Sharing variable data between forms other than a Global Variable Class in Win Forms application -

Currently in a Win Form application, im using a Global Variable Class which contains variables that are used to to share data. My question is, what other ways are there to achieve this? Best practises? and why?

Globals are bad for many reasons, but probably the most glaring reason is because, ideally speaking, every time you call the same method, passing it the same parameters, it should always do the same thing with the same results. Globals brake that rule. Suddenly your code starts behaving in unpredictable ways because something wasn't initialized properly somewhere else, or some global got modified incorrectly.
The best way I've found to get rid of the need for globals is to adhere to the principles of dependency injection (DI). There is much material on the topic online, but in a nutshell, rather than having classes reach out to create or find their dependencies on their own, they should simply request that the dependencies be provided to them, often in the constructor. Anything that you are accessing via global variables would, by definition, be considered dependencies of the classes that access them. Therefore, instead of, for instance, having a global settings object, like this:
Global settings As New Settings()
And then a class that uses it like this:
Public Class MyClass
Public Sub DoSomething()
If settings.SomethingEnabled Then
' ...
End If
End Sub
End Class
You would instead, do it like this:
Public Class MyClass
Public Sub New(settings As Settings)
_settings = settings
End Sub
Private _settings As Settings
Public Sub DoSomething()
If _settings.SomethingEnabled Then
' ...
End If
End Sub
End Class
This makes your code much cleaner, more flexible, and more reliable. It also makes the code far more testable too, which is a great added benefit.

Data should be shared according to how it is going to be used. If a variable is required across the entire application then it can be seen to have global scope and a global variable concept (e.g. public static shared) may well be appropriate.
Often this is not the case however as global variables should really be avoided (check out here and here for more reasoning)
Data should be encapsulated at the level it is required - for example if a form has data / variables within it that are applicable to it's function but where other forms need to now the value, this would be the ideal case for a public readonly property on the form, which would mask the actual detail of the variable from the rest of the aplication.


VB.Net Public Property

Using code analysis on my program I often get this warning:
CA1051 : Microsoft.Design : Because field 'Form1.Testcode' is visible outside of its declaring type, change its accessibility to private and add a property, with the same accessibility as the field has currently, to provide access to it.
So it tells me to either change the code from this: Public Testcode As String
To this: Public Property Testcode As String
Or to this:
Private _testcode
Public Property Testcode As Object
Return _testcode
End Get
Set(value As Object)
_testcode = value
End Set
End Property
So my question is, what is the difference between the 2 code suggestions.
Is one faster than the other or does it prevent bugs or anything else? I've been using the first code since ever and never had issues with it neither feeling lags or something else.
Saying I want my program to be as fast as possible should I change the Code that I have to the Property code and if yes, which to choose?
The point of properties is that they behave like fields from the outside but like methods from the inside. In fact, once your code is compiled, the getter and setter of your property actually are methods. Java doesn't support properties but even there the convention is to declare a field private and then declare two methods for getting and setting the field value.
Always use properties to expose data publicly. If nothing else, it means that you can bind objects of that type because properties support data-binding while fields do not. It also makes it far less likely that you will need to change the type interface if you need to change the implementation later.
As for how to implement the property, always use an auto-property, i.e. the one-line option, unless you need to add extra code to do things like validation or raise an event. If you write an auto-property, the private field is still created behind the scenes - you can even access it in code - and the compiler still creates the getter and setter methods. In short, prefer this:
Public Property Data As SomeType
to this:
Private _data As SomeType
Public Property Data As SomeType
Return _data
End Get
_data = value
End Set
End Property
An example of a situation that would require the full property is below:
Private _number As Integer
Property Number As Integer
Return _number
End Get
If Value < 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", $"'Number' must not be less than zero.")
End If
If _number <> Value Then
_number = Value
'Change notification.
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Event NumberChanged As EventHandler
Protected Overridable Sub OnNumberChanged(e As EventArgs)
RaiseEvent NumberChanged(Me, e)
End Sub
Is one faster than the other? No.
Does it prevent bugs or anything else? Yep.
In VB, Public Testcode As String and Public Property Testcode As String look pretty much the same. But let's put the syntax aside, we are speaking about member variables and properties here.
Member variables are variables you have to use in your classes when they have to "live" as long as the class instance does. It is basically the same as every other variable but without defined context (say the end of a method for example). You'd use them typically to hold kind of a state like whether the user had confirmed a message or anything like that. If this kind of information is important for the logic of your class but not for others, you have a perfect candidate for a member variable.
Properties are not very different here and can technically be used the same. However they are part of an external interface. If you have to hold information that is important to your class and to other classes (using your class) as well, you have a perfect candidate for a property. This could be the border color of a button for example. Other classes might set the color by a given design and the button itself needs it to render the border accordingly, of course. Public methods and properties build the interface other parties can interact with. There are some useful answers here on StackOverflow, I'll link them below instead of copying their content.
Why should we care?
So we're basically talking about encapsulation and information hiding. But let's look at that in a more practical example.
Look at your desktop PC. Turn it around and take a look at all the connectors it exposes. This is the public interface of the machine. That's what you as a consumer of the machine can interact with. You see USB ports, HDMI connectors and so on. You don't need to know the internals of the machine to understand where you can connect a mouse to or how you can attach your HDMI-to-DisplayPort adapter. In fact, it would be very confusing if every internal connector would be available to you on the backside of your PC. It would add so much unneeded clutter and it would make things dangerous, too. Because you'd have no chance to know what all these pins and connectors are made for. The hardware manufacturers could not rely on expected conditions because anyone might have messed things up unknowingly from the outside.
Everything you as a consumer can interact with is made public with the interface of standard connectors. Everything the machine needs to work internally is kept away from you to avoid confusion about things you don't need to know about and make sure noone messes with the internal state the machine has to rely on.
So you could say "lets do everything public because I have no secrets" but in fact that would make the class very hard to understand from the outside. It would make it easy to break things unknowingly by setting members from external code which your class handles internally and has to rely on.
Another aspect we as software developers have to keep in mind: Maintainability. If you have a lot of public members, you are pretty locked when doing refactoring because you'll never know how anyone out there is using them. Keeping a clean interface to the outside is important to be able to change things internally later on.
Internal applications - why not make everything public?
Why shouldn't I be using public variables in my Java class?
See Auto-Implemented Properties:
When you write code for an auto-implemented property, the Visual Basic
compiler automatically creates a private field to store the property
variable in addition to creating the associated Get and Set
So using the shorthand notation:
Public Property Testcode As String
Results in the same code as the longer verbose property, WHEN YOU COMPILE.
There is no difference in the end.

When to use the "me" object in access?

In Access VBA we can use Me.ControlName to refer to a control name. When reading other people's VBA code I have realized that some people do not use the me keyword and simply use ControlName to refer to a control name.
Is one more efficient than the other? For me Me.ControlName is more readable but I am not sure what other people's opinion is.
There are several cases when you need to use Me:
When there are conflicting names:
Dim someControl As Access.Control
Set someControl = Me.SomeControl
Obviously, this example is contrived, but there are real cases where conflicting names are logical
When you need to refer to the form object itself:
In an external module:
Public Sub DoStuffWithForm(someForm As Access.Form)
'Does stuff with form
End Sub
In the form module:
DoStuffWithForm Me
Me is just a general VBA concept. All class modules (and by extension, form modules) use the Me keyword to refer to themselves, but don't need to do that to refer to public properties. It's in a way similar to using Application.Something, you also don't need to do that, but it increases clarity when you do. And only in specific (rare) cases it's required.
In VB, Me is the internal reference to the public interface of a class.
Things that can be referenced by Me in a class:
Public properties, subs and functions
Controls in Access form and report classes
Things that cannot be referenced:
Private members of a class, including variables, properties, subs and functions
There are three uses of Me:
Provide a self-reference when calling functions or subs
Call the right method in case of duplicate names
In the IDE, typing Me. to more quickly select controls -- Thanks to Vlado for that suggestion!
If there is a Public Foo() defined in a standard module and a Public Foo() in a class, Me.Foo will always call the class method, and plain Foo will do the same.
However, if you delete or rename the class's Foo() method, Me.Foo will throw an error, but all plain Foo references will now call the global Foo() function instead!
As a programmer, I certainly don't want code that magically starts calling a different routine without warning if I edit a class module!
This is the best argument for always using Me to reference public members within class code.
I use Me.ControlName just to make sure when I type that the control is on the form and I do not misspell it. It will appear in intellisense so I could confirm it by pressing TAB.

VB.NET: Avoiding redundancies

Each of my VB.NET projects needs a certain set of custom modules.
For example:
In SOME of these modules I have a few references to other modules.
For example the sub modLog.WriteLog goes like this:
Public Sub WriteLog(Byval uText As String)
If globalclassOEM.IsOEMVersion Then
sPath = (some custom path)
sPath = (some default path)
End if
'Write log text to file
End Sub
This is really stupid because sometimes I have to add really many modules and classes to a tiny projects just to solve some dependencies as the above and to be able to use a few modules that I really need.
Is there any best tactics in VB.NET to avoid such situations?
The best way to avoid such problems, would be to avoid that problem ;) Means: Libraries should do exactly what they are meant to do and not do some "extra work" in the backgorund. In your example: Why does the WriteLog function need to determine the path and why doesnt the caller define it and pass it to the logging function/class?
IF you still want or need to have the functions in that way, you might circumvent the problem by defining interfaces and then put ALL your interfaces into a single library, but NOT the classes that implement them. That would still require to load the file with the interface definitions, but of course you don't need to load any class that implements it.
You might also use some kind of plugin system and when your logging class (in this example) is created, it might try to dynamically load the required assemblies. If they do not exit, the class will without them, otherwise it can use them as pretended. Doesnt make programmers life easier, though (imho).
The "best" way (imho again) would be the first suggestion. Dont have "low level" libraries referencing other libraries. Everything else most likely would be considered to be a design flaw and not a "solution".
I have not covered a whole heap of referencing in, however, would it be possible for you to create a .dll with all the base modules. This would mean you could reference this .dll saving you time. For the extenuating circumstances where you have references to other modules you could just manually write that module.
As others have alluded to, you never want to directly include the same code file in multiple projects. That is almost never a good idea and it always leads to messy code. If you have common code that you want to share between two different projects, then you need to create a third project (a class library) which will contain the common code, and then the other two projects will just reference to the class library. It's best if you can have all three projects in the same solution and then you can use project references. However, if you can't do that, you can still have a direct file reference to the DLL that is output by that class library project.
Secondly, if you really want to avoid spaghetti code, you should seriously look into dependency-injection (DI). The reason I, and others have suggested this, is because, even if you move the common code into class libraries so that it can be shared by multiple projects, you'll still have the problem that your class libraries act as "black-boxes" that magically figure out everything for you and act appropriately in every situation. On the face of it, that sounds like a good thing for which a developer should strive, but in reality, that leads to bad code in the long run.
For instance, what happens when you want to use the same logging class library in 100 different projects and they all need to do logging in slightly different ways. Now, your class library has to magically detect all of those different situations and handle them all. For instance, some projects may need to save the log to a different file name. Some may need to store the log to the Windows event log or a database. Some may need to automatically email a notification when an error is logged. Etc. As you can imagine, as the projects increase and the requirements grow, the logging class library will need to get more and more complex and confusing which will inevitably lead to more bugs.
DI, on the other hand, solves all these issues, and if you adhere to the methodology, it will essentially force you to write reusable code. In simple terms, it just means that all the dependencies of a class should be injected (passed by parameter) into it. In other words, if the Logger class needs an event log, or a database connection, it should not create or reach out and find those things itself. Instead, it should simply require that those dependencies be passed into it (often in the constructor). Your example using DI might look something like this:
Public Interface ILogFilePathFinder
Function GetPath() As String
End Interface
Public Class LogFilePathFinder
Implements ILogFilePathFinder
Public Sub New(isOemVersion As Boolean)
_isOemVersion = isOemVersion
End Sub
Private _isOemVersion As Boolean
Function GetPath() As String Implements ILogFilePathFinder.GetPath
If _isOemVersion Then
Return "C:\TestOem.log"
Return "C:\Test.log"
End If
End Function
End Class
Public Interface ILogger
Sub WriteLog(ByVal text As String)
End Interface
Public Class FileLogger
Implements ILogger
Public Sub New(pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder)
_pathFinder = pathFinder
End Sub
_pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder
Public Sub WriteLog(text As String) Implements ILogger.WriteLog
Dim path As String = _pathFinder.GetPath()
' Write text to file ...
End Sub
End Class
As you can see, it requires a little bit of extra work, but when you design your code like this, you'll never regret it. You'll notice that the logger class requests a path finder as a dependency. The path finder, in turn, requests an OEM setting as a dependency. So, to use it, you would need to do something like this:
Dim pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder = New FileLogPathFinder(_OemSettings.IsOemVersion) ' Note, don't use a global to store the settings, always ask for them to be injected
Dim logger As ILogger = New FileLogger(pathFinder)
Now, you can easily reuse all of this code in any situation. For instance, if you have different projects that need to use a different log file path, they can still use the common FileLogger class, they just need to each implement their own version of ILogFilePathFinder and then inject that custom path finder into the common FileLogger. Hopefully you see how doing it this way can be very useful and flexible.

Testing private methods, clarification needed

In my src, there exist a class which contains a method
public static boolean doExtensionsMatch(String s, String t) {
There is nothing wrong with it, except that there is no need for it to be public. It is used inside the class where it is declared.
It is public however, since some time ago, i felt this method needed to be tested directly and thus, private visibility did not work for me.
At this point:
I'd rather not throw away those tests. If i make the method private however, tests will become unusable.
I would rather for tests to remain in it's current src-test folder, thus maintaining separate locations for source and tests
So, you tell me, what should i do?
Should i change the method to private and delete the tests?
You test interface to prove that class behaves as it should.
So private methods don't need to be tested as long as they aren't accessible. And even more - you shouldn't care of how interface does its work, you should be fine with just the results.
You test the behaviour, not the implementation.
I would suggest using partial classes. If your test classes are partial classes of the class to be tested they will have access to all methods and variables whether or not they are public.

Declare global variables in Visual Studio 2010 and VB.NET

How do I declare a global variable in Visual Basic?
These variables need to be accessible from all the Visual Basic forms. I know how to declare a public variable for a specific form, but how do I do this for all the forms in my project?
There is no way to declare global variables as you're probably imagining them in VB.NET.
What you can do (as some of the other answers have suggested) is declare everything that you want to treat as a global variable as static variables instead within one particular class:
Public Class GlobalVariables
Public Shared UserName As String = "Tim Johnson"
Public Shared UserAge As Integer = 39
End Class
However, you'll need to fully-qualify all references to those variables anywhere you want to use them in your code. In this sense, they are not the type of global variables with which you may be familiar from other languages, because they are still associated with some particular class.
For example, if you want to display a message box in your form's code with the user's name, you'll have to do something like this:
Public Class Form1: Inherits Form
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
MessageBox.Show("Hello, " & GlobalVariables.UserName)
End Sub
End Class
You can't simply access the variable by typing UserName outside of the class in which it is defined—you must also specify the name of the class in which it is defined.
If the practice of fully-qualifying your variables horrifies or upsets you for whatever reason, you can always import the class that contains your global variable declarations (here, GlobalVariables) at the top of each code file (or even at the project level, in the project's Properties window). Then, you could simply reference the variables by their name.
Imports GlobalVariables
Note that this is exactly the same thing that the compiler is doing for you behind-the-scenes when you declare your global variables in a Module, rather than a Class. In VB.NET, which offers modules for backward-compatibility purposes with previous versions of VB, a Module is simply a sealed static class (or, in VB.NET terms, Shared NotInheritable Class). The IDE allows you to call members from modules without fully-qualifying or importing a reference to them. Even if you decide to go this route, it's worth understanding what is happening behind the scenes in an object-oriented language like VB.NET. I think that as a programmer, it's important to understand what's going on and what exactly your tools are doing for you, even if you decide to use them. And for what it's worth, I do not recommend this as a "best practice" because I feel that it tends towards obscurity and clean object-oriented code/design. It's much more likely that a C# programmer will understand your code if it's written as shown above than if you cram it into a module and let the compiler handle everything.
Note that like at least one other answer has alluded to, VB.NET is a fully object-oriented language. That means, among other things, that everything is an object. Even "global" variables have to be defined within an instance of a class because they are objects as well. Any time you feel the need to use global variables in an object-oriented language, that a sign you need to rethink your design. If you're just making the switch to object-oriented programming, it's more than worth your while to stop and learn some of the basic patterns before entrenching yourself any further into writing code.
Pretty much the same way that you always have, with "Modules" instead of classes and just use "Public" instead of the old "Global" keyword:
Public Module Module1
Public Foo As Integer
End Module
Okay. I finally found what actually works to answer the question that seems to be asked;
"When needing many modules and forms, how can I declare a variable to be public to all of them such that they each reference the same variable?"
Amazingly to me, I spent considerable time searching the web for that seemingly simple question, finding nothing but vagueness that left me still getting errors.
But thanks to Cody Gray's link to an example, I was able to discern a proper answer;
You have multiple Modules and/or Forms and want to reference a particular variable from each or all.
"A" way that works;
On one module place the following code (wherein "DefineGlobals" is an arbitrarily chosen name);
Public Module DefineGlobals
Public Parts As Integer 'Assembled-particle count
Public FirstPrtAff As Long 'Addr into Link List
End Module
And then in each Module/Form in need of addressing that variable "Parts", place the following code (as an example of the "InitForm2" form);
Public Class InitForm2
Private Sub InitForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Parts = Parts + 3
End Sub
End Class
And perhaps another Form;
Public Class FormX
Sub CreateAff()
Parts = 1000
End Sub
End Class
That type of coding seems to have worked on my VB2008 Express and seems to be all needed at the moment (void of any unknown files being loaded in the background) even though I have found no end to the "Oh btw..." surprise details. And I'm certain a greater degree of standardization would be preferred, but the first task is simply to get something working at all, with or without standards.
Nothing beats exact and well worded, explicit examples.
Thanks again, Cody
Make it static (shared in VB).
Public Class Form1
Public Shared SomeValue As Integer = 5
End Class
Public variables are a code smell - try to redesign your application so these are not needed. Most of the reasoning here and here are as applicable to VB.NET.
The simplest way to have global variables in VB.NET is to create public static variables on a class (declare a variable as Public Shared).
A global variable could be accessible in all your forms in your project if you use the keyword public shared if it is in a class. It will also work if you use the keyword "public" if it is under a Module, but it is not the best practice for many reasons.
(... Yes, I somewhat repeating what "Cody Gray" and "RBarryYoung" said.)
One of the problems is when you have two threads that call the same global variable at the same time. You will have some surprises. You might have unexpected reactions if you don't know their limitations. Take a look at the post Global Variables in Visual Basic .NET and download the sample project!
small remark: I am using modules in webbased application (
I need to remember that everything I store in the variables on the module are seen by everyone in the application, read website. Not only in my session.
If i try to add up a calculation in my session I need to make an array to filter the numbers for my session and for others.
Modules is a great way to work but need concentration on how to use it.
To help against mistakes: classes are send to the
when the page is finished. My modules stay alive (as long as the application is not ended or restarted) and I can reuse the data in it.
I use this to save data that sometimes is lost because of the sessionhandling by IIS.
IIS Form auth
are not in sync, and with my module I pull back data that went over de cliff.
All of above can be avoided by simply declaring a friend value for runtime on the starting form.
Public Class Form1
Friend sharevalue as string = "Boo"
Then access this variable from all forms simply using Form1.sharevalue
You could just add a new Variable under the properties of your project
Each time you want to get that variable you just have to use
My.Settings.(Name of variable)
That'll work for the entire Project in all forms
The various answers in this blog seem to be defined by SE's who promote strict adherence to the usual rules of object-oriented programming (use a Public Class with public shared (aka static), and fully-qualified class references, or SE's who promote using the backward-compatibility feature (Module) for which the compiler obviously needs to do the same thing to make it work.
As a SE with 30+ years of experience, I would propose the following guidelines:
If you are writing all new code (not attempting to convert a legacy app) that you avoid using these forms altogether except in the rare instance that you really DO need to have a static variable because they can cause terrible consequences (and really hard-to-find bugs). (Multithread and multiprocessing code requires semaphores around static variables...)
If you are modifying a small application that already has a few global variables, then formulate them so they are not obscured by Modules, that is, use the standard rules of object-oriented programming to re-create them as public static and access them by full qualification so others can figure out what is going on.
If you have a huge legacy application with dozens or hundreds of global variables, by all means, use Modules to define them. There is no reason to waste time when getting the application working, because you are probably already behind the 8-ball in time spent on Properties, etc.
The first guy with a public class makes a lot more sense. The original guy has multiple forms and if global variables are needed then the global class will be better. Think of someone coding behind him and needs to use a global variable in a class you have IntelliSense, it will also make coding a modification 6 months later a lot easier.
Also if I have a brain fart and use like in an example parts on a module level then want my global parts I can do something like
Dim Parts as Integer
parts = 3 += Parts '< Not recommended but it works
At least that's why I would go the class route.
You can pipe the variable in to a file in the output directory and then load that file in the variable.
Imports System.IO
This code writes the file.
Dim somevariable = "an example"
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create("globalvars/myvar1.var")
Dim filedata As Byte() = New UTF8Encoding(True).GetBytes(somevariable)
fs.Write(filedata, 0, filedata.Length)
This loads the file in another form.
Dim form2variable
Dim fileReader As String
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("globalvars/myvar1.var")
form2variable = filereader
Public Class Form1
Public Shared SomeValue As Integer = 5
End Class
The answer:
MessageBox.Show("this is the number"&GlobalVariables.SomeValue)