes. It also has a large number of libraries which give it a great range of capabilties. However, undoubtedly its main use is building stored procedures which embed SQL statements for retrieving and working with data. So to that extent PL/SQL is a superset of SQL.
Although in earlier versions of the database the PL/SQL SQL engine lagged behind the database engine so some SQL functionality was not available in PL/SQL. Since 9i Oracle has mad a concerted effort to keep the two in step, and its pretty hard to find anything we can do in pure SQL which we cannot also do in PL/SQL.
it is a superset.
all of SQL plus some PROCEDURAL extensions - so you can have variables, loops, conditional logic etc.

learning how to write complex stored procedures [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i'm looking for good books and tutorials
about writing complex stored procedures along with common tricks and best practices
commonly used by DBAs.
all i usually find is the basic SQL Statement tutorials ,
what i need are some good examples of Complex Data Selection
along with common tricks of how to correctly and efficiently filter data
for selection between multiple tables .
i release this is hard to find , because Complex DB's are usually built
only in large projects and not for tutorials , but for the least i would like to find commonly used method applied by DBAs
thanks in advance.
You can use below site for download Ebook about SQL server complex stored procedure :
3- Google Ebook
There are lots of site but I find This site is very helpful for my SQL Server learning. It is very informative site for database developers. If you want to read books then probably you can pick on from Microsoft press.
You should look at The Guru's Guide To Transact SQL by Ken Henderson, a bit old, but probably still the best book about T-SQL :)

common language for any RDBMS technology [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We are looking for a common language for any RDBMS technology. I mean if I write a query in SQL Server that query will also have to work on any RDBMS like oracle, mysql etc.
Can anyone help get me started?
There is an ANSI standard for SQL that's (mostly) supported by most database servers. As long as you stick to that subset of the SQL language functionality offered by your database server your queries will be portable.
However, many of the more sophisticated features of your dbms won't be usable as they are not part of the ANSI standard, and thus implemented in a proprietary way by each dbms vendor - crosstabs are an example of this problem.
Two things, You could use ANSI standard but not all the RDBMS support all the ANSI standard. Also, ANSI standard are only for SQL and not fo,r say their programming language like Tsql for sql server and pl/sql for oracle etc.
2nd and most important point why would you want to use the same code in different RDBMS. Database systems are totally differnet.Some RDBMS are good in doing some things and not good in other things. Thus if you implement one code then it might not be the best optimized code for some of RDBMS's. Thus I would suggest that write the code based on the strengths and weakness of a RDBMS.If it is going to be different then so be it.
Most important thing, are you trying to do some benchmark before deciding the RDBMS. Also, what purpose it will solve to have same data and code on different RDMBS. You will be wasting lots of moeny on license. server etc as code will do the same work on all the RDBMS.

some microsoft products and XML on an interview [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
here's the job description:
Experience with data mapping/extracts tools such as Monarch and VorteXML.
Familiarity with XML documents and schemas.
Minimum 1-3 years of data analysis in SQL Server environment.
Working knowledge of TSQL and SQL Server 2000 tools such as Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, Profiler, DTS and BCP.
Working knowledge of SQL Server Reporting Services design and administration.
BSCS or other technical degree.
Healthcare background strongly preferred.
Strong organizational and communication skills.
Strong analytical thinking, troubleshooting and ability to manage multiple, concurrent projects.
Ability to meet deadlines while working in a fast-paced environment.
what is an XML schema? ive extracted data programmatically from XML files, but i dont understand what they mean by schema?
data analysis in SQL server environment - does this just mean knowing how to do joins and select statements?
SSRS (design and administration) - can someone please get me started on some basic tutorials where i can learn this?
what is Monarch and VorteXML and where can i learn the applications?
If you don't know those technologies and what they're talking about, you probably shouldn't be applying. The same goes for any job, whether or not it's in the IT field.
Are you just planning to answer the questions and then spend about two weeks stressing your nut off once you get the job. W3Schools will give you a start with schema (.xsd files). Sql server documentation will help you with the rest (patterns and practices on microsoft site is a good read).
You've got to understand that the interviewer probably has some ideas about the answers they want to hear too.
Good luck :)

Database modeling tool [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking for a simple tool to draw up my database in. I know that i saw one that was made in C# on Codeproject but i can't find that one.
I just need to be able to visually draw my tables and relations for MS SQLServer 2008.
I would suggest SQL Power Architect for the following reasons (from the official feature list):
Accesses source databases via JDBC
Connects to multiple source databases concurrently
Compares data models & database structures and identifies discrepancies
Drag-and-drop source tables & columns into the playpen
Remembers the origin of each column
Generates source-to-target visual Mapping Reports
Forward/reverse engineers PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server & more
Saves source data structure snapshots in the project, so you can work remotely
All project data is stored in an easy-to-parse XML format
OLAP schema modeling: Cubes, Measures, Dimensions, Hierarchies & Levels
GPL (version 3) licensed
...and a couple reasons of my own:
runs on basically any platform
has fairly nice keyboard support for fast model development
relatively useful diagram auto-layout
Why would you not want to use the built-in Data Diagrammer?
If you just want to draw your tables, have a look at Dia. In the Links section you find some tools that convert the drawing into SQL.