Biztalk Removing Schemas and orchestration from Deployed project - schema

I have 2 projects that reference the X12_00401_214.xsd. I was getting the message about duplicate schemas in the send pipeline.
Following advice I found online I create a common project and changed the map and orchestration references to the schema in the common project.
When I try to deploy the project, biztalk removes the schemas and orchestration from the other deployed EDI 214 project. If I try to redeploy to fix it, it removes them from the other project.
Is this because each project references the same common schema and biztalk is replacing the schemas and orchestrations?
I have tried redoing the orchestrations to make sure the variables were unique.
Is there a step I am missing here?

I finally traced the issue to the reference to the shared project. I had it referenced as a project reference. On each projected deploy it rebuild and deployed the shared project. This caused biztalk to drop the binding and undeploy the parts of the other project that referenced the shared project.
When I changed the project to reference only the compiled DLL, I no longer had the issue and both projects are now working.

I have 2 projects that reference the X12_00401_214.xsd. I was getting
the message about duplicate schemas in the send pipeline.
XMLNS#Root combinations of schemas must be unique. You are right that it is annoying that duplicates can be deployed and this error is only detected at run time.
Is this because each project references the same common schema and
biztalk is replacing the schemas and orchestrations?
I believe you may be adding your common schemas project to both your dependent EDI BizTalk applications. In this case, the schemas assembly will be added to the Resources of both projects, and you will have issues such as above.
The general advice here is to move common artifacts like shared or framework schemas, envelopes, pipelines, and possibly standard Exception Handling orchs etc into one or more separate BizTalk Applications (e.g. EDICommon) and define an application dependency on this from your 2 EDI Applications. There is an in depth article here. (There is no need for a BizTalk application to have any orchs or actually do any processing - it can just be a container for artifacts).
One caveat - you will need to uninstall all dependent Apps if your common schemas App changes significantly and you need to redeploy.


CI build failed in case project reference is from another .net solution

I have two independent .net projects. One is like a project which is baiscalliy to process invoice and another project is something which I am calling as common as I am keeping all sharable/reusable code under that.
Now any project can consume this common-project by adding it via add Existing project option so that source code will not move to consumer project which is Invoice management in my case.
Now if I add common project as reference and run my CI pipeline its failed as its not able to find the path of common project which is obvious as it may be different from my local machine to build server.
Now the solution that I am aware of are below :
Make common as Nuget package and use it under invoice management.
Build common project dll at some centralized file server and give that path in Invoice management
for reference instead of absolute path.
Both solutions are not simple to implement so I am looking for any better quick solution for the situation where project setup is like this and CI build has to execute.
The best would be actually reference via NuGet package. However, there is a third option which I do not recommend. You can use multiple repository pipeline. You will checkout there two repositories. In thi case you have to mimic folder structure wich you will get on AzureDevops. Otherwise build will fail as it will not find the references.

Deploy multiple configurations from command line without changing project files

Please don't be too harsh, because I do not grasp this entirely correctly still, but msbuild/msdeploy is giving me some headaches lately.
Hopefully someone can provide a textual aspirin of some kind? So here is what I want to do:
I have a web application project, that has multiple configurations, thus multiple web.config-transforms.
I would like to deploy this project from command line.
I would rather not want to modify its project file. (I want to be able to do this for several web applications so as least as editing as possible is much appreciated)
I would like to be able to build it only once and then deploy the different configurations from it.
So far I deployed from command line using something like this:
msbuild D:\pathToFile\DeployVariation01.csproj
And this performs just what I want, except it only deploys the "Debug"-Configuration.
How can I, with minimal adjustments, make it deploy my other configurations as well?
I was thinking maybe I could build a package that includes all my configurations and then deploy from that and decide "while deploying" which configuration to deploy?
Unfortuanetly I am pretty much stuck here, the approaches I have read about all seem to require some modifications to project files, is there a way around that?
I am still not really where I want to be here :).
But I looked into this PackageWeb-approach (also interesting video about that here) and it seems pretty nice; I can now build a package that includes all my transforms and then deploy from that as often as I want into multiple configurations.
One thing that I dislike about this is that I have to store my password in plain text into the generated parameters file for the powershell script, does someone know a way around this, I really would rather have that being an encrypted password.
Also other approaches to solve my original problem are still appreciated.
I am working on the same problem and am taking two paths using Microsoft Web Deploy or MSDeploy which is now in version 3.0.
I first compile the project using MSBUILD using the Package target passing in system.configuration, system.packagelocation. The Package Target generates a set of package files including a {PackageName}.SetParameters.xml file. The SetParameters.xml file by default allows on-publish changes to ConnectionStrings without recompiling when using msdeploy.exe to publish the file. The publish transformation process can also be customized by adding a parameters.xml file to the process defining additional parameterized web.config settings which can be changed at deploy time.
After the initial build I use the {PackageName}.deploy.cmd file generated by MSBUILD during the Package process to deploy the package to the target website. The Package process essentially duplicates the process you are currently doing from MSBUILD in that I can publish one Build-Configuration web.config transform from one compile. The process provides a consistent deployment process that can target remote servers from a central CI environment, which is great from a purely deployment process. The PackageBuild/Deploy process is parameterized within TeamCity, requiring changes to only a few parameters to setup a new deployment.
Like you, I cannot, however, compile a single version of code and deploy to multiple servers using the process as it exists today - which is my current focus. I want to parameterize the transform in a Continuous Deployment, build-once-deploy-many pattern to Dev, QA, User Testing, Staging, and Production.
I anticipate using one of two methods:
Create a Parameters.xml file for each project defining the variable deployment parameters along with a custom {ServerName}.SetParameters.xml for each target deployment, both to be used in conjunction with msdeploy.exe.
a. I am not sure defining a parameters.xml is a flexible enough process for my needs as the current project inserts and removes a variable number of web.config settings. Implementing a parameters file incorporating all of the variables could be too complex for my taste. I would also end up creating all of the target transformations, instead of the current developers initiated process. Not ideal.
I am following up on very recent updates to VS2012 Web Tools 2012.2 which allow tying a web.config transform to the publish profiles (profile.pubxml) now stored under SolutionName/Properties/PublishProfiles in VS2012.
VS2012 release 2012.2 adds the capability to create a second transform tied to the publish profile. The resulting transform process first runs the build configuration transformation, followed by the publish transformation, i.e. Release Transform followed by TargetServer Transform. Sayed Hashimi has a great YouTube video demonstrating the entire process using MSBUILD.
What is not entirely clear is whether the second transform is supported separately from the build using MSDeploy in a Continuous Deployment, build-once-deploy-many Pattern, or if the publish transformation is only supported during a separate Package/Build for each target transformation.
Option 1 will definitely work for some environments and was my first plan for tackling a Continuous Deployment process. I would much rather use Web Transforms to accomplish the process if possible.
An outside third possibility is using one of several CodePlex commandline projects that are capable of transforming web.config using the XDT transform engine. Unfortunately, using these tools would mean splicing the results into the Build/Package MSBUILD process in order to get the resulting web.config transformation into the deployment package - something I've not yet been successful in accomplishing. Sayed Hashimi also has a PackageWeb project from 2012 that might work as well. I am hoping his more recent work replaces the need for the extra steps involved in the packageweb solution.
Let me know if you decide on a solution - as I am definitely interested.

Building lots of similar projects with MSBuild

Our solution has got a ton of projects in it, and our MSBuild file is becoming a gigantic, unstable morass of angle brackets that has gotten so large that I've begun to be scared to touch it. However, I noticed that most of our projects fall into two groups.
There are web projects, which have a .csproj extension and are built and deployed using web deployment projects to dump them into a directory. There is also a configuration transform process. Basically, to deploy a web project, one only needs the project name, the output directory, and the config transforms.
Similarly, we have an ever-increasing number of service apps that will live under TopShelf. These are basically dlls that are built from .csproj files. Like the above websites, they undergo a config transform, but they are copied to the output directory instead of going through the web deployment steps.
It occurred to me that it would be really slick if I could simply provide the MSBuild project with a couple of text files (one for the webs and the other for the services) that MSBuild could then use to dynamically compile all the various projects. I was thinking that if I could just feed it a comma-delimited list of projects, output locations, and config replacement files that there might be a way to get msbuild to read them in, iterate over them, and dump out the projects where they are supposed to go.
However, my MSBuild-fu is weak. How do I even get started on this?
You can start here, this is part 2.
For config files I'm using XmlPreprocess tool for config files manipulation. It is using one mapping file for multiple environments. You can edit mapping file by Excel. It is very easy to use.

How to use Ivy/Ant to build using intermediate artifacts

I am trying to revise my build process to use ant with apache ivy for my personal projects. These consist of a few shared modules, and a few application modules that depend on the shared modules. For the sake of this post, let's simplify and say I have a shared module (common), and an application module (application) which depends on common. Each module has it's own effective svn repository:
I check out the relevant revision into a common workspace, in a flat structure:
In general, application will depend on a published version of common, so there will be no need to build common when building application.
However, when I need to add new functionality to common that is required by application, I would then like application to depend on the latest common build from my workspace (without needing to publish common to my repository).
I assumed this is what latest.integration meant (i.e. changing application's ivy.xml to specify latest.integration for the common revision). My intention was to use the ivy buildlist task to find the local modules that needed to be built before application could be built. This does not work however, because the buildlist task seems to include the common/build.xml entry regardless of whether application's ivy.xml file specifies latest.integration or some other published revision.
I would appreciate any suggestions. I am struggling with ivy's documentation and samples, so any real-world examples would also be helpful. Note: I am not interested in a Maven solution here.
Wow, this is truly deja vu! Go back to some of my first questions on this site from 3 - 4 months ago and they're almost all Ivy-related! I empathize with you 100% that Ivy is a difficult beast to learn and tame, but after using it professionally for a few months now, I'll never develop without it again. So my first piece of advice: keep going. Sooner or later, what little (practical) documentation you find on Apache Ivy will alll start to make sense and fall into play.
I can understand there may be extenuating reasons for why you don't want to publish your common to your repo. However, if you are a newcome to transitive dependency management, the first piece of practical advice I can give you is that you should always publish your JARs/WARs/whatever to your repo; not an intermediary "integration" local to your workspace.
The reason for this is simple: Ivy only has the ability to crawl the repositories you define in your settings file (basically). If you deliberately keep a JAR like common outside of one of these defined repositories, then: (a) Ivy has no way to resolve transitive dependencies (its primary job), and (b) "downstream" (dependent) JARs fail to be dynamically updated every time you tweak common. Thus, using Ivy only to not publish JARs is a bit counter-productive; I'm surprised Ivy even includes it as a feature.
I guess I would need to understand your motivation for not publishing common. If you're simply having problems getting the ivy:publish task to work, no worries I can provide plenty of examples to help get you started. But if there are some other reasons, then I ask you to consider this solution: set up multiple repositories.
Perhaps you have one "primary" repository where mostly everything gets published; and then you have a "secondary" or "intermediary" repository where you publish common to whenever it makes sense (for you) to do that. You can then configure your Ant build with two different publish tasks, such as publish-main and publish-integration.
That way you get the best of both worlds: you get your intermediary staging area, and you get to keep everything inside of Ivy's powerful control.

Best practice for storing and referencing DLL libraries?

Often times a developer on my team will create a new Visual Studio project and reference a DLL somewhere on their local machine (e.g., C:\mydlls\homersimpson\test.dll). Then, when I get the project from the source control repository, I cannot build the project because I do not have the referenced dll in the exact same location on my machine.
What is the best practice for storing and referencing shared libraries?
I typically create a lib folder in my project, where I put the referenced dll's. Then I point the reference to the dll in the lib folder. This way, every developer can build the project after retrieving from source control.
If it's a project that was built in house, you could also add that project to your solution.
If the assembly is not in the GAC, create a directory called dependencies and add all assemblies there. The folder and the assemblies are added to source control. The rule is that given any project in source control, all that is required to build is to do a checkout and build the project (or run some tool that is also checked into the project).
If you add a folder to the solution and add the assemblies to the solution folder, this also provides a visual cue to the devs that indicates what external dependencies are present... all dependencies are in that directory. Relative paths ensure that Visual Studio can locate the references without a problem.
For large solutions, with 20+ projects, this makes life much easier!
Best practice I would expect would have Your SC repository include and enforce the relative locations of referenced objects for you (usually via a shared path), so you aren't dealing with this issue directly. The original developer should check in this information.
If you check in the actual DLLs into source control, then you can reference them by relative path and all developers will automatically get any dependencies when they next update the project.
Adding a DLL reference by full path would be a developer error just as adding a source file by full path would be an error.
Rule of thumb: If the project isn't a part of the solution, reference released dlls from a source controlled /binshare or /lib directory that is under your solution's source control tree. All external dependencies should have versioned DLLs that go in this /binshare directory.
I understand what your co-worker is doing in regards to convenience. However, that developer's approach is diametrically opposed to proper configuration/build management.
Example: If you use the MS Data Application Block as a dependency in your application, you should reference a properly released binary, instead of getting latest from MS's dev source trunk.
I think this approach is quite the opposite of what I would consider best practice. I think it would be a much better approach to keep the third party binaries out of the source repository and reference them through something like a Maven repository in your build process. Putting the dlls in the source repository unnecessarily bloats the contents of the repository and results in gets of projects taking considerably longer then necessary. It also makes the independent management of the third party binaries' versions obfuscated by not referencing the version by name but rather implied by referencing the dll of a particular version stored in the projects lib folder.
Why not set up a private NuGet-feed? This way, there is only a single copy of a dependency (the NuGet repository) and multiple projects can reference it. Multiple versions of the dependency can coexist, and each project can reference a different version, if necessary. Also, TFS Build can restore the packages at build time.
Configuring VS: