black space below tabbar on iphone 5 - objective-c

I'm currently developing a new app. This app has a login screen. When you login. You go to a tabbar controller. But below my tabbar there is a black space. You can see it below here. Anybody has an idea how to get this right?

Yes this is normal, your app does not support the 4" screen size. To make sure that apps do not break apple will run apps that do not support the 4" screen in 3.5" mode.
To get your app to support the 4" Screen size add new start screen with the name Default-568h#2x.png with the dimension of 640x1136

Add Splash image of dimension 640x1136 with name Default-568h#2x.png and check again..


Xcode added Default-568#2x.png

About a week ago xcode showed me some error and when I clicked to solve the problem, xcode added this picture:
My questions are: What is it good for? Why do I need it?
Thank you.
Yes you must include one.
From Apple's Interface Guidelines
To enhance the user’s experience at app launch, you must provide at least one launch image. A launch image looks very similar to the first screen your app displays. iOS displays this image instantly when the user starts your app and until the app is fully ready to use. As soon as your app is ready for use, your app displays its first screen, replacing the launch placeholder image.
Without this default image (or a LaunchScreen storyboard), your app would not take all the available screen space on iPhones with 4" displays (iPhone 5, 5s, SE). This is the default image that those iPhones would use.
Of course you can (should!) change it with the one you designed.
Runtime, leading to the top and bottom of applications were empty out a lot , because the application is based on a 320x480 size to run.

ios9 black splash screen when using localized

When I download my app in appstore, I'm using iOS9.
My app lost splash screen, instead of black screen and screen size as iphone 4.
I don't use asset catalog.
How can I fix it? Thanks you!
To resize for each iPhone you have to use asset catalog.Use asset catalog and specify launch files for each device.This will solve your problem.

ios8 and iPhone 6 Plus Tab Bar Size

I am bulding an iOS8 app and i have noticed that on the iPhone 6 Plus my TabBars and Navigation bars are bigger than the stock Apple apps. I cant seem to find any documentation for this. How do i tell my top and bottom bars to resize for the bigger iPhones?
The screenshot below shows Maps next to my app. (Amended to show clock app instead.) I am pretty sure the clock app uses a TabBar Controller and not a toolbar as suggested below.
Do you have a proper Launch Image for the higher (#3x) resolution for the iPhone 6+? If you don't you're app is going to get scaled, which is probably why it looks bigger. Run your app with the debugger on an iPhone 6 Plus and look at the value of UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale. If it reports back "2.0", then you don't have a proper launch image for your app, the resolution is being scaled. Once you have the proper launch image, UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale should report back as 3.0.
As J2K said to you, your tab and navigation are ok. Apple Maps app uses searchbar at the top and toolbar at the bottom which are smaller. Don't waste time on this, ios will handle the size for this elements for you in all iphone sizes

application showing gray screen for a while after splash screen in winrt

I am working on winRT XAML application, in my main page i have some large images. When i launch the aplication it shows blank screen for a while in between splash screen and main screen. Any solution for this? i think same issue as in Phonegap showing white screen after the splash screen - IOS but its in winRT in my case.
This sounds like something I experienced in the past when I set the page background to an image. It can take a little while for the image to get loaded and displayed on the page, and therefore you end up with a fraction of a second of unstyled page. Is that what's going on here? If so, try reducing the size / quality of your image to see if it makes a difference. If it does, your work is just starting as you try to find an acceptable compromise between image quality and file size.
Look up "extended splash screen". The technique is basically that you make your app display a splash screen image on a solid color background that looks the same as the one displayed by the Windows shell when it starts your app. The splash screen image is small enough that when your app starts showing just the splash screen - it shows seamlessly and then you can load your first page in the background.

iOS 6 - Handle iPhone 5 screen size without Default-568h#2x.png

We are working on a game, that renders a couple splash screens while loading.
So we are not using Default.png or Default#2x.png, because it makes sense for the screen to be blank on startup.
So how to do you get iOS 6 in the iPhone 5 simulator to render our game full screen without the splash screen image mentioned here? Do we just need to think about using splash screen images? Is it the only way? I would think there should be something you can turn on in Info.plist.
We would still prefer to not use splash screen images, since it would make our app bundle larger--we are very close to 50MB.
I do not know if there are any other methods iOS uses to detect support for the iPhone 5 screen size, but maybe you can include a blank splash screen?
I completely black png shouldn't take up much space.
If you use an empty Asset Catalog for your Launch Images, the iPhone 5's screen size is supported (without having to include any image files at all).
For what i know, adding this Default is the only way to handle iPhone 5 screen.
Maybe you can just add Default images that are only black
I think you can add a 568 launch image to gain full screen, and empty Launch Images option in general setting.