How to duplicate Prestashop contact form page? - prestashop

I am using Prestashop 1.5 and want to clone Contact form page.
I tried it by myself, but no success. I duplicated ContactController.php, contact-form.php, contact-form.tpl with different names, than new page appear in backoffice /seo and urls / created desired url, but if i try to access page with choosen url i get page not found.

You also need to change the class name and the $php_self property to make it works.
If the class is not found, erase the /cache/class_index.php file.


Different URLs in category and product page in PrestaShop

I'm new in Prestashop and I've got annoying problem.
Here is url for the product:
And it's fine.
But for the category page i've got:
I know that I can't remove the number, but I want to add that number to product page like in category page.
I want to have:
How to do this?
It's impossible within the default features. You can try to change your URLs in admin panel Configure->Shop Parameters->Traffic & SEO-> SEO & URLs->Schema of URLs and find Route to products, but, unfortunately, by default, you can use only that keywords which are listed below the field and there is no category_id field. So to reach this you need to override some classes like Dispatcher, Link and maybe more or you can get some module which will do this for you

How to change text in Shopify Admin pages?

I'm trying to change the text "SKU" to something else on the Admin site, in two places:
On the Product Variant column header, when you're looking at the Product in the admin site.
On the Variant Options screen, under the Inventory header.
The purpose is to change the name for the Admin user to see something else, it doesn't need to impact the front end site. I already tried modifying the translation in en.default.json but that didn't work.
Its a build in text in the Shopify pages and code.
You can use a Javascript to do it by writing a Chrome/Firefox extension to do it or using a bookmarklet in your address bar.
A bookmraklet is a JS code which is running on the given page when you click it
Here are few samples:

List does not exist

I added the webpart for the Nivo Slider to my SharePoint 2010 site. It in the subsite /usc/plantmanagement/Carlsbad/ The image library name is Carlsbad. I enter these get an error...
•Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. ::List does not exist in "/usc/plantmanagement/Carlsbad/" path!!::
::Images cannot be created!!:: ::Cannot get the images::
I have tried the entire url, with and without quotes, created a new image library with another name. Nothing seems to get to the URL I need to make it work. I am going to test at the root site to see if I can get it to work there.
Please assist.
Have you tried web relative url like this 'plantmanagement/Carlsbad/'?

How to edit prestashop back office product listing page

I want to change the layout of prestashop back office product page.
So can anyone tell me which file to change so that I can modify this existing layout?
I don't know which page you want to edit exactly, but when you go to that page in your backoffice, like:
The admin123 is variable to your installation, but the ?tab=AdminAttributesGroups referes to the backoffice page you are on. These pages are located in /var/www/admin123/tabs in this case it's /var/www/admin123/tabs/AdminAttributesGroups.php
I found the solution.... Here is what I did
Added content.tpl in under adminxxyy/theme/theme_name/template/controller/products
Which showed me content of my content.tpl
Create a new module, register the hook and send that info via hook to content.tpl.
Use hook name in content.tpl like {hook h='displayProductMyWay' mod='blockcustom'}.

Show custom text at "My personal information" page through plugin

I want to show some custom text at "My personal information" page in customer's account using a plugin in Prestashop. I have no idea how to do this?
Any help is much appreciated!
It is not possible to do it by a plugin or module, because prestashop is not providing any HOOK for that page / place.
But you can do it by a little work out there. I am considering you are using prestashop 1.5 , so lets work with that.
1) First create a cms page at admin and note its id. Lets consider its id is 10.
2) Now open the file override/controllers/front/IdentityController.php . In this class file create a function like below.
public function initContent()
$identityCmsPage = new CMS(10, $this->context->language->id_lang);
$this->context->smarty->assign('identityCmsPage', $identityCmsPage);
Now after that, open file at your themes folder themes/your theme/indentity.tpl
and display that cms page contents like
and you will have that cms page contents there.
Note: This code is not tested and may have errors. Please adjust accordingly if you got any.