photoshop scripting - getting document bit depth - photoshop

How would I get bit depth (8/16/32) of current document?
I'm using JavaScript. I looked through reference manual, but I could not find any property or function.

Try using bitsPerChannel
returns "BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT"
You might want to use this function to change the bit depth
function convertBitDepth(bitdepth)
var id1 = charIDToTypeID( "CnvM" );
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id2 = charIDToTypeID( "Dpth" );
desc1.putInteger( id2, bitdepth );
executeAction( id1, desc1, DialogModes.NO );


Get layer ID from Photoshop layer

Not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm trying to locate a layer. I can normally do that by group name & layer name. However that does present problems if there are duplicate names. So instead I'll try and find their unique layer ID.
I think this is correct:
var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
var numOfLayers = srcDoc.layers.length;
// main loop
for (var i = numOfLayers -1; i >= 0 ; i--)
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), i);
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
var currentLayer = srcDoc.layers[i].name;
alert(layerID + " " + currentLayer);
... Only I expected the ID to be a larger random string, not a int. Firstly, have I got this right? And secondly is there a way to get the layer ID from the activeLayer?
IDs are interegers in PS and they are unique for a document only: they always start at 1 and then new layers and layer operations change ID counter by +1 so it's normal to have IDs in hundreds after a while.
To get an id of the active layer, change the reference to target:
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt')); // reference is active layer
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerID = layerDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('layerID'));
P.S. this will work only with one active layer. For multiple layers you'll have you use a function I posted here: Get selected layers
P.P.S. note that your original code won't work with groups: indices of DOM and indices of AM aren't the same. You need to traverse layers in AM list to get proper indices.

coldfusion 9, params not found when using cfscript query

I am getting this error:
Parameter 'user_id AND league_id' not found in the list of parameters specified
I am passing them in, and I can see them in a dump placed inside the function.
here's whats going in...
ac = {
league_id = 1
,user_id = 3
,score1 = 14
,score2 = 10
this is the dump that is throwing the error....
writedump( Game.saveGame( argumentcollection = ac ) );
Here is the Game.saveGame function
public any function saveGame( required numeric league_id, required numeric user_id, required numeric score1, required numeric score2 ) {
// writeDump( var=arguments ); // this dump shows league_id & user_id...
var sql = '';
var tmp = '';
var r = '';
var q = new query();
q.setDatasource( this.dsn );
name = 'league_id'
,value = '#val( arguments.league_id )#'
,cfsqltype = 'CF_SQL_BIGINT'
name = 'user_id'
,value = '#val( arguments.user_id )#'
,cfsqltype = 'CF_SQL_BIGINT'
name = 'score1'
,value = '#val( arguments.score1 )#'
,cfsqltype = 'CF_SQL_SMALLINT'
name = 'score2'
,value = '#val( arguments.score2 )#'
,cfsqltype = 'CF_SQL_SMALLINT'
tmp = q.execute( sql = sql );
r = tmp.getPrefix( q );
return r;
Here is some history of the issue -
I am writing this locally and my system is running CF 11.2 - everything works fine... However, I had to host it on a CF 9.02 server, and that is when this error showed up - I cannot recreate it on my system although, I do recall seeing this error before, but for the life of me I cant find how I solved it then....
Any help or insight is appreciated.
Other params
Windows server, MySQL 5.5, Apache 2.2
Adam Wrote:
I can't spot what's wrong with your code, but you could perhaps clean
things up a bit. There's no need to set each "property" on the query
Following the ordinal param, instead of the named param, AND passing in the array of params in the condensed format, has solved my issue.
I may play with the name attribute and see if it is that, precisely.. or I may just deal with this as a solution.
Now, to change all my script queries!!!!!
(I wish his article came up on google, when I was looking into the query.cfc syntax. :(
Thanks a bunch Adam!

Photoshop Script - New layer below current layer

I am a Photoshop beginner and currently use version Photoshop CS3. I use keyboard shortcut all the time to speed up the design process such as creation of new layers etc.
However, one command I feel Photoshop must have is to create a new layer below the current working layer and therefore I cannot assign it via a shortcut.
I have to create a new layer above the current layer and then manually drag it below the current layer which I feel can be automated using action or scripting, both of which are difficult for me being a beginner.
Can anybody help me in this regard.
It can be scripted with the following:
I've simplified my answer - you don't need to find the index, you can use the active layer instead.
// function CREATE NEW LAYER (layername)
// --------------------------------------------------------
function create_new_layer(layername)
if (layername == undefined) layername = "Layer";
// create new layer at top of layers
var originalLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
var layerRef = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add();
// name it & set blend mode to normal = layername;
layerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
// Move the layer below
// Move the layer above if you desire
// layerRef.moveBefore(originalLayer);
You can then record this script as an action and put on a keyboard short cut.
Few years ago i thought that native PS API working with DOM is cool and should work faster, but actually under the hood it's callstack often even bigger than same commands performed via actions. + Also sometimes DOM functions consist of multiple underlying calls, like artLayers.add() for example which is actually make layer + move it to top of the document. So here's action version of that functionality from my PS scripting library:
// get current layer number
function curLyrN(){
if(app.activeDocument.artLayers.length<2) return 1;
var idLyr = charIDToTypeID("Lyr ");
var idItmI = charIDToTypeID("ItmI");
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putEnumerated(idLyr, charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
var id = executeActionGet(aref).getInteger(charIDToTypeID("LyrI"));
aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putProperty(charIDToTypeID("Prpr"), idItmI);
aref.putIdentifier(idLyr, id);
id = executeActionGet(aref).getInteger(idItmI);
if(id) return id;
return 0;
// select [LayerNum], optionally [add] to selection (if add=2: with inclusion)
function selLyr(LyrN,add){
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), LyrN);
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
add = (add==2) ? stringIDToTypeID("addToSelectionContinuous") : stringIDToTypeID("addToSelection");
adesc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("MkVs"), false);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("slct"), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// move current layer to [LayerNum]
function movLyr(LyrN){
var idLyr = charIDToTypeID("Lyr ");
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putEnumerated(idLyr, charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt"));
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putIndex(idLyr, LyrN);
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("T "), aref);
adesc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("Adjs"), false);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("move"), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// create new empty layer
function mkLyr(){
var aref = new ActionReference();
aref.putClass(charIDToTypeID("Lyr "));
var adesc = new ActionDescriptor();
adesc.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), aref);
return executeAction(charIDToTypeID("Mk "), adesc, DialogModes.NO);
// count all inner layers from layer-set (group)
function cntLyrS(lyrs,c){
if(lyrs.typename!='LayerSet') return 0;
c = 0;
var ls = lyrs.layers.length;
var i = 0;
if(lyrs.layers[i].typename=='LayerSet') c=cntLyrS(lyrs.layers[i],c);
return c+1;
// make new layer below current or [LayerNum], optionally [ignoreGroups]
function mkLyrBelow(LyrN,noGr){
var doc = app.activeDocument;
if(!doc) return false;
LyrN = curLyrN();
if(!LyrN) return false;
var actv = doc.activeLayer;
if(actv.isBackgroundLayer) actv.isBackgroundLayer=false;
if(curLyrN()==LyrN) return true;
var lc = cntLyrS(actv);
if(lc && lc<LyrN-1) LyrN -= lc;
return movLyr(LyrN-1);
And even tho it looks pretty cumbersome and scary - i doubt that it will perform much slower. And as a bonus it will create minimal amount of actions in the history (no unnecessary layer moves) + it will correctly work with background layer + it will work properly with the groups (layer-sets): if group is opened - it will create new layer inside of it, and if group is closed it will correctly move layer under the whole group-structure including other possible groups inside the selected one.
Use it like that: mkLyrBelow(); to create new layer under selected one, or mkLyrBelow(LayerNumber); to create layer under another one via it's number, also u can optionally add 2d parameter to ignore groups (it will move new layer inside the group even if it's closed): mkLyrBelow(LayerNumber,true); or mkLyrBelow(0,1);...
P.S. don't get me wrong about ActionRefs - they're not the silver bullet, just oftenly have some more convenience in the end, but ofc best results obtained when u combine ARef's with native API. Just believe me on that, i've coded my first PS script like 8 years ago, so i've tried pretty much everything =)
If I understand your question correctly, Photoshop already has these shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+N (Creating New Layer)
Ctrl+] (To move the layer up)
Ctrl+[ (To move the layer down)

Adobe Edge Animate—how do I get the current label?

In Adobe Edge Animate, how do I get the name of the label that corresponds to a given time? I've seen that I can get the current time as an integer using
but if there's a label at that position, how do I get the label as a string?
function getLabel() {
var stage = sym.getComposition().getStage();
var labels = stage.timelines['Default Timeline'].labels;
var currentLabel;
var currentPosition = stage.getPosition();
$.each( labels, function( label, position ){
if (position <= currentPosition) currentLabel = label;
return currentLabel;
console.log( getLabel() );
this will return the label on (or next previous to) the current position.
For those of us here looking for a Adobe Animate 2019 solution (like I was), it's similar, but slightly different:
function getLabel(_this) {
var currentLabel;
var currentPosition = _this.currentFrame;
_this.labels.forEach(function( label, index ){
if (label.position <= currentPosition) currentLabel = label.label;
return currentLabel;
Your position on the timeline is easier to get, and the labels object is organized differently. (Also jQuery is unavailable.)

How to attach a number to a movie clip

This is what I am trying to achieve but I do not remember the syntax in AS2 if someone could please help.
public function highlightCan() {
var glowId = String(this);
var newId = glowId.substring(47);
trace ("newId : " + newId);
new Tween(_parent._glow["newId"], "_alpha",
mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, _parent._glow0._alpha, 100, 2, false);
The newId, is what I am trying to attach to _glow.
If I hard code this value i.e. _glow0 or _glow1, this works but this value needs to be dynamic, in order to get the rollover state working. per highlightCan();
public function highlightCan(id:Number) {
var glowId = String(this);
var newId = glowId.substring(47);
trace ("newId : " + newId);
new Tween(_parent._glow["newId"], "_alpha",
eval("_parent._glow"+id)._alpha, 100, 2, false);
when you call the highlightCan() you must send the ID number e.g.: highlightCan(2) will make transition on _parent._glow2._alpha