Red5 1.0 does not play any videos after seeking - red5

I'm using Red5 1.0.0-RC2 and it doesn't play any video after seeking a previous one. The process is the following:
1. start the Red5 server
2. open the client in the browser and "play" with the seekbar
3. shortly it stops working
4. reload the browser
5. it does not play anything and in the red5 console output there are no lines such as:
[INFO] [pool-4-thread-1] videocv.Application - W3C x-category:stream x-event:play c-ip: x-sname:f0fd1a01-6c68-4bf5-b0e6-18d55921baa0
[INFO] [pool-4-thread-1] videocv.Application - streamPlayItemPlay
[INFO] [pool-4-thread-1] videocv.Application - W3C x-category:stream x-event:play c-ip: x-sname:f0fd1a01-6c68-4bf5-b0e6-18d55921baa0 x-name:1/2/1.flv

Can you duplicate that issue on ? We are basically using Red5 too, I don't think that issue is a general issue, it more has todo with your specific app or the video that you playback.


TokBox Publisher failed to publish in a reasonable amount of time

I am implementing a video recording for my web application using OpenTok's js library.
Currently using .NET and JavaScript SDK to record the video.
The video recording is working on Chrome and Firefox, but it is not working on Mobile Safari 12.3.1, resulting in so many errors.
It works sometimes, but most of the time, it results in an error.

How to stream video in iOS app from GoPro HERO4?

How to stream video in iOS app from GoPro HERO4? I am able to steam using GoPro HERO3. I have tried several ways but failed to stream.
To start streaming you need to execute the URL:
To stop:
Next you can download streaming data using port UDP 8554.
Unfortunately this solution working only with old software version. With last one 02.00.00 not working.

Cannot view video from publisher using Chrome to iPad with OpenTok

I'm currently trying to set up a connection between my web client and my iOS app, but for some reason my iOS client only sees a black box when using Chrome (version 33). I can see the video just fine if I use Firefox (both in my app and when I put the browsers side-by-side, they can see each other).
This doesn't appear to be a documented known issue with the JavaScript SDK, and I can't see any recent discussion about this on the forums (last post was mine).
The iOS sample can be located here (samples/OpenTokHelloWorld) with the browser page in samples/OpenTokHelloWorld/browser_demo.html
I suggest cd'ing into samples/OpenTokHelloWorld and running python -m SimpleHTTPServer, as it can't be run from a file:/// path.
Here is what my iPad sees:
And Chrome/Firefox (respectively), both publishing video from the same camera
Edit: after testing on other machines, it may be something specific to my environment even though none of my extensions run in Incognito and I don't have any custom plugins installed.
It looks like the OpenTok mobile SDKs with the specific webcam I was using has issues. On Android the video stream will display for a brief moment then segfault, and on iOS there will be no video at all.
I have tested this many times and could not reproduce what you are seeing in your chrome.
Without seeing any console errors or iOS logs the best suggestion is to try clearing your cache, or maybe restarting your computer (longshot)

How to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app

I want to know how to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app.
I am using media element and binding source with the specific url.But video it not playing well if the video is on the local machine it able to play.
thanks in advance for any suggestion
I'd suggest the Player Framework, it works well from my usages with remote videos.

Red5 cutting streams

I have a flex app that was developed using wowza as media server. The purpose of the app is to record the microphone of the client. I have to switch over to red5 now, and so I set up a VM with red5. I had success in creating streams, but only a small part of the audio is saved correctly on the flv files under the stream/ folders. Why is that happening? Could anybody point me out some suggestions, as I am aware only of the possibility to rewrite extending RTMPClient instead of using NetStream and NetConnection.
You should check the version of Red5.
Are/were you using Red5 version 1.0 ? There is a bug in that which truncates a lot from both ends in the final .flv.
You could downgrade to a lower version or use 1.0.2. It works fine in these.