PDFKit in Objective-C - objective-c

I am trying to install PDFKit framework in Objective-C. I have x-code 4.4.1 but am unable to see the PDFKit Framework in build phases. Is the framework discontinued from iOS 5 ?
I want to use the the framework to view and annotate a pdf.
Can anyone let me know.

I don't think it was ever available in ios. Why don't you search for it in apple's reference manual for ios?

PDFKit is now available on iOS 11. Please refer to this answer on Objective-C implementation


sofia-sip-ua Library Compilation for RestComm iOS SDK

I am trying RestComm iOS SDK and stuck on Sofia-sip-ua library. Couldn't get it compiled. Please provide some help on this.
I am using the library code provided with
I have Xcode 7.3 and Xcode 8 on El Capitan 10.11.6
You normally don't need to compile sofia-sip-ua library as it is already compiled for you and bundled in the release binary found at the GitHub release page. If you download it you'll find it at dependencies/packages/sofia-sip-1.12.11.
For step by step instructions on how to integrate the Restcomm iOS SDK in an iOS App (including sofia-sip-ua) please refer to the Official Quick Start Guide
Also you can check any of the working sample projects as an example here
If you still have questions, please post here again.
Best regards,

Has anybody upgraded existing Universal Framework for iOS 8 and Xcode 6

There appear to be lots of people having issues since Apple's updates to support Universal Frameworks in their latest release. We have been using Universal Frameworks for quite some time. Of course, the update broke our Universal Frameworks and I have been trying to figure out how to get them to work again. I have looked at a few questions and found this one to be exceptionally helpful. There appears to be some confusion regarding whether scripts are still needed. I found some instructions here that say the new scripts are python scripts instead of shell scripts. But even with the information I have found out there, I am still confused.
Can anyone give me clear consise steps to convert an existing Universal Framework into one that compiles and builds in Xcode 6?
We are also facing similar issue when we upgraded to xcode6 and haven't found any solution so we decided to use apple ios custom cocoa touch framework .Below is the tutorial for building frameworks using xcode 6.
We have written up a step by step guide on how to implement and integrate Xcode Frameworks that describes:
1) How to create an Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
2) How to create a dependent Xcode 6 Cocoa Touch Framework.
3) How to Integrate your working Xcode 6 Frameworks and dependent Frameworks into an iOS application.
This step-by-step instruction guide can be found here:

Moving my project from Objective-C xcode 5.1 to SWIFT and xcode 6

I have a already developing and ios application on xcode 5.1 using Objective-c,
The Question:
Can I move this project to work with Swift on XCODE 6 beside keeping my objective-c chunck of code?
Yes, that's possible. I recommend reading this guide https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH2-XID_0
There are also several WWDC sessions available.

OData Client for Objective-C library for iOS 6?

I am doing iphone project, in that am using ODataProtocol, but i can't able to find the Odatagen library for iOS 6. I taken OData4ObjC Zip file, in that Frameworks are Upto iOS 4.3 libraries are there.. how can i use that Odata libraries in my app for iOS 6. Is it possible?? When you will update the latest version of libraries.
They just uploaded de IOS 6 framework https://github.com/ElizabethDuncan/OData4ObjC, hope this helps you

Facebook API - 63 Build Errors

i'm new by working with the Facebook SDK.
First i want to build this tutorial: TuT
After i add the SDK and Build i get 63 Errors from the Facebook SDK.
Here are Some:
I'm using XCODE 4.2 and iOS 5.
Hope anybody can help me.
The Facebook SDK hasn't been adopted to support ARC yet. You can try disabling ARC for all files belonging to the Facebook SDK by adding the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag for those files (under Build Phases).
If that doesn't work you'll probably have to disable ARC for the entire project. To do that set Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting to NO (Under Build Settings / All). This is probably the easier way.