convert Excel Date Serial Number to Regular Date - sql

I got a column called DateOfBirth in my csv file with Excel Date Serial Number Date
When i formatted cells in excel these are converted as
36464 => 1/11/1999
37104 => 1/08/2001
35412 => 13/12/1996
I need to do this transformation in SSIS or in SQL. How can this be achieved?

select dateadd(d,36464,'1899-12-30')
-- or thanks to rcdmk
select CAST(36464 - 2 as SmallDateTime)
In SSIS, see here

The marked answer is not working fine, please change the date to "1899-12-30" instead of "1899-12-31".
select dateadd(d,36464,'1899-12-30')

You can cast it to a SQL SMALLDATETIME:
MS SQL Server counts its dates from 01/01/1900 and Excel from 12/30/1899 = 2 days less.

select cast(#Input - 2e as datetime)
Excel stores datetimes as a floating point number that represents elapsed time since the beginning of the 20th century, and SQL Server can readily cast between floats and datetimes in the same manner. The difference between Excel and SQL server's conversion of this number to datetimes is 2 days (as of 1900-03-01, that is). Using a literal of 2e for this difference informs SQL Server to implicitly convert other datatypes to floats for very input-friendly and simple queries:
cast('43861.875433912' - 2e as datetime) as ExcelToSql, -- even varchar works!
cast(cast('2020-01-31 21:00:37.490' as datetime) + 2e as float) as SqlToExcel
-- Results:
-- ExcelToSql SqlToExcel
-- 2020-01-31 21:00:37.490 43861.875433912

this actually worked for me
(minus 1 more day in the date)
referring to the negative commented post

SSIS Solution
The DT_DATE data type is implemented using an 8-byte floating-point number. Days are represented by whole number increments, starting with 30 December 1899, and midnight as time zero. Hour values are expressed as the absolute value of the fractional part of the number. However, a floating point value cannot represent all real values; therefore, there are limits on the range of dates that can be presented in DT_DATE. Read more
From the description above you can see that you can convert these values implicitly when mapping them to a DT_DATE Column after converting it to a 8-byte floating-point number DT_R8.
Use a derived column transformation to convert this column to 8-byte floating-point number:
Then map it to a DT_DATE column
Or cast it twice:
You can check my full answer here:
Is there a better way to parse [Integer].[Integer] style dates in SSIS?

Found this topic helpful so much so created a quick SQL UDF for it.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ConvertExcelSerialDateToSQL
#serial INT
SELECT #dt =
WHEN #serial is not null THEN CAST(#serial - 2 AS DATETIME)

I had to take this to the next level because my Excel dates also had times, so I had values like this:
42039.46406 --> 02/04/2015 11:08 AM
42002.37709 --> 12/29/2014 09:03 AM
42032.61869 --> 01/28/2015 02:50 PM
(also, to complicate it a little more, my numeric value with decimal was saved as an NVARCHAR)
The SQL I used to make this conversion is:
CONVERT(FLOAT, t.ColumnName) -
) * 86400,
DATEADD(DAY, CONVERT(FLOAT, t.ColumnName), '1899-12-30')

In postgresql, you can use the following syntax:
SELECT ((DATE('1899-12-30') + INTERVAL '1 day' * FLOOR(38242.7711805556)) + (INTERVAL '1 sec' * (38242.7711805556 - FLOOR(38242.7711805556)) * 3600 * 24)) as date
In this case, 38242.7711805556 represents 2004-09-12 18:30:30 in excel format

In addition of #Nick.McDermaid answer I would like to post this solution, which convert not only the day but also the hours, minutes and seconds:
SELECT DATEADD(s, (42948.123 - FLOOR(42948.123))*3600*24, dateadd(d, FLOOR(42948.123),'1899-12-30'))
For example
42948.123 to 2017-08-01 02:57:07.000
42818.7166666667 to 2017-03-24 17:12:00.000

You can do this if you just need to display the date in a view:
CAST will be faster than CONVERT if you have a large amount of data, also remember to subtract (2) from the excel date:
CAST(CAST(CAST([Column_With_Date]-2 AS INT)AS smalldatetime) AS DATE)
If you need to update the column to show a date you can either update through a join (self join if necessary) or simply try the following:
You may not need to cast the excel date as INT but since the table I was working with was a varchar I had to do that manipulation first. I also did not want the "time" element so I needed to remove that element with the final cast as "date."
UPDATE [Table_with_Date]
SET [Column_With_Excel_Date] = CAST(CAST(CAST([Column_With_Excel_Date]-2 AS INT)AS smalldatetime) AS DATE)
If you are unsure of what you would like to do with this test and re-test! Make a copy of your table if you need. You can always create a view!

Google BigQuery solution
Standard SQL
Select Date, DATETIME_ADD(DATETIME(xy, xm, xd, 0, 0, 0), INTERVAL xonlyseconds SECOND) xaxsa
from (
Select Date, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM xonlydate) xy, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM xonlydate) xm, EXTRACT(DAY FROM xonlydate) xd, xonlyseconds
From (
Select Date
, DATE_ADD(DATE '1899-12-30', INTERVAL cast(FLOOR(cast(Date as FLOAT64)) as INT64) DAY ) xonlydate
, cast(FLOOR( ( cast(Date as FLOAT64) - cast(FLOOR( cast(Date as FLOAT64)) as INT64) ) * 86400 ) as INT64) xonlyseconds
FROM (Select '43168.682974537034' Date) -- 09.03.2018 16:23:28
) xx1

For those looking how to do this in excel (outside of formatting to a date field) you can do this by using the Text function
A1 = 132134
=Text(A1,"MM-DD-YYYY") will result in a date

This worked for me because sometimes the field was a numeric to get the time portion.


How to convert an int to DateTime in BigQuery

I have an INT64 column called "Date" which contains many different numbers like: "20210209" or "20200305". I want to turn those numbers into a date with this format: MM-YYYY (so in these cases, 02-2021 and 03-2020). Ultimately I want to sum all the data in each month together. The problem is that BigQuery can't convert INT64 to date, only to strings. I'm not sure if I should convert to a string and then to a date or if there is a better way.
Although converting to a string then a date both works and is very concise, over large enough numbers of rows (which may be the case in Big Query) you may be better off using integer maths and using DATE(year, month, day)...
DIV( 20210209 , 10000), -- Which gives 2021
DIV(MOD(20210209, 10000), 100), -- Which gives 02
MOD(20210209, 100) -- Which gives 09
You can convert the value to a string and use parse_date():
select parse_date('%Y%m%d', cast(20210209 as string))
Another option
select date,
regexp_replace('' || date, r'(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})', r'\2-\1') as MM_YYYY
from your_table
if applied to sample data in your question - output is
Yet another option
select date,
format_date('%m-%Y', parse_date('%Y%m%d', '' || date)) as MM_YYYY
from your_table
with same output

Convert date to number data type

I am trying to convert date to number like below, not sure which function works better.
Database used is SQL Server.
Table details
create table test
id varchar(255),
call_date varchar(255)
insert into test('26203', '14-Aug-2020');
I need output as 4405726203 -- its concatenation of date (14-Aug-2014) + id (26203)
This is too long for a comment.
SQL Server allows you to convert a datetime to a float. That would be:
select cast(dte as float)
from (values (convert(datetime, '14-Aug-2020'))) v(dte)
However, the corresponding floating point value is 44055 ( It is a bit of mystery what your intention is.
You could subtract 2, but that seems arbitrary. You could calculate the number of days since 1899-12-30. But that also seems arbitrary.
In any case, once you figure out how to convert the date to the number you want, just use concat() to combine the values.
I have found the solution:
convert(varchar,CAST(CONVERT(datetime,call_date) as bigint)) + id
Under the hood, a SQL Server DateTime is a tuple of 2 32-bit integers:
The first integer is a count of days since since the epoch, which for SQL Server is 1 January 1900
The second integer is a count of milliseconds since start of day (00:00:00.000). Except that the count ticks up in 3- or 4-milliscond increments. Microsoft only knows why that decision was made.
You can get the count of days since the epoch with
convert( int, convert( date, t.call_date ) )
[wrap that in convert(varchar, ... ) to turn it into a string]
Looks like your id is already a varchar, so you can say:
select compound_key = convert(varchar,
from test t
I would suggest padding both fields with leading zeros to a fixed length so as to avoid possible collisions (assuming you're trying to generate a key here). Signed 32-bit integer overflows a 2.1 billion-ish, so 9 digits for each field is sufficient.
This works
select concat(datediff(d, 0, cast(call_date as date)), id)
(values ('26203','14-Aug-2020')) v(id, call_date);

round GETDATE (SQL Server)

I have a function which is working fine in MySQL
round((now()-ts/60) as tdiff
(round the result of subtracting the current datetime from ts (also a datetime) divided by 60)
Attempting (and failing) to convert this for SQL Server.
Tried -
round((GETDATE()-ts/60) as tdiff
but that results in round function requires 2 or 3 parameters (which to me it does), so modified to -
round((GETDATE()-ts/60,0) as tdiff
but that results in the datatypes (GETDATE and ts) are incompatible in the subtract operator.
So then I attempted to cast both GETDATE and ts as date and that made no difference.
ts is a conventional datetime i.e.
2918-04-20 11:05:09 and I assumed GETDATE returned the same format.
As an example if GETDATE is today and ts is 2018-04-20 11:05:09 then tdiff is
6850891 (round effectively removes the dashes and colons and concatenates the datetime producing 20180420110509 for 2018-04-20 11:05:09 and 20180831164000 for 2018-08-31 16:40:00 and then divides by 60 to get 6850891.
Is there a remedy for this?
Regards, Ralph
GETDATE(), as per the documentation, returns a datetime. A datetime is accurate to 1/300 of a second, and it's accuracy cannot be changed.
If you want the time accurate to a second, you need to convert to a datetime2(0):
Also, however, don't use syntax like GETDATE()-ts. use the functions DATEADD and DATEDIFF for date maths.
I've no idea what GETDATE()-ts/60 is trying to acheive. Perhaps the number of minutes between the 2? DATEDIFF counts the "ticks" between 2 dates/times, thus DATEDIFF(MINUTE,'00:00:59','00:01:00') would return 1, despite there only being 1 second between the 2 times. This is because the minute value has "ticked" once (from 0 to 1). Therefore you might want to use DATEDIFF(SECOND,'00:00:59','00:01:00') / 60. This would return 0, as 1 / 60 in integer math is 0 (as is 59 / 60).
I think you want to use the DATEDIFF function:
DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )
DATEDIFF ( second, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( second, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( minute, ts, GETDATE())
DATEDIFF ( hour, ts, GETDATE())
The first argument tells it which increment of time to return.
If you are trying to find the difference between two values, then use datediff(). For instance:
select datediff(day, getdate(), ts)
gets the difference in days.
date_diff() or a related function would also be the right approach in MySQL.
sorry, I don't know if I have understand the question, you need to do date-date/60 and round the result?
In this case you have to change the minus ("-") with the DATEDIFF("Type return example DAYS", GETDATE(), ts).
So you will have ROUND((DATEDIFF(DAY,GETDATE(),ts)/60,0)
Please try and let me know if it will works for you

Explicit conversion from data type date to bigint is not allowed

This used to work with a column type of DATEIME but now it won't with DATE.
CONVERT(BIGINT,ev.StartDate) * -1
Is there anyway to get a BIGINT value from a DATE column?
You can cast the startdate as datetime for conversion.
Yet another option. This will even flip the sign for you
Declare #YourTable table (StartDate date)
Insert Into #YourTable values ('2017-05-30')
Select DateDiff(DAY,StartDate,-1)
From #YourTable
First, dates in SQL Server are counted by days from the year 1900. A big int starts to be useful at about 2.1 billion. That corresponds to a year in the range of 5.8 million. Do you really have dates that large?
Of course, casting to an int is not permitted. You can cast datetime values . . . but are there other ways?
One simple way is:
select 1 + datediff(day, 0, datecol)
The "+ 1" is needed so the value matches the actual conversion. (You can use "-1" instead of "0" instead.)
Or, perhaps you want Unix time in seconds or milliseconds. For that:
select datediff_big(ms, '1970-01-01', datecol)
You might require to convert to varchar and then bigint
select Convert(bigint,convert(varchar(10),ev.StartDate,112))*(-1)

How do you extract just date from datetime in T-Sql?

I am running a select against a datetime column in SQL Server 2005. I can select only the date from this datetime column?
Best way is:
SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(Day, 0, #ADate), 0)
This is because internally, SQL Server stores all dates as two integers, of which the first one is the ****number of days*** since 1 Jan 1900. (the second one is the time portion, stored as the number of seconds since Midnight. (seconds for SmallDateTimes, or milleseconds for DateTimes)
Using the above expression is better because it avoids all conversions, directly reading and accessing that first integer in a dates internal representation without having to perform any processing... the two zeroes in the above expression (which represent 1 Jan 1900), are also directly utilized w/o processing or conversion, because they match the SQL server internal representation of the date 1 jan 1900 exactly as presented (as an integer)..
*NOTE. Actually, the number of date boundaries (midnights) you have to cross to get from the one date to the other.
Yes, by using the convert function. For example:
select getdate(), convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)
----------------------- ----------
2010-05-21 13:43:23.117 2010-05-21
You can use the functions:
Also the Datepart() function might be of some use:
SET #dToday = CONVERT(nvarchar(20), GETDATE(), 101)
SELECT #dToday AS Today
This returns today's date at 12:00am : '2010-05-21 00:00:00.000'
Then you can use the #dToday variable in a query as needed
CONVERT (date, '2022-18-01')
I don't know why the others recommend it with varchar(x) tbh.