What is .1 file do in the Object-C programming? - objective-c

I am newbie to Object-C programming. After trying the very simple code, I found a *.1 file is generated. what is this file mean?

.1 is the file extension for the man page of a general user command—also used are .2 through .8. This is not specific to Objective-C; see more info here.

I guess you created a project using the template OS X application > Command Line Tool. That file is a manual page for your application in troff format. You can read it with nroff -man nameOfTheFile.1.
At this point, just ignore it. If you want to write your own, see https://serverfault.com/a/109559/102042
For more info on man pages, check Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_page


how-to-parse-a-ofx-version-1-0-2-file-in power BI?

I just read
How to parse a OFX (Version 1.0.2) file in PHP?
I am not a developer. What easy tool can I use to make this code run with no code skill or appetence ? web browser is pretty hard to use for non dev guys.
I need this to use the file into Power BI, which accept M code, json source or xml, but not sgml ofx or PHP.
Thanks in advance
Welcome Didier to StackOverflow!
I'm going to try and give you a clue how I'd approach the problem here. But keep in mind that your question really lacks details for us to help you, and I'm asking to update your question with example data that you want to integrate into PowerBI. Also, I'm not too familiar with PowerBI nor PHP, and won't go into making that PHP code you linked run for you.
Rather, I'd suggest to convert your OFX file into XML, and then use PowerBI's XML import on that converted file.
From your linked question, I get that your OFX file is in SGML format. There's a program specifically designed to convert SGML into XML (which is just a restricted form of SGML) called osx. I've detailed how to install it on Linux and Mac OS in another question related to SGML-to-XML down-converting; if you're on Windows, you may have luck by just downloading a really ancient (32bit) version of it from ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/sp/win32/sp1_3_4.zip. Alternatively, you can use my sgmljs.net software as explained in Converting HTML to XML though that tutorial is really about the much more complex task of converting HTML to XML/XHTML and will probably confuse you.
Anyway, if you manage to install osx, running it on your OFX file (which I assume to have the name yourfile.ofx just for illustration) is just a matter of invoking (on the Windows or Linux/Mac OS command line):
osx yourfile.ofx > yourfile.xml
to result in yourfile.xml which you can attempt to load with PowerBI.
Chances are your OFX file has additional text at the beginning (lines like XYZ:0001 that come before <ofx>). In that case, you can just remove those lines using a text editor before invoking osx on it. Maybe you also need a .dtd file or additional instructions at the top of the OFX file informing SGML about the grammar of your file; it's really difficult to say without seeing actual test data.
Before bothering with SGML and all that, however, I suggest to remove those first few lines in your OFX file (everything until the first < character) and check if PowerBI can already recognize your changed input file as XML (which, from other OFX example files, has a good chance of succeeding). Be sure to work on a copy of your original file rather than overwriting it. Then come back and update your question with your results and example data.

Changing the output language of gpg2.exe

I am automating a process and I use GPG2.exe for it.
Because I need to parse console output - potentially from different systems I need to set the languge to a controlled value.
I am following the Instructions from the manual which states that
Apart from its use by GNU, it is used in the W32 version to override the
language selection done through the Registry. If used and set to a valid and
available language name (langid), the file with the translation is loaded from
gpgdir/gnupg.nls/langid.mo. Here gpgdir is the directory out of which the
gpg binary has been loaded. If it can’t be loaded the Registry is tried and as
last resort the native Windows locale system is used.
I found a thread from 2011 that goes into a bit more detail regarding this problem, but this may actaully concern a different version.
I created a batch file for manual testing.
#echo off
REM C is meant to display untranslated messages according to one internet source
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\gpg2.exe" --version
I ecpext the output to be english but it is still german.
The manual states something about there beegin a "gnupg.nls" folder somewhere.
I was not able to locate this folder, which makes me wonder where german is loaded from.
Is there an error in the man page?
The pdf Version of the man page shows the same content as the man page that came with the installation.
Can someone shed some light on this?
I had the same problem that the output was in Swedish though I wanted it in English. The Windows display language was set to English, and I also tried setting environment variables but what solved it for me was to remove the Swedish translation for gnupg file found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\gnupg\share\locale
After having removed the "sv" directory all output was in English.
The language directory can be pulled from the registry or I suppose it can also have a fixed path since I can not find the information in my registry.
On my testsysten the path is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\share\locale'.
This path contains folders for each language - not all of them contain translation files for gpg2 as far as I can tell.
The environment variable for language is not LANGUAGE but LANG. Setting it to C causes gpg2 to default to english.
I successfully tested the following call.
#echo off
set LANG=C
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\gpg2.exe" --version
User bignose is still correct when he states that I should use the API instead but within my current restrictions I do not see a straight forward way to do so.
This isn't a programming question, as noted in the votes to close.
To answer a different question that could be asked from a programming perspective: Don't parse inherently-changeable console output, when there is a well-defined library API for the same functionality.

Generate NGC for custom VHDL module in IPCore Xilinx

I am trying to implement a custom IPCore for the Zedboard. In my User_Logic I am including a component (My_Module) from the VHDL module (My_Module.vhd) which I wrote as part of the ISE project. But when I come to generate the bitstream for my design in PlanAhead it asks for the My_Module.ngc as if it is treating it as a blackbox. I though the NGC was only required when using CoreGen IPCores, but it seems it also wants it for any VHDL module included as I guess this is a 'black box'.
The issue is how do I create a NGC file from the VHDL for this module, which is part of an ISE project. As I can't find any function in ISE that allows you to just generate the netlist for one VHDL module. Or can I export this module out into a separate ISE project and then synthesise it to get the .ngc?
Many thanks
Are you sure you've typed the module name in exactly the same way both in your module .vhd file, and in the file using the module as a component?
Under normal circumstances, if your project includes the module as a .vhd file, it'll just be synthesized along with the rest of your sources - I did a quick test and renamed a component in one of my own projects, and got a complaint about a possibly missing .ngc file (this was in ISE, and not in PlanAhead though).
So the answer is to generate the NGC files by making the modules you want "the top module" you can then run the synthesis to generate the individual NGC. Then proceed as normal when adding IP to a PCore. So adding these NGC files to the netlist folder and modifying the BBD file and all that!
As a note for completion to get the module working you need to set the synthesis setting "Xilinx Specefic" -> and disable "add io buffers"
Are you including My_Module.vhd as a source file in your ISE Project? If you are, check to see that the ISE project doesn't have a yellow question mark next to the My_Module component. If it does, then it needs more information about that component. You should see a little icon with the letters VHD in it in your ISE Implementation Hierarchy View.

How to load my program in GAP system?

After downloading the Windows version of the GAP system, I want to ask if GAP can read the file in specified path in Windows? What is the command to load a GAP script in the Windows environment?
The command is called Read (enter ?Read in GAP to see the documentation). The trick on Windows is to replace \ by /. For example one should call
gap> Read("C:/Users/myname/gap/program.g");
to read a file that Windows would call
Also, I'd recommend to avoid paths containing spaces.
P.S. If you prefer to ask questions about GAP in StackExchange framework, I'd recommend to try to ask them at the Mathematics Q&A site.

Converting STEP files to DWG by using autodesk Inventor and VBA

Does anyone know how to do that? My skills in using VBA aren't very good and I also googled for it, but I do not even know how to open one of those files by using VBA.
Maybe someone of you did already do something like this before?
Thanks a lot for any help.
The following steps have to be done do convert the files:
Open the STEP file -> File -> Open
Clicking on "Application" in the menu bar -> then "AEC-Exchange"
Now there appears a dialog on the left called "AEC-Exchange" including the item: "Save as DWG". By clicking on it the file can be saved as an AutoCAD 2007 dwg file.
I hope this helps.
Apparently Autodesk Inventor can do the conversions for you natively. http://docs.autodesk.com/INVPRO/2010/ENU/Autodesk%20Inventor%202010%20Help/index.html?url=WS1a9193826455f5ffba22e1113c6c30c0e-3b1a.htm,topicNumber=d0e14826
Open the .stp and save as .dwg? Also, it appears that this is the application that everyone references as being able to do it (At least going from .dwg to .stp). However, it also appears that .stp is a 3D file type while .dwg is a 2d file type. To me, it would seem that the .stp file type would contain data that the .dwg file couldn't handle since 3d is inherently more complex than 2d (unless these .stp files contain only 2d images?). This could explain why there aren't many articles on converting .stp to .dwg.
I've never used the Autodesk Inventor SDK and I'm not that great at VBA either, but there seems to be some pretty good documentation on it here: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=1079044
Here are some of the resources I found on this page:
Intro Files / Inventor VBA(.ivb) Sample file:
VBA & Inventor API Introduction (zip
- 547Kb)
The following resource will help you
get started with programming Inventor.
It assumes familiarity with Autodesk
Inventor and general programming
Video Tutorial:
DevTV: Introduction to Inventor
Programming A self-paced video
tutorial demonstrating how to get
started developing with Autodesk
Inventor. View online | Download
Alternatively, if your only goal is to simply convert a .stp/.step file to .dwg. You may be better off finding some free converter over interfacing with Autodesk.