How to get the map function to not return something? - iteration

In sml nj, if you use the map function, your basically saying for each element x in a list, apply the function f on it, and return the list of the new values, but lets say f returns a string, and in f a comparison is done, if the comparison is true, then it returns the string, but if it's false, then it doesn't return anything, and nothing gets put into that list that map is currently building.
Is this possible to do?

Instead of using map, use one of the variants of fold (either foldl or foldr). Another option is, of course, to simply do a filter before you do the map.
As a simple example, imagine that you want to return a list of squared integers, but only if the original integers are even numbers. A filter-then-map approach might look like:
fun square_evens xs =
( (fn x => x * x)) (List.filter (fn x => x mod 2 = 0) xs)
Or, you could use a foldr approach.
fun square_evens xs =
List.foldr (fn (x, xs') =>
if x mod 2 = 0
then (x * x) :: xs'
else xs') [] xs
Slightly longer, but arguably clearer, and probably more efficient.


Interface constraints for interface instances in Idris

I am just starting to learn Idris coming from Haskell, and I'm trying to write some simple linear algebra code.
I want to write a Num interface instance for Vect, but specifically for Vect n a with the constraint that a has a Num instance.
In Haskell I would write a typeclass instance like this:
instance Num a => Num (Vect n a) where
(+) a b = (+) <$> a <*> b
(*) a b = (*) <$> a <*> b
fromInteger a = a : Nil
But reading the Idris interface docs does not seem to mention constraints on interface instances.
The best I can do is the following, which predictably causes the compiler to lament about a not being a numeric type:
Num (Vect n a) where
(+) Nil Nil = Nil
(+) (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = x + y :: xs + ys
(*) Nil Nil = Nil
(*) (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = x * y :: xs * ys
fromInteger i = Vect 1 (fromInteger i)
I can work around this by creating my own vector type with a Num constraint (which isn't portable) or by overloading (+) in a namespace (which feels a little clunky):
namespace Vect
(+) : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
(+) xs ys = (+) <$> xs <*> ys
Is there a way to constrain interface implementations, or is there a better way to accomplish this, eg using dependent types?
In Idris, you'd do (almost) the same as haskell
Num a => Num (Vect n a) where
Like a number of things, this is in the book but not, apparently, in the docs.

Partition list into more than 2 parts

So I want to partitision a List ItemModel in Elm into List (List ItemModel). List.partition only makes the list into two lists.
I wrote some code that makes the list into the parts I want (code below).
But it's not as nice of a solution as I'd like, and since it seems like an issue many people would have, I wonder are there better examples of doing this?
partition : List (ItemModel -> Bool) -> List ItemModel -> List (List ItemModel)
partition filters models =
filterMaybe =
List.head filters
case filterMaybe of
Just filter ->
part =
Tuple.first (List.partition filter models)
part :: (partition (List.drop 1 filters) models)
Nothing ->
The returned list maps directly from the filters parameter, so it's actually pretty straightforward to do this using just and List.filter (which is what you're really doing since you're discarding the remainder list returned from List.partition):
multifilter : List (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
multifilter filters values =
filters |>\filter -> List.filter filter values)
Repeated partitioning needs to use the leftovers from each step as the input for the next step. This is different than simple repeated filtering of the same sequence by several filters.
In Haskell (which this question was initially tagged as, as well),
partitions :: [a -> Bool] -> [a] -> [[a]]
partitions preds xs = go preds xs
go [] xs = []
go (p:ps) xs = let { (a,b) = partition p xs } in (a : go ps b)
which is to say,
partitions preds xs = foldr g (const []) preds xs
g p r xs = let { (a,b) = partition p xs } in (a : r b)
-- mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
partitions preds xs = snd $ mapAccumL (\xs p -> partition (not . p) xs) xs preds
> partitions [ (<5), (<10), const True ] [1..15]
unlike the repeated filtering,
> [ filter p xs | let xs = [1..15], p <- [ (<5), (<10), const True ]]

Implicit arguments in Idris

I need some help interpreting an error message regarding implicit arguments in Idris and why a small change fixes it. This is the code:
import Data.Vect
myReverse : Vect n elem -> Vect n elem
myReverse [] = []
myReverse {n} (x :: xs)
= let result = myReverse xs ++ [x] in
It results in this error:
When checking left hand side of myReverse:
When checking an application of Main.myReverse:
Type mismatch between
Vect (S len) elem (Type of x :: xs)
Vect n elem (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
S len
However, replacing {n} with {n = S len}, the code type-checks.
I thought that using {n} was simply meant to bring the implicit n argument of the function into scope. Why would this result in an error?
What does the error message mean? The only interpretation I can think of is that the implicit argument n in the type is rewritten due to pattern-matching x::xs into S len, and Idris loses information that these are the same.
How does replacing it with {n = S len} work?
Your best bet in these cases is to use idris to do the programming for you. If you start with
myReverse : Vect n elem -> Vect n elem
myReverse {n} xs = ?myReverse_rhs
and now case split on xs you get
myReverse : Vect n elem -> Vect n elem
myReverse {n = Z} [] = ?myReverse_rhs_1
myReverse {n = (S len)} (x :: xs) = ?myReverse_rhs_2
So not only did idris do a case split on xs, but also on n, since for an empty vector the length must be Z, and for a nonempty vector it must be at least S len. Which also implies that xs is now of length len.
Since n is also on the right hand side of your function, it is obvious that you need to provide something for myReverse_rhs_2 which is of length S len which equals n when you did the pattern matching right.
In the error message idris doesn't know what n is, hence the message.

Idris Vect.fromList usage with generated list

I am trying to feel my way into dependent types. Based on the logic of the windowl function below, I want to return a list of vectors whose length depend on the size provided.
window : (n : Nat) -> List a -> List (Vect n a)
window size = map fromList loop
loop xs = case splitAt size xs of
(ys, []) => if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _) => ys :: loop (drop 1 xs)
windowl : Nat -> List a -> List (List a)
windowl size = loop
loop xs = case List.splitAt size xs of
(ys, []) => if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _) => ys :: loop (drop 1 xs)
When I attempt to load the function into Idris, I get the following:
When checking argument func to function
Type mismatch between
(l : List elem) -> Vect (length l) elem (Type of fromList)
a1 -> List (Vect size a) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Vect (length v0) elem
List (Vect size a)
When reading the documentation on fromList I notice that it says
The length of the list should be statically known.
So I assume that the type error has to do with Idris not knowing that the length of the list is corresponding to the size specified.
I am stuck because I don't even know if it is something impossible I want to do or whether I can specify that the length of the list corresponds to the length of the vector that I want to produce.
Is there a way to do that?
Since in your case it is not possible to know the length statically, we need a function which can fail at run-time:
fromListOfLength : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> Maybe (Vect n a)
fromListOfLength n xs with (decEq (length xs) n)
fromListOfLength n xs | (Yes prf) = rewrite (sym prf) in Just (fromList xs)
fromListOfLength n xs | (No _) = Nothing
fromListOfLength converts a list of length n into a vector of length n or fails. Now let's combine it and windowl to get to window.
window : (n : Nat) -> List a -> List (Vect n a)
window n = catMaybes . map (fromListOfLength n) . windowl n
Observe that the window function's type is still an underspecification of what we are doing with the input list, because nothing prevents us from always returning the empty list (this could happen if fromListOfLength returned Nothing all the time).

Why does Idris' Refl sometimes not type-check?

I'm working through the Idris book, and I'm doing the first exercises on proof.
With the exercise to prove same_lists, I'm able to implement it like this, as matching Refl forces x and y to unify:
total same_lists : {xs : List a} -> {ys : List a} ->
x = y -> xs = ys -> x :: xs = y :: ys
same_lists Refl Refl = Refl
However, when I try to prove something else in the same manner, I get mismatches. For example:
total allSame2 : (x, y : Nat) -> x = y -> S x = S y
allSame2 x y Refl = Refl
The compiler says:
Type mismatch between
y = y (Type of Refl)
x = y (Expected type)
If I case-match after the =, either explicitly or with a lambda, it works as expected:
total allSame2 : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> x = y -> S x = S y
allSame2 x y = \Refl => Refl
What's the difference here?
Another modification that works is making the problematic arguments implicit:
total allSame2 : {x : Nat} -> {y : Nat} -> x = y -> S x = S y
allSame2 Refl = Refl
I do not know all the details, but I can give you a rough idea. In Idris, the parameter lists of named functions are special in that it is part of dependent pattern matching. When you pattern match it also rewrites the other parameters.
same_lists x y Refl = Refl is not valid, I roughly guess, because Idris is rewriting x and y to be the same, and you are not allowed to then give different names to this single value — I hope someone can give a better explanation of this mechanism. Instead you may use same_lists x x Refl = Refl — and note that the name x is not important, just that the same name is used in both sites.
A lambda parameter is apart from the named parameter list. Therefore, since you are doing the matching in the lambda, Idris is only going to rewrite the other parameters at that point. The key is that with the first example Idris wants to do it all at once because it is part of the same parameter list.
With the final example the only change is that you did not give distinct names to the parameters. It would have also been valid to use all_same _ _ Refl = Refl. When the parameters are implicit, Idris will fill them in correctly for you.
Finally you can consider same_lists = \x, y, Refl => Refl which also works. This is because Idris does not rewrite in unnamed parameter lists (i.e. lambda parameters).