Trying to Test an iPad with iOS 4.3 in Xcode 4.5 - objective-c

So, I'm trying to test a game of ours on the Xcode simulator. I'm using OSX-Mountain Lion and have Xcode 4.5, but I need to test iOS 4.3 with the iPad simulator. Is this possible?

Set the deployment target as 4.3 in build settings

Make sure your deployement target is set to iOS 4.3, and download the iOS 4.3 Simulator (in Xcode : Settings -> Downloads -> Components -> iOS 4.3 Simulator). When it's done, select "iPad 4.3 Simulator" in your scheme (top left selector on Xcode's main window), and run !


iOS 6 simulators in Xcode 5

I have installed Xcode5 with iOS 7 SDK but I am not able to test iOS 6 simulator or prior in Xcode 5.
I have tried Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Components but it doesn't show an option for downloading the iOS 6 simulator.
Open Preferences (⌘+,) then go to the Downloads tab. There you can download the simulator for the iOS you want.
This can be found where you choose the simulator and then click on "more simulators..."
To add on to Joan Cardona answer, the "More Simulators" option will only be available if your deployment target is below 7.0 .
Target -> Project Name -> Under 'Deployment Target'
Change your Deployment Target to anything lower than 7.0. The "More Simulators" option will then be visible.
Go to Xcode and it's under Xcode > Preferences.
Still we can use ios 6 simulator in xcode 5.1.
If you cant see iOS 6 simulator in downloads. Try this one,
download xcode 4 sdk and copy the ios 6 simulator sdk from xcode4,
[Application->xcode 4 ->contents->developer->platforms->iphone
simulator platform->developer->sdk folder.]
And paste ios 6 simulator sdk to xcode 5, [Application->xcode5->
platform->developer->sdk folder]
I followed this steps and got ios 6 simulator,. see below
I had this issue and resolved it by closing Xamarin studio.
Makes sense in hindsight...
Please click on active scheme and select "More Simulator",There you can download the simulator for the iOS.
Please check this screen short

AdSupport Framework not found

I have been able to make xCode 4.3.2 work with iOS 6.0 using the technique described here Is it possible to get the iOS 5.1 SDK for Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard?
When I add AdSupport.framework or other iOS 6 specific frameworks, it builds fine against the iOS device scheme with no device connected. However, as soon as I connect an iOS device it gives erros 'framework not found AdSupport'. It does not even compile against iOS Simulator 5.1
I am using iOS 6.0 as base sdk and tried deployment target of 4.3 upto 5.1 but still same error.
AdSupport.framework is only available beginning on iOS6.
You should mark the framework as Optional (Weak Reference) and ensure that when running on iOS versions below 6, that the AdSupport code is not called.

IPhone 5 Compatible application using xcode 4.3.3

I have completed my universal application using xcode 4.3.3 but when I run application in iPhone 5 , my application launches in small screen. I also changed the launched image to Default-568h#2x.png but all in vein. Please help me out , How can i make application for iPhone 5 using xcode 4.3.3?
There is no way to target iOS 6 with Xcode 4.3.3 you need to update to Xcode 4.5 or higher.
To run Xcode 4.5 or higher your mac will need to running OSX lion or higher.

Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5.1 organizer reads my iPhone with a yellow dot?

SO I have Xcode 4.2 and my iPhone 4S is running iOS 5.1 . I have an app that I want to test out in my iPhone but when I connect my iPhone to my Mac it reads the device with the Provisioning Profile and everything, but it displays a yellow dot next to the device (iPhone) list. All this is in the Organizer Window.
I also have an App ID. I just need help on how to fix the yellow dot so It can change to a green dot?
This thing worked for me
First I ran the project in xcode 3.2.5 and the project ran on iOS 5.1!!!! Later i disconnected the device and again ran the project on xcode 4.2 on snow leopard and it started working with out nay problem.Dont know how this worked
I was having snow leopard and old xcode 3.2.5

how to get ios 5.1 into xcode simulator?

iOS 5.1 was just recently released and I want to test it on my simulator but the highest available is iOS 5.0. I went to the developer centre to download it but all I could find was a list for sdk iOS 5.1 for devices (ipad, iphone, ipad 2 etc etc).
How do I get 5.1 into my simulator?
You have to install Lion and the new Xcode 4.3.1.