Running tomcat on Mac - apache

Hi im trying to run tomcat over the terminal in mac, so i type ./ to execute the script.The terminal then gives me the following:
Using CATALINA_BASE: /Users/kimmy/Documents/Apache/tomcats/apache-tomcat-7.0.35
Using CATALINA_HOME: /Users/kimmy/Documents/Apache/tomcats/apache-tomcat-7.0.35
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Users/kimmy/Documents/Apache/tomcats/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home
Using CLASSPATH: /Users/kimmy/Documents/Apache/tomcats/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/bin/bootstrap.jar:/Users/kimmy/Documents/Apache/tomcats/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
When i try to visit the local host to check if the tomcat server is running the browser says can not connect to server.
Does anyone know what the problem is?

tomcat server by default runs on port no 9999 on mac.
To know the port no on which tomcat is running, check the terminal after server is on. check the line "server started on......"
using this port no you can request by following
this will open server page.
Hope this helps.


Postgres server is running locally but refusing connection

After installing postgres and pgAdmin 4 on Ubuntu 22.04 I want to setup a server listening on localhost.
The pg service is running
but when trying to create a new server I get the following error
I think the terminal error points to the same problem
I think the server is running locally but what am I missing / how can I accept the missing socket connections?
Could you check if the listen_addresses in the postgresql.conf accepts connections from localhost or set it to '*', if no special restriction required

I cannot start Apache Web Server using XAMPP 7.2.26-0 on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.5

I could install successfully XAMPP 7.2.26-0 on MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.5. The problem is that I cannot start Apache:
In the server events, I see this:
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Stopping all servers...
Stopping MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql stopped
Restarting all servers...
Starting MySQL Database...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/mysql/scripts/ : mysql started at port 3306
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting ProFTPD...
Exit code: 8
Checking syntax of configuration file
proftpd config test fails, aborting
2020-01-07 11:33:11,210 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local'
2020-01-07 11:33:11,211 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: error: no valid servers configured
2020-01-07 11:33:11,211 Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local proftpd[24257]: fatal: error processing configuration file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/proftpd.conf'
Do think think this is caused by an IP address conflict or something else?
Since I am not interested in ProFTPD, I am only trying to start Apache Web Server and this is what I see in the server events:
Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
That would make me think that Apache Web Server started successfully. Nonetheless, I still see its status as "Stopped".
See below the configurations that I have for Apache Web Server. I have not changed anything. I am using the default configurations.
Add to your hosts file: Jaimes-MacBook-Pro.local
I installed Uniform Server Zero (a Portable WAMP Server) on Windows instead. Thank you.

Attunity Replicate sample installation

I am trying to install Attunity Replicate into a local virtual machine with CentOS 7 on it. I can see that it is running - using 'ps -ef | grep repctl', and I know that the 3552 port is open in the firewall, and the host is visible (using 'nc -zv 3552').
But I cannot connect my UI browser to Attunity server using 'https://:/AttunityReplicate' - the Safari answers that 'Safari can't open the page XXX becauseSafari cannot establish a secure connection to the server...', and Chrome answers with 'ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_BAD_FORMAT' error...
Any hints - what and where should I configure in the Attunity Server to resolve the security issue, please?
Kind regards,
On the Linux server where you installed Replicate Express, cd into /opt/Attunity/replicate/bin (this is the default location) and run the following command:
cd /opt/attunity/replicate/bin
./arep.ctl stop
./arep.ctl start
Ensure that your Linux server allows inbound TCP connections on port 3552
Open your browser and try to connect to the following URL: https://:3552/attunityreplicate replacing with the DNS name or IP address of the Linux Server where Replicate is installed.
When prompted, enter the Username: Admin and Password from Step 1.
You may have to allow the webpage on Chrome:
1- On your computer, open Chrome.
2- On the page where you see a warning, click Details.
3- Click Visit this unsafe site.
4- The page will load.

Errror reading from remote server returned by /jenkins

I am using Jenkins and currently Jenkins is running fine in the background; however, when i am trying to access Jenkins using browser the homepage of Jenkins is not accessible. When I access it I get "Error reading from remote server ( 502 )". Has anyone encountered such an issue? What could be the workaround?
Try to remove proxy: export http_proxy="" && curl http://servername:portnumber/destinationpath/
or use https instead of http or vice-versa ( check which port is your jenkins running on )
Is it running on apache/nginx/whatever? Restart that. Restart Jenkins once more. Check the server configuration regarding those.
Did restart of iptables post which I have seen the issue to be resolved.
service iptables restart

How to run Tomcat on Linux (which has glassfish on port 8080)

I am trying to run to tomcat on linux where glassfish is already running on port 8080 ( you can check here - . So i changed the tomcat port to 8181 by editing the server.xml file. NOw with the command and i get the following output
Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54
Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /usr
Using CLASSPATH: /home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/krs8785/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Tomcat started.
I am assuming that tomcat is now working. Now when i test the server by - I get
No data received on the browser.
What is the problem here and how do i solve it?
The problem may be unrelated to tomcat. I think your first step should be to exclude networking issues.
I have assumed you are accessing from another machine. If that is the case, try to access localhost:8181 from If this is not possible in a conventional browser, perhaps because it is a headless server with X forwarding disabled then use a terminal based browser. Try typing the following in the terminal on
lynx localhost:8181
If you are able to see a representation of a tomcat splash page then you can attribute it to networking issues. This could be firewall related (perhaps even an issue with iptables on linux).